Tag "felmérés"

Tesco asks customers to weigh their food bins

Coupling up with Hubbabb, Tesco launches a 6 week trial project aimed to make British households reduce the food waste of 6.6 million tons they produce a year. Shoppers are...

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Home! Home!

A recent survey by NetPincér says ordering breakfast has become popular in Hungary, together with the home delivery of alcoholic drinks in the evening period. Food orders have peaked again,...

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Coronavirus pandemic generated record-level sales growth in e-commerce

According to a joint survey by GKI Digital and Árukereső.hu, in the first six months of 2020 domestic online sales exceeded gross HUF 355 billion, which constitutes a 35-percent growth...

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Shopping experience and stable operation is the key to success in e-commerce

Between mid-March and the end of April more than 50,000 new shoppers appeared in e-commerce, while the average order value and the number of basket items both grew – reveals...

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Experience, but a frustrating one

For 58 percent of the nearly 3.5 million online shoppers shopping in the digital space is a frustrating experience – reveals the Mastercard-commissioned Payment Experience Report. The report points out...

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GfK increasingly important role of manufacturers, the responsibility of manufacturers

At international level, GfK prioritises the continuous monitoring of customer attitudes related to sustainability. In Hungary, the last time we surveyed the environmental awareness of household managers was in May...

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The second wave has no limiting effect on our lives yet

According to the results of the Ipsos Omnibus research series, which is conducted with the personal interview of 1,000 adult Hungarian citizens every month, Hungarians are less cautious in their...

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Investor survey: sentiment has improved, but many market participants fear protracted stagnation

Within the global institutional investment community, perceptions of the medium-term global economic outlook have improved, but the latest survey says many fear a prolonged stagnation following the economic crisis caused...

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GKI: consumer confidence index continued to decline in September

GKI’s consumer confidence index slowed down for three months after falling in April, but rose slightly, but in August and September expectations deteriorated slightly: from minus 29.6 points in August...

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What happens when kids are planning home issues

In its Taking care together is good! program, Zewa spent seven weeks examining how families with young children relate to housework and gender roles, and how children react when they...

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Domestic e-commerce saw record growth, according to a survey

Due to the coronavirus, domestic e-commerce achieved a record annual growth of 34.8 percent and a gross turnover of 355 billion HUF in the first 6 months, according to research...

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Ipsos- Hungarians do not worry about the second wave of the virus

For five consecutive months, i.e. since its appearance in Europe, the number one fear of the world’s citizens is the coronavirus pandemic. FIGURE: What is causing you concern? – Coronavirus...

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OMV has prepared the first wide-ranging overview of school attendance in Hungary

As a result of the virus situation, an unprecedented situation arises in Hungary as well. The children sit back in the school benches after a break of nearly half a...

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Employment is expected to improve in Germany, according to ifo

German companies have already begun easing their redundancy plans, suggesting a trend-reversal approach, according to a survey submitted to the MTI by the ifo Institute for Economic Research at the...

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GKI: economic expectations deteriorated in August

The dynamic rise in the GKI business cycle index came to a halt in August after the April low, with half of the April fall caused by the pandemic being...

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Innovation was ‘inspired’ by the lockdowns

Human Telex Consulting made a research in the second half of June to see what effect has COVID had on the innovation of different organisations. They were curious whether drastic...

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Only half of households have a reserve for 2 months, according to a survey

Only half of Hungarian employees have enough reserves for 2 months, while those who have recently lost their jobs are reserved for an average of 3 months, according to a...

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How do you have your coffee?

OMV has conducted a Hungarian coffee consumption survey with 2,000 respondents. It turned out that 45 percent drink espresso, long coffee is preferred by 19 percent and 17 percent drink...

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You can stay in your home office

With the partial revival of the economy, the expectations of companies have also improved this year, as according to K & H’s June survey, almost half of Hungarian small and...

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Profession.hu: people worked 5 days a week from home during the time of the emergency at 33 percent of the companies

At the time of the emergency, employees worked 5 days a week from home during the time of the emergency at 33 percent of the companies. 16 percent had 3-4...

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ICSC: Back-to-school shopping spend to rise; will extend into September

The average consumer expects to spend more on back-to-school items this year than in 2019, despite continued uncertainty over school openings amid COVID-19. That’s according to a survey by the...

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The future belongs to responsible consumption according to Cetelem’s research

More subdued, health- and environment-conscious demand could replace the mass consumption typical of the last thirty years, according to the international Cetelem Panorama 2020 survey. Every year, Cetelem Bank’s representative...

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Ipsos: What Worries the World?

77 per cent of the Hungarians think that things are going on the wrong track in their country. The biggest concerns are connected to health care – claims the latest...

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2020: The Year Of Fast Changing Consumer Behaviour

According to the latest report of PwC, new consumer trends grew stronger during and after COVID-19. These changes will make the retail sector to base their businesses on new foundations....

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Dairy alternatives are conquering

Due to the increase in the number of consumers seeking to reduce the consumption of flexiterarian, ie meat and animal food products, the popularity of dairy alternatives is also increasing...

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OTP survey: The majority of respondents liked home office

The months-long home office has ended: most people are already going to work – penzcentrum.hu wrote. Workers are more sensitive to health security than ever before. A quarter of the...

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BNP Paribas Cardif We are much more motivated to work as a result of the crisis and we are more worried for our job

Although the health emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic has thoroughly shaken the long-stable domestic labor market, there is still a partly optimistic mood among workers. At the same time,...

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Global State of Small Business Report

Small businesses are the unsung heroes of the global economy – creating jobs and growth in every country and helping to reduce poverty and income inequality. But they are facing...

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The opportunities of eating have narrowed as a result of the pandemic

The closure of restaurants and their reopening with reduced operation did not leave dining options untouched at work – this was revealed in a joint survey by Wolt and Profession.hu....

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According to a survey, 45 percent of Hungarian companies do not expect a recession this year

Hungarian companies are more optimistic than the European average, because while 56 percent of European companies expect a recession within a year, only 50 percent of Hungarian companies believe that...

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