Tag "euróövezet"

The value of trade in goods in the EU has increased

The value of trade between the euro area and the European Union rose significantly in March, not surprisingly in light of the fact that the coronavirus pandemic had just exploded...

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Euro area and EU GDP declined in the first quarter

In the first quarter of this year the gross domestic product of the euro area decreased compared to the previous quarter, the European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat reported on Tuesday....

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EU forecast: growth prospects improved significantly

The growth prospects for the European Union and the euro area have improved significantly, according to the European Commission’s (EC) spring economic forecast. Although the rate of growth will vary...

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IHS Markit: eurozone economic performance boosted in April

Eurozone private sector performance rose in April for the second consecutive month in April, after manufacturing output grew at its strongest pace for more than 23 years, and after a...

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Consumer confidence improved in April in the euro area and in the EU

Consumer confidence in the euro area and the European Union has improved markedly in April, according to a preliminary flash estimate published by the European Commission on Thursday. In the...

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The ZEW Eurozone and German Economic Index declined strongly in April, but remains highly optimistic

For April, instead of the expected increase, the ZEW Economic Research Institute’s investor sentiment index in Germany and the euro area declined, but in absolute terms it is at a...

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Retail sales in the euro area increased in February

In February, retail sales in the euro area increased much more than expected, according to a report by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. In February, seasonally adjusted retail sales...

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Performance growth in the euro area started in March

In March, the euro area economy started to grow due to a strong strengthening of manufacturing performance, according to the final results of a survey of purchasing managers at the...

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The euro area unemployment rate stagnated in February

In February, instead of the expected decline, the unemployment rate in the euro area remained at the January level, according to a report by the European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat,...

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Since the beginning of the crisis, the euro area trade surplus has fallen to its lowest level

The euro area trade surplus in the euro area declined more than expected in January compared with the previous month, but was still higher than a year before – according...

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Euro area inflation peaked at a near 1-year high

Inflation in the euro area reached a peak of almost 1 year in February, but core inflation slowed compared to January, according to the final data published by Eurostat on...

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Investor confidence in the euro area has improved to a more than one-year high

The Sentix Economic Research Institute’s eurozone investor confidence index rose better than expected in March, reaching its highest level since February last year. Sentix’s investor confidence index rose to plus...

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The economic performance of the euro area declined less than expected in February

The euro area’s economic performance had been shrinking for the fifth month in February, but to a lesser extent than in the previous month, mainly due to an unprecedented rise...

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Economic sentiment in the euro area and in the EU improved in February

Economic sentiment in the euro area improved better than expected in February, according to a report by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) on Thursday,...

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Improved fourth quarter GDP data in Eurostat’s second estimate

The European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat) improved last year’s fourth quarter GDP data in its second estimate released by the European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat) on Tuesday. In the 19...

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Sentix’s eurozone investor sentiment index deteriorated in February

Instead of the expected improvement, the Sentix Economic Research Institute’s euro area investor sentiment index deteriorated in February. The survey also showed a deterioration in the assessment of the current...

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Euro area inflation was higher than expected in January

In January, the annual consumer price index turned higher than expected and rose to its highest level in a year in the euro area from deflation in the previous five...

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Retail sales in the euro area grew faster than expected in December

Thanks to Christmas shopping, euro area retail sales grew at a faster pace than expected in December. The European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat) announced on Thursday that seasonally adjusted data...

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Economic sentiment in the euro area deteriorated in January

Economic sentiment in the euro area and the European Union deteriorated in January, according to a report by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG EcFin). The...

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Economic activity in the euro area weakened in January

In January, euro area economic activity declined more than expected, according to preliminary data from a survey of procurement managers at the IHS Markit Economic Research Institute in London. The...

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Government debt as a share of GDP has increased in the euro area and the EU

The ratio of government debt to gross domestic product (GDP) increased by the end of the third quarter, compared to the quarter and a year earlier as a result of...

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Consumer confidence in the EU deteriorated in January

In January, consumer confidence in the euro area and the European Union deteriorated, compared to December. According to a preliminary flash estimate published by the European Commission on Thursday, the...

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Consumer prices in the euro area also fell in December

In December last year, for the fifth month in a row, consumer prices fell on an annual basis in the euro area, according to a report published by the European...

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Household savings in the euro area have declined significantly but remain high

Euro area household savings rates declined significantly, but remained high in the third quarter of last year. According to a report released by the Statistical Office of the European Union...

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Investor confidence in the euro area returned to pre-crisis levels in January

In January, the euro area investor confidence index of the Sentix Economic Research Institute performed better than expected and for the first time since the coronavirus crisis. Sentix’s investor confidence...

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Employment increased in the third quarter in the euro area

Employment in the euro area grew more than expected in the third quarter, according to a report by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. The number of employees in the...

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The euro area saw the highest GDP growth in its history in the third quarter

The euro area’s gross domestic product grew less than first estimated, but still the largest ever recorded, in the third quarter compared with the previous quarter, according to a report...

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Markit’s euro area PMI indicator indicates a decline in GDP for the fourth quarter

The performance of the euro area economy deteriorated less than expected in November, compared with the previous month, but it also predicts a decline in gross domestic product in the...

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