Tag "élelmiszer"

The market builds community

It is important to preserve our Hungarian culture in Hungary, and going to the market is also an integral part of Hungarian culture – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, the State...

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Safety also comes first in the food industry

Health protection, food safety, and fair food trade have long been central issues, said Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for food industry and trade...

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Feel free to eat local fruits

The responsible and conscious decision in all areas is to consume seasonal, i.e., domestic fruit harvested at the time of natural ripening, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy. The head...

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Dietary supplements for men have been withdrawn from circulation by Nébih

Another two dietary supplements for men did not comply with the regulations, as the products contained active pharmaceutical ingredients. Nébih obliged the distributors of Dr. Hard and Superhero dietary supplement...

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István Nagy: the most important goal of the government is to strengthen the Hungarian economy

Strengthening the Hungarian economy, protecting families and jobs is the most important goal of the government – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared on Saturday at the handover ceremony of...

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Grain growers are confident in a good harvest

Hungarian grain growers are confident of a good harvest, their herds are developing nicely – said the president of the National Association of Grain Growers when asked by MTI. Tamás...

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László Bódis: we can take steps towards sustainability with small, everyday attentions

We can take steps towards sustainability with small everyday attentions, such as not throwing away 40 percent of the food we buy, turning off the lights when we leave a...

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A call for tenders supporting the joining of agricultural producers to the quality system has been published

Between March 1, 2023 and August 31, 2023, agricultural producers can again apply for non-refundable support in connection with joining the European Union and national quality systems. Such a notified,...

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Government backs the creation of online price monitoring system

Csaba Balázs Rigó, president of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has initiated the creation of a price watch system in the food sector. Minister for Economic Development Márton Nagy expressed...

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Chain-based thinking is important in the development of the food industry

The most important goal of the food industry in the coming years is for people to have access to even more safe, high-quality Hungarian food – stated Dr. Beáta Felkai,...

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NAK: Transcarpathian Hungarian farmers received a seed donation

Transcarpathian Hungarian farmers received 500 bags of seeds donated by Hungarian producers and agricultural companies, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) told MTI on Wednesday. The donation was made...

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Protecting pollinators is our common duty

Agriculture Minister István Nagy and Slovenia’s ambassador Marjan Cencen drew attention to the protection of pollinators and the preservation of biological diversity by planting trees together. The head of the...

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The new regulation regarding insect proteins came into force

Stricter regulations have entered into force, foods containing insect protein must be marked with the words “Caution! The food contains insect protein!” term, and they must be displayed separately from...

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In Italy, a regulation regulates the sale of foods containing insect meal

In Italy, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for the Protection of National Products regulate the labeling and sale of foods containing insect meal in...

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The government condemns and opposes all forms of introduction of local land taxes

The Ministry of Agriculture and the government stand by the Hungarian farmers and therefore condemn and oppose all forms of the introduction of local land taxes, said the Minister of...

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The consortium led by Sole-Mizo develops special-purpose food and formula ingredients with support

The consortium led by Sole-Mizo Zrt. is developing milk protein-based, special-purpose food and formula ingredients with the use of HUF 996.44 million in non-reimbursable support from the European Union. In...

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Retail turnover decreased by 4.5%

Slightly below expectations, according to the raw data, the volume of retail trade decreased by 3.9%, and adjusted for the calendar effect by 4.5%, while sales revenue jumped by 22.2%...

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The French government announces an “anti-inflation quarter” in supermarkets

The French government agreed with the big supermarket chains to keep food prices “as low as possible” until June; within the framework of the “anti-inflation quarter”, supermarkets can freely choose...

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A trade fair for everyone: an overview of interpack 2023

Don’t know where to turn in the exhibition halls? This cannot happen on interpack. In order to ensure that visitors can find everything they are looking for, the professional offer...

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A new food has been also approved in Hungary, the pili nut

The Commission’s executive order (EU) 2023/267 on Canarium ovatum Engl. on authorizing the placing on the market of dried walnuts as a traditional food from a third country and amending...

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Development in the vegan beauty market is explosive

A new study released by the UK’s leading vegan charity has revealed that interest in vegan beauty products is at an all-time high after growing steadily over the past 10...

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Mangalica, the connoisseur’s pig

In Hungary, pork consumption has increased recently, it has now reached 30 kilograms per person per year, and is in second place after the poultry sector – said Tamás Tarpataki,...

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Could crickets be a secret ingredient?

In recent days, Nébih has received many requests: is it true that producers will soon be able to add “crickets and beetles” to food without any labeling? The news in...

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In Hungary, products containing insect proteins receive a unique label

In order to provide customers with accurate information, the Ministry of Agriculture is amending the food labeling regulation so that products containing insect proteins can be clearly distinguished and separated...

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Billa, Walmart… Hungarians would welcome these international supermarket chains with open arms

Buyers would like to see several other global companies in Hungary, but they would not only buy food or clothes, but also beauty products in the newly established stores, reports...

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AM: the call for tenders supporting joining the quality system has been published

Between March 1 and August 31, agricultural producers can once again apply for support in connection with joining the European Union and national quality systems – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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MATE and Fino Food Kft. developed health-protecting dairy products.

Health-protecting dairy products were developed by the Kaposvár campus of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) and Fino Food Kft.; the food produced as a result of...

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There are only a few days left until the deadline for reporting the annual activities of non-state laboratories

January 31 is the final date for non-state laboratories to submit their annual activity report to Nébih. All of this applies equally to operational and service laboratories. The data is...

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Rules for preserving the productivity of our soils in the KAP

In the new EU support period between 2023 and 2027, the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) offers Hungarian farmers a variety of options and choices – stated the State Secretary of...

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The goal is to achieve sustainable plant protection

The agricultural government agrees with the implementation of sustainable plant protection, the reduction of the environmental burden, the mitigation of risks arising from the use of pesticides, stated Márton Nobilis,...

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