Tag "állattenyésztés"

Black mangalica has become a protected, indigenous breed

The black mangalica was recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture in June 2019 as a stand-alone breed, and an amendment to the zootechnical regulation issued at the end of January...

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KSH: crop and livestock performance increased last year

The volume of crop production increased by 0.9 percent and livestock production by 6.3 percent, compared to last year – according to the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the...

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Hungarian goose production is also dominant at European level

Hungarian goose production is also dominant at European level, with 1.3 million geese last year – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Poultry Product Council (BTT) announced on...

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The Ministry of Agriculture helps the competitiveness of Hungarian livestock farmers with subsidies

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) also provides subsidies to Hungarian livestock farmers to help the sector cope with strong international competition – the Ministry announced on Friday. According to the...

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AM Minister of State: The Ministry has launched a strategy for gene conservation

This year, the implementation of the plans set out in the gene conservation strategy was started with the provision of a 12.3 billion HUF funding, the Minister of State of...

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The programs of the Kiskunfélegyháza Goose Festival are extended every day

All eleven districts of Bács-Kiskun County will present their values at the Kiskunfélegyháza Goose Festival on 6 and 7 September in the framework of County Days. Kovács-Csonka Szilvia, director of...

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The largest cow farms

One of the German agricultural portals has gathered the world’s largest farms – origo wrote. These farms breed hundreds of thousands of cows and have millions of hectares of land....

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Swine fever is a growing problem globally

The African swine fever, one of the most terrible animal disease appears in more and more countries, in recent years – origo wrote. Where the disease-causing virus emerges, it poses...

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Pig exports jumped

Seven percent fewer cattle, one percent less poultry, and four percent fewer pigs were slaughtered in domestic slaughterhouses in the first quarter of 2019 compared to January-March 2018 – Magyar...

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Nagy István: the new Animal Husbandry Act establishes a successful era in the sector

The new Animal Husbandry Act establishes a successful livestock breeding era. The draft is already before the Parliament – the Minister of Agriculture said on Wednesday in Domony. In his...

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AM: 8.6 billion support HUF for breeding sows this year

In 2019, the government earmarked 8.6 billion forints for breeding sows and 10.5 billion forints for animal welfare in the budget – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on Monday...

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The government supports animal husbandry

Livestock farmers can rely on the help of the government and the Ministry of Agriculture – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told in Hódmezővásárhely. Farkas...

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Despite the challenges, the output of the pig sector has increased

Despite the Russian embargo and market crisis caused by African swine fever, emissions from the pig sector grew by 3 percent and 1.8 percent, respectively, last year – Feldman Zsolt,...

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AM: the ministry is doing its utmost for the competitiveness of the egg, vegetable and fruit sectors

The state’s margin of maneuver is influenced by Hungarian and EU legislation when influencing market processes, while the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) makes use of all possibilities and grabs all...

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The campaign to encourage mangalica consumption lasts until 18 April

For the first time this year, the campaign that promotes the consumption of mangalica meat with the title “Eat good – the mangalica meat is special” lasts until 18 Apri,...

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Nébih found an illegal pig farm in Pest County

Fifty-five illegally kept pigs were found by the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) in an Animal Husbandry site in Pest County that repeatedly violated the statutory regulations – told...

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Nébih’s campaign promotes responsible animal husbandry

Responsible animal husbandry is promoted in the campaign of the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) – Pallós László, National Chief Inspector of Animal Protection at Nébih told M1 news...

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The University of Szeged started a research to reduce the risk of swine embryo deaths

The University of Szeged launched a research to reduce the risk of swine embryo deaths with the partners of the University of Szeged, with theUBM Feed Kft. and the ADEXGO...

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The volume of plant production and livestock production increased

Hungary was among the best performing EU countries on the basis of the real income of production factors per labor unit – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of the...

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Nagy István: the Hungarian mangalica products conquer the world market

The Hungarian mangalica products conquered the world market from Singapore to Canada. They are present among others in Japan, the United States, Brazil, but also play a role in our...

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The world’s largest cattle can be found in Australia

The seven-year-old Knickers is 194 centimeters high and weights 1400 kilogrammes. It is twice as big as other cattle – origo wrote. Source: 7news Central Queensland How Knickers could grow...

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AM: The new Animal Breeding Act serves the interests of Hungarian breeders

It is an important aspect when creating a new livestock breeding law to defend and assist Hungarian breeders as well as to help to strengthen the domestic breeding organization within...

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A robotized cow-shed was handed over in Kocs on Thursday

In the fully automated facility of the Aranykocsi Zrt. the animals are milked by robots, furthermore the feed, fertilization and other necessary operations are also made by robots. The investment...

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Half a billion forints compensation for African swine fever

This year, Mangalica breeders can apply for an income replacement support of half a billion forints allowances due to African swine fever – according to the decree of the Minister...

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Untapped opportunities for sheep and goat breeding

Hungary’s natural features are excellent for sheep and goat farming, but there are still a lot of untapped potential in the sector – agrarszektor.hu quotes the words of the Minister...

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Ten-year record in Argentine beef production

USDA analysts expect that next year as many cattle will be bred in Argentina as in 2009. The weakening of peso against the dollar has made it a great opportunity...

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Artificial meat against climate change

The emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture could be spectacularly reduced – experts say, if people would consume meat produced in the laboratory – agrarszektor.hu wrote. A serious portion of...

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Pork prices have increased

Last year, we were able to sell pigs more expensive, but the rampant heat is holding back the output this year – agrarszektor.hu wrote. There was a demand situation in...

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Nagy István: the gray-cattle has a great future

The fate of the Hungarian gray cattle is a proof that in addition that it has a past and present it has a serious future as well- Nagy István, Minister...

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AM: the support of the cattle sector remains after 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) wants to maintain production-related subsidies, market programs and national subsidies for the cattle sector after 2020 – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry...

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