Tag "AKI"

Hungarian expertise can greatly help the development of Western Balkan agriculture

Hungary is committed to the development of the Western Balkans, a key element of which is the sharing of agricultural expertise – stated Deputy State Secretary for International Relations Dr....

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Institute of Agricultural Economics: the export of agricultural products increased to 9.844 billion euros in the first three quarters

The value of exports of agricultural and food industry products increased to 9.844 billion euros and imports to 6.878 billion euros in the first three quarters of 2022, from exports...

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AKI: HUF 517 billion were paid for agricultural and rural development subsidies

HUF 516.7 billion were paid for agricultural and rural development subsidies until September 30 last year; 64.8 percent, HUF 334.9 billion, of the disbursed support came from European Union funds,...

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The government has extended the food price freeze until April 30

The government has extended the food price freeze until the end of next April due the inflation caused by the sanctions caused by the failed measures in Brussels, said Minister...

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Institute of Agricultural Economics: the agricultural machinery market continued to expand

Individual farms and social enterprises bought HUF 269.1 billion worth of new agricultural machinery and equipment in the first three quarters of this year, 69 percent more than a year...

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AKI: fewer tomatoes were grown in Hungary and globally

Globally and in Hungary, fewer industrial tomatoes were produced in 2022 than the previous year – the Agricultural Economics Institute (AKI) reports in its publication. In the summary published on...

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The number of animals slaughtered at slaughterhouses decreased in the first three quarters

Fewer animals were slaughtered at Hungarian slaughterhouses in the first three quarters of the year than a year earlier: the number of slaughtered cattle decreased by 7.4 percent, that of...

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Carp will be added to the Christmas menu this year

Fish prices have risen, but the increase in consumer prices is not greater than that of other foodstuffs. The cheapest way to get fresh fish is directly from the producers,...

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The garlic crop grew last year

Last year, 5,611 tons of garlic were harvested from 829 hectares in Hungary, 8 percent more than the previous year – according to the summary of the Institute of Agricultural...

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The foreign trade of the food industry closed with a surplus of almost HUF 900 billion in the first half of the year

The value of exports of the agriculture and food industry exceeded the amount of imports by almost 900 billion forints (2,136 million euros) in the first half of the year...

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Hungarian feed production approached 4 million tons in 2021

The mixing plants operating in Hungary produced 3.956 million tons of farm animal feed mixture in 2021, 3.4 percent more compared to 2020 – read the summary published on the...

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AKI: Hungarian farmers increased their machinery purchases by 80 percent

Individual farms and social enterprises bought HUF 165.5 billion worth of new agricultural machines and tools in the first half of this year, which was 80 percent more than a...

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Fewer animals were sent to the slaughterhouse in the first half of the year

In the first half of this year, slaughterhouses in Hungary slaughtered 5.5 percent less cattle, 6.5 percent less pork, and 12.8 percent less poultry, according to a summary published on...

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In the first half of the year, farmers bought 795,000 tons of fertilizer

In Hungary, in the first half of this year, distributors sold 795,000 tons of fertilizer to producers – read the summary published on the website of the Agrárközgazdasági Intézet (AKI)....

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While raspberries are becoming more and more popular abroad, their growing area is getting smaller and smaller here

According to KSH data, raspberries were grown on 1,500 hectares in Hungary at the turn of the millennium, and since then the cultivated area has been continuously decreasing. Serbia is...

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The potato growing area has shrunk a lot

It was not possible to stop the decrease. The potato growing area has continued to decrease in Hungary. In 2019, edible potatoes were planted on 13,287 hectares. According to the...

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The export and import of live pigs also decreased

The situation in the Hungarian pig sector is becoming more and more serious. In the first four months of 2022 both the export and import of live pigs decreased significantly,...

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The harvest will begin soon

Within a few days, the harvest will start in Hungary as well – agrarszektor.hu wrote. This year, the world is ahead of the harvest season, with the Russian-Ukrainian war leading...

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AKI monitors prices in ever more places

The market price information system (PÁIR) of the Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) also monitors the consumer prices of food products. Recently this data collection has been expanded to 10...

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Livestock slaughter fell in the first quarter

Fewer chickens, pigs and cattle were slaughtered in Hungary in the first quarter of this year than in the same period last year – according to the summary of the...

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The asparagus season started later than usual

Asparagus picking started later than usual this year, at the end of April, and is expected to last until mid-June, with the average producer price of domestic asparagus being 12...

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Wheat’s per tonne price nears 100,000 forints

According to PÁIR data from the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI), the live weight price of broiler chicken increased by 11 percent to HUF 238/kg and turkey’s price grew...

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The performance of Hungarian slaughterhouses jumped a lot

The amount of goods sent to slaughter increased in almost all major product lines in the first half of 2021 – agrarszektor.hu wrote, based on the latest report of the...

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The picture of the Hungarian livestock is mixed

The numbers are very variable in Europe, if we take into account the consumption, sales and slaughter statistics of different types of meat – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Sales figures give cause...

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Decreased agricultural machinery, increased parts turnover in the first half

Individual farms and corporate enterprises purchased new agricultural machinery and equipment worth 92.4 billion HUF in the first half of the year, which was 1 percent less than a year...

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Increasing cereal prices

According to the data of AKI PÁIR, in Hungary the producer price of milling wheat (excluding VAT and transport costs) was HUF 74.6 thousand per tonne (+29 percent), feed wheat’s...

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Pig’s price is lower than a year ago

According to the Market Price Information System (PÁIR) of the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI), the price of milling quality wheat was HUF 69.4 thousand/ton ( up 27 percent)...

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Agricultural and rural development payments increased by more than 10 percent last year

The amount of agricultural and rural development payments has been growing dynamically since 2017, increasing by 10.8 percent to 918.9 billion HUF in one year in 2020. The increasing trend...

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Nearly half of last year’s foreign food trade surplus was by cereals

Last year, the foreign trade surplus of cereals in Hungary increased by a quarter, 1.412 billion euros, which accounted for 44% of the total foreign trade surplus in food, according...

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More pigs, fewer cattle and chickens were slaughtered in slaughterhouses in Hungary last year

According to the analysis of the Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI), 6 percent less cattle, 2 percent more pigs and 2 percent less poultry were slaughtered in slaughterhouses in Hungary...

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