Tag "agrárminisztérium"

The German and Hungarian agricultural economies are linked by a thousand threads

Germany is traditionally Hungary’s most important economic partner in the agricultural sector as well – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy, who received German Ambassador Julia Gross in his office...

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Sándor Farkas: the recognition of Hungarian agriculture has never been as good as it is now

The recognition of Hungarian agriculture has perhaps never been as good as it is now – the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture stated on Thursday in Nagymágocs....

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Hungarian-Algerian agricultural relations must be further strengthened

In order to ensure a safe food supply, it is extremely important for our country to get to know Algeria’s production experience and technologies, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy,...

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Farmers receive help for both technology and knowledge development

Agriculture is transforming at an unprecedented speed, and therefore Hungarian farmers receive help from the government for both technology and knowledge development – said the State Secretary of the Ministry...

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Farmers must pay attention to new rules in order to receive subsidies

In accordance with EU regulations, compared to the previous ones, sustainability has been given a more significant role in the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), but at the same time,...

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Chamber of Agriculture: nearly 110,000 farmers must renew the authorization required to submit a unified application

This year, due to legislative changes and the development of the electronic public administration system, nearly 110,000 farmers will have to renew the authorizations necessary to submit uniform applications, the...

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In Hungary, products containing insect proteins receive a unique label

In order to provide customers with accurate information, the Ministry of Agriculture is amending the food labeling regulation so that products containing insect proteins can be clearly distinguished and separated...

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The ice damage mitigation system is an indispensable element of the farm

In the European Union, Hungary is the only country with a highly developed agricultural risk management system based on several pillars, even in a continental comparison, which can provide assistance...

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Increasing competitiveness and promoting generational change are also important goals

The government’s goal is to support the competitiveness of producers in accordance with the conditions of the expected EU greening agricultural policy – said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible...

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AM: the call for tenders supporting joining the quality system has been published

Between March 1 and August 31, agricultural producers can once again apply for support in connection with joining the European Union and national quality systems – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Hungarian-Kazakh agricultural cooperation is successful

A priority goal for our country is the opening to the East, including the establishment of a partnership with Kazakhstan, for which the close political, cultural and strengthening economic relations...

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AM State Secretary: competitiveness and greening are the goals of the government’s agricultural policy

The government’s goal is to support the competitiveness of producers in accordance with the conditions of the expected EU greening agricultural policy – said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible...

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The Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year 2022: The “Special Family Award” was awarded to the publisher of Trade magazine

The “Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year” award was announced for the eighth time and the awards were presented on January 25 this year. This year, a total of 9 prizes...

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Hungarian expertise can greatly help the development of Western Balkan agriculture

Hungary is committed to the development of the Western Balkans, a key element of which is the sharing of agricultural expertise – stated Deputy State Secretary for International Relations Dr....

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Farmers can count on a predictable agricultural support system this year as well

Hungarian farmers are facing another difficult year, but they can trust the predictable agricultural support system this year as well – said the Minister of Agriculture at his press conference...

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HUF 59 billion in agricultural subsidies were received by farmers in one day

The payment of EU agricultural subsidies after 2022 is proceeding rapidly, as part of this, yesterday the Hungarian Treasury allocated HUF 59 billion to farmers under several legal titles, announced...

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The payment of agricultural insurance premium subsidies begins

The effects of climate change, which can be felt in everyday life, but especially in farming, or last year’s drought situation on a historic scale, emphatically draw the attention of...

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Rules for preserving the productivity of our soils in the KAP

In the new EU support period between 2023 and 2027, the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) offers Hungarian farmers a variety of options and choices – stated the State Secretary of...

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Countless changes and new elements have appeared in the new Common Agricultural Policy (KAP)

The last webinar of Agroinform.hu was about the use of the HUF 5,000 billion budget and the emerging new system of agricultural subsidies. The summary below focuses on the main...

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Which came first…?

This October the World Egg Day was a perfect occasion for the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC), and the Association of Hungarian Laying Hen Hybrid Breeders and...

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The goal is to achieve sustainable plant protection

The agricultural government agrees with the implementation of sustainable plant protection, the reduction of the environmental burden, the mitigation of risks arising from the use of pesticides, stated Márton Nobilis,...

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The government introduces the grain export notification obligation

In view of the grain market situation in Europe, the government has decided to phase out the export notification system introduced in March last year for grain and oil crops,...

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Precision technology is a prerequisite for efficient agriculture

In the field of agriculture, precision farming is the future, one of the conditions for efficiency. A farmer who neglects development and the application of new technologies will definitely fall...

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The irrigation development and education investment in Szarvas was handed over

The Irrigation Development Demonstration Farm and Training Center in Szarvas, Békés County, which was implemented with HUF 800 million, was handed over on Tuesday. Csaba Gyuricza, rector of the Hungarian...

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Small butcher shops receive extraordinary support

The government is subsidizing small butcher shops with four and a half billion forints, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced. The minister drew attention to the fact that despite the...

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More than HUF 6 billion investment was realized

One of the most important sectors of the Hungarian economy is the food industry, with more than 4,000 companies engaged in production in 33 branches, stated Márton Nobilis, the Secretary...

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Hungarian agricultural subsidies will continue to be predictable in the future

Hungarian agricultural subsidies will continue to be predictable in the future and provide support to farmers even in difficult economic conditions, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on his social...

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István Nagy: Hungarian farmers’ subsidies are guaranteed this year as well

Hungarian farmers’ subsidies are guaranteed this year as well, and they provide support even in difficult economic conditions, said Agriculture Minister István Nagy in a video message uploaded to the...

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Support for the prevention of certain animal diseases is available again

From January 1, 2023, the support program for the prevention and control of certain animal diseases, financed from the national budget and helping the livestock sectors, will be available again...

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Subsidies are constantly coming to the farmers

In the framework of the Rural Development Program, almost HUF 400 billion in subsidies were paid to farmers this year, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy. The head of the...

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