
NAV: the rules of private pálinka cooking have changed

The rules of private pálinka cooking have changed significantly this year. The previously acquired distilling equipments must be reported no later than January 15 – the National Tax and Customs...

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The food industry contributed significantly to the expansion of the industrial production

Mainly the automotive industry and the food industry have played significant roles in the 5.8 percent expansion of the industrial production in November last year – according to the analyst...

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Good workload, medium perfectionism and we can also act out well in job interviews

The Access Assessment’s survey targeted the medium and large corporate HR leaders focused on the competencies, capabilities of the Hungarian workers and revealed ' focused and significant but easily avoideable...

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An online forum was held for the farmers about the ekáer

The Hungarian Farmers' Societies and Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Agricultural Economics Association (NAK) held a forum in Alsónémedi about the road freight electronic control system (ekáer) that was introduced...

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The numberof used mobiles is increasing: are our datas at risk?

The sale of the used smart phones can be the new market of the mobile service providers, but this also involves risks. The Blancco warns that, if the delete of...

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US retail performed poorly in December

Retail sales in the U.S. sank in December in large part because of cheaper gasoline, but most stores posted weak results during the busiest month of the shopping season, government...

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The marketing campaign of Hajdúnánás competes for the European prize of CAP

The EMKA Tanácsadó Kft. (EMKA Consulting Ltd.) that is involved in the project told MTI that marketing campaign aims to create the brand and the local trademark of the Nánási...

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IFS standards in practice

Anett Kata, senior auditor of DNV GL spoke about the regulations concerning emergency prevention and management and her practical experiences in the field. Nóra Krzyzewsky of SGS Hungária Kft. gave...

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SZÉP card holders are more satisfied with their employers

In Hungary 54.8 percent of employees obtain some kind of cafeteria benefit – more than 2 percentage points more than in 2012. A representative 1,000-person survey commissioned by OTP Bank...

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Analytic Consulting (Part 2) – Variables’ influence on retail sales – private labels

It is noteworthy that fewer and fewer consumers are cutting their spending but…A research we conducted in the third quarter revealed that still 67 percent of households changed their spending...

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European Court of Justice: The protection of private property was damaged during the conversion of the tobacco trade system

The Hungarian government has violated the protection granted to private property, when deprived Vékony László tobacconist in Sopron in 2013 from his tobacco seller license – the European Court of...

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The EU Member States can prohibit the cultivation of GMOs at their own discretion from the Spring

The new EU legislation adopted by the European Parliament (EP) on Tuesday enters into force in the Spring. The legislation practically allows each Member State to prohibit the cultivation of...

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Global momentum means more women move into management

New study shows positive link between female leadership and business performance and urges boost from current 5 percent of women in top positions. While women are still under-represented in top...

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The sugar beet growers received significant supports in 2014

The sugar beet growers were given substantial grants in the past year. The Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (MVH) paid 13.7 billion HUF support for them in 2014 – the...

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The big PC brands displace the smaller ones

The personal computer (PC) sales in the world market decreased in the fourth quarter of 2014 overall, but the big brands were able to increase their market share at the...

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The interest towards the invoice lottery decreased in Slovakia

After the initial high level of interest last year, the interest towards the invoice lottery dropped significantly in Slovakia invoice lottery in 2013, and the new gambling did not live...

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Apple, Google and Coca-Cola at the top of the ranking

Interbrand published its TOP 100 Global Brand 2014 early November. Apple was ranked the highest with an estimated value of USD 118.9 billion and a 21-percent increase in brand equity....

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More than 9 billion dollars spent on Singles’ Day

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba reported more than USD 9.3 billion in sales on their 11 November Singles’ Day. Similar to Cyber Monday and Black Friday in the USA, Alibaba’s Singles’...

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The in-store experience remains important for the great majority of people all over the world

A survey by CBRE has found that 79% of international consumers still visit a physical store to buy a product, reflecting the key role the store plays in the overall...

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The OECD expect stable growth among its member countries

Stable economic growth is expected in the next six months in the OECD as a whole and in the euro zone as well, with a slightly weakening momentum in Germany,...

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Californians can eat foie gras again

A Los Angeles federal judge overturned the federal government’s ban on foie gras sales, because it was contrary to the US trade laws. The goose filling will continue to be...

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Organic farming or conventional farming?

John Krebs climate expert told at the Oxford Farming Conference on Wednesday 7 January that organic farming might do more damage to the environment due to increased land required and...

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Retail sales rose by 0.8 percent in the Czech Republic in November

In November retail sales increased by 0.8 percent in the Czech Republic on an annual level – the Czech Statistical Office announced on Monday. Last year, this was the lowest...

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A serious price increase may come in Russia

The US Morgan Stanley bank group increased its Russian inflation forecast for this year, from 9 percent to 13.7 percent on Monday. According to the communication of the Russian Statistical...

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Small cooperative becomes a successful company

With its nearly 70-year history, KOP-KA Zrt. is one of the key players in Tolna County’s retail sector. It isn’t a big member of the COOP Group’s but the company...

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Europe’s Day in Commerce: gloom and a few moments of happiness

Europe’s Day in Commerce has been organised for the 10th time. The initiative of Brussels-seated EuroCommerce became one of the biggest feasts in the sector in Hungary, organised by the...

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What happens to the excess gifts?

In the pre-Christmas period everyone is trying to find the perfect gift for the loved ones, but according to statistics, 38 percent of the Hungarian customers ordered items that did...

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State assistance for the Széchenyi Card Program’s credit facilities this year again

The businesses can can apply for the credit facilities of the Széchenyi Card Program in 2015 with state assistance. The government has recently renewed the interest support and the guarantee...

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The Hungarian population does not want to change banks

The number of bank switches is still low among the domestic population. Three-quarters of the clients has never changed a financial institution in the past 10 years – Budapest Bank’s...

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A Wine Parliament will be held again in Ópusztaszer

The wine estates and professionals of the Carpathian Basin will gather to the first scene of the national assembly, to Ópusztaszer on 18 January to discuss about the future of...

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