
The food trade is well-balanced

The exports of agricultural and food products are slightly lower than the results of the January-September period of 2013, while the value of imports rose by four percent. The agricultural...

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The distributors of alcohol products can avoid the payment of the increased excise duty

The excise duty legislation on alcohol products may enter into force even before the companies involved would have to fulfill the increased excise security – Gulyás Gergely (Fidesz) legislative chairman...

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The horticultural stores are lobbying for the Sunday opening hours

Megyeri Szabolcs gardener in his open letter sent to the MPs is lobbying for the Sunday opening hours in case of horticultural stores. The easening of the restrictions is supported...

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A drop in pork exports

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office, Hungary's live pig exports fell by 25 percent, while Hungary’s imports of live pigs increased by 7 percent in the first...

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Opten: more than 41 thousand companies were terminated last year

More than 41 thousand companies have ceased in Hungary last year, almost 25 percent more than in 2013 – the Opten company information service provider told MTI. In 2015, Opten...

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Almost 30 percent of the dairy factories in Romania was closed last year

Last year, Almost 30 percent of the dairy factories was closed in Romania, because the Romanian producers could not sell their products, but the production costs are increasing from year...

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The imagos of Drosophila suzukii were stuck on cars

The Government Office’s Plant and Soil Conservation Directorate draws attention that a new pest has occered in the Sopron wine region, because the spotted wing Drosophila was found in one...

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Syngenta on smartphone

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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New mill in Kádárta

Szatmári Malom Kft. inaugurated the new mill they built from HUF 1.8 billion in Kádárta. The new mill uses the latest technology and it employs 15 people. The company already...

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Hipp transforms its heating system

Hipp Kft. invested HUF 60 million of its own resources in transforming the heating system of the organic baby food and drink factory in Hanságliget. Now instead of oil they...

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Marzek Kner increases production capacity from 1-billion-forint budget

Marzek Kner Packaging invested HUF 1 billion in increasing its production capacity. Both own resources and EU funding via the Economic Operative Programme (GOP) were used to buy modern printing...

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Meat Marketing Board: the first results of the swine strategy are already apparent

The first results of the government’s swine strategy that was announced in 2012 can already bee seen. Within a year, the number of swines increased with more than 200 thousand...

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Analyst: foreign trade balance remains positive in this year

The foreign trade balance remains positive next year, but the surplus will continue to decline – according to Ürmössy Gergely senior analyst of Erste Bank interviewed by MTI on Tuesday....

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The future of the European pigs

According to the long-term forecast the European Commission published in December, the EU’s pigmeat production is expected to be around 22.6 million tonnes in 2014, exceeding the 2013 data with...

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The Hungarian onions are still the most popular

The harvest of onions in the EU was 18 percent higher (5.8 million tonnes) in 2014 than a year earlier. In the Netherlands, the onion-growing area and the average yield...

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The next decade will be the decade of milk

From 2015, the EU’s dairy market regulation eliminates the quota system that is in force for 30 years. It is expected that the eliminating of the quota system will redraw...

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The Nébih imposed fines of 440 million HUF in 2014

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) Has made significant progress this year in fulfilling the targets set out in the Food Chain Safety Strategy: the effectiveness of the controls...

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The rules of public catering have changed

The regulation on public catering entered into force on 1 January. The regulation controls the preparation and nutritional content of food products prepared in school canteens and hospitals. According to...

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The soft wheat crop may be lower in 2015

The European Union's 2015 soft wheat harvest will be 140.2 million tons, which will be 5 percent lower than the average yield in 2014. This is partly due to the...

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The University in Keszthely expands its food researches

An organic innovation system was inaugurated at the Georgicon Faculty of the Pannon University in Keszthely these days, made with a 486 million HUF investment. The center that was funded...

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A modern cattle farm was built in the Haraszti Barton

A new, modern cattle farm was handed over in the Haraszti Barton in Tura, owned by the Galgamenti Mezőgazdasági Kft. The total cost of the project was nearly 795 million...

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Post-it on mobile

If we put down the fruits of a collective brainstorming session on post-it papers, we can continue working with them in the virtual world. 3M sets out to increase the...

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Invitel: intensive network development

The telecom company keeps expanding its network. Invitel started its HUF 4.5-billion development programme in 2012, the goal of which is to reach as many private and corporate subscribers with...

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Moscow dictates prices

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) keeps monitoring and publishing the world’s agri-food prices and trends. We can learn from their latest market report that due to the import ban...

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The growth performance in agriculture continued in 2014

The growth of the Hungarian agriculture’s performance continued in 2014, so the favorable process lasts for four-years contineus as well – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told MTI. The agricultural...

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We like the private label products

The majority of the Hungarian consumers consider the private label household chemical goods and cosmetic products of the chains as favorable. Sevety-two percent of the Hungarian consumers perceive the quality...

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National Association of Pálinka Masters: the reputation of the quality pálinkas need to be increased

According to the vice president of the National Association of Pálinka Masters, the reputation of the quality pálinkas should be increased as well as the market share, both in Hungary...

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The FELIR to be started

The National Food Chain Safety Office has begun the posting of the identifying numbers that is needed to participate in the food chain management information system (FELIR). The National Food...

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The National Trading House bought 97,500 tonnes of apples

The state apple acquisitions have ended in Hungary. The state bought the apples, due to the Russian embargo and the overproduction. The Hungarian National Trading House Pltd. in accordance with...

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The GVH paid a special attention to consumer protection in 2014

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) this year has focused on consumer protection, so many consumer groups had to be fined more occasions. In order to increase consumer awareness, the authority...

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