
Approximately 12.4 billion euros can be spent on the agricultural sector until 2020

Approximately 12.4 billion euros European Union support is available for the development of the agricultural sector until 2020, 1.9 billion euros more than in the previous period – Czerván György...

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An amendment to decrease the excise guarantee on alcohol products to twenty million HUF

Lázár János Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office and L. Simon László Minister of State would reduce the excise guarantee on alcohol products to twenty million HUF. The two MPs...

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3.4 billion HUF was paid out for the school milk program last year

The Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (MVH) paid 3.4 billion HUF support to the suppliers and institution maintainers last year in the school milk program, 1 billion HUF more than...

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The Russian recession also threatens our region

The Russian economy is likely to sink into a deeper recession this year, than it was previously expected, primarily due to the low oil prices that were halved in the...

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The customs autorities seized twenty tons of meat products of dubious origin in Rijeka

The Croatian custom autorities seized twenty tons of Chinese meat products that were frozen six years ago and were labeled as soya in the port of Rijeka – the Croatian...

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Visitors from the government

Last week experts from the consumer protection department of the Ministry for National Development visited SPAR’s meat processing plant in Bicske. The guests were guided around the REGNUM meat plant...

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The food retail market is oversaturated

According to the analysis of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK), the food retail market is oversaturated in Hungary, so an average of more than 50 business closes...

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Positive experiences during the winter food inspections

5045 tests, 6.2 tons of withdrawn products, 69 warnings, 21.6 million HUF fines in 145 cases are the results of this winter’s seasonal controls. The control series were coordinated by...

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Agricultural grant applications are expected to be submitted from 1 April

It is expected that the farmers can submit their grant applications from 1 April to the Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH). The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) will publish regulations...

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The Labour force rental may increase by one-fifth in trade

The Labour force rental companies expect a significant, 10-15 percent increase in traffic in Hungary in 2015. The proportion of atypical employment in the trade can grow by 20 percent...

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Here is the Hungarian team of this year's Bocuse d'Or

The guinea fowl and the trout will be the theme of this year's Bocuse d'Or on 27-28 January in Lyon; the Hungarian team of the world's most prestigious cooking competition...

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The world's largest agricultural fair has started in Berlin

The International Green Week (Internationale Grüne Woche), the world's largest agricultural, food and horticultural fair has started in Berlin on Friday in Berlin. The Hungarian booth was opened by Fazekas...

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Hungary is the guest of honor at the most prestigious German culinary festival

Hungary will debut at the prestigious German culinary festival, the Gourmet Festival Sylt. Sylt is a 100-square-kilometer island in the North Sea, but has 10 Michelin stars. The Michelin stars...

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Consumer prices fell in the EU in December

Consumer prices fell by 0.1 percent on an annual level last December in the European Union (EU) after the 0.3 percent increase in November – the EU's statistical office the...

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Joining Forces to strengthen the household farms

The four-party Memorandum of Understanding, which was signed in Veszprém on Friday aims to strengthen the household farming. The cooperation also aims to the whitening of the sector as well...

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One from three children has no breakfast in the morning

The Hungarian Dietetic Association (MDOSZ) and Nestlé conducted a survey which revealed that one third of children between the ages of 4 and 10 leave home in the morning without...

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KSH: Agricultural producer prices fell by 6.8 percent in November

The agricultural producer prices decreased by 6.8 percent in November 2014, compared to the same period of the previous year. In last November the producer price of plant products declined...

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From 2015 the fruit farmers can cook homemade pálinkas

Those private distillers who aquired their equipments earlier must report it until 15 January. From 2015 only the fruit growers can cook homemade pálinka by paying a symbolic 1000 HUF...

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Ekáer: January is the testing period

By the time of the main agricultural season everyone should be able to use the electronic road freight control system (ekáer) that was introduced by the first of January –...

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A reduction in trade surplus in the euro zone and in the EU

In November, the euro zone's foreign trade surplus was 20 billion euros – according to the firstestimates, which is 23.6 billion euros less than in October – the statistical office...

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Vodka course straight from Lapland

Finnish vodka masters have visited Hungary. Markku Raittinen and Pekka Pellinen came straight from Lapland to reveal the secrets of the Finnish vodka to the bartenders of the most well-known...

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This year 1.4 billion HUF will be available for farm development

The farm development program that was launched in 2011 in the Great Plains can get more impetus this year. 1.4 billion HUF was allocated for this purpose in the budget....

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Deloitte: the Slovak living standards may exceed the Czech by 2020

According to he analysis of the Deloitte audit and financial advisory agency, the Slovak living standards will exceed the Czech living standards by 2020 – the Pravda of Bratislava reported...

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Hungary is the key partner of the tourism trade fair in Brno

Hungary is the key partner and guest of the Go-Regiontour International Tourism Fair, which was opened on Thursday in Brno. The four-day fai focuese traditionally on the regional tourism of...

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Gastronomic specialties at the concerts of the Pannon Philharmonic Orchetra

The Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra spices its concerts in Budapest with gastronomic specialties: Segal Viktor chef’s delicates envisioned for the concerts are waiting the audience between February and May in the...

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Sticker competition on Saturday in Napkor

The 14th International pig sticker competition will be held on Saturday 19 January in Napkor, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. Those who visit the festival can meet with thetraditions of rural pig slaughtering,...

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Facts and numbers about sales efficiency

MindZ’s model uses four basic pillars to analyse the efficiency of sales organisations. In addition to objective KPIs, the study also takes into consideration the subjective satisfaction indicators of heads...

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Assistance in multi-orders

FM Logistic, in cooperation with Balea, developed a solution called ‘Put-to-Light’ to help in the implementation of multi-orders. Put-to-Light is basically a panel with a lighted display, which tells the...

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The consumer prices may decline for months – according to analysts

The drop in fuel prices and the decline in food prices pulled down inflation in December – according to analysts interviewed by MTI on Wednesday, who believe that deflation remains...

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Pocketable online cash machine was developed

The first online cash machine that is working on tablets has been given a green light from the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (MKEH). The device uses substantially less space than...

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