
Beekeepers will receive compensation for their losses caused by the bad weather

According to the plans of the Ministry of Agriculture, the beekeepers will be eligible to apply for compensation from next year, when due to the bad weather losses occurs. Previously,...

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The FM would protect the Hungarian spritzer

The professional rules of bottled spritzer have to be developed to prevent from abuses,while the consumer confidence has to be preserved – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told agrá As...

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Hungarian women and foreign men

Many foreign men, especially from Western Europe and the USA, contact us about dating Hungarian women. They usually say they want to meet Hungarian women because they are beautiful, family-centred...

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JointVentures and the new Civil Code

JointVenture agreement packages are the guarantors of successful cooperation. The pillars of these are the JointVenture contract, the Hungarian company’s partnership agreement and the so-called vertical agreements such as the...

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Magazine: Getting to know Opinion Leaders – how Sociolog works in real life

In the first part of our series (Trade magazine, October 2014 issue) we summarised the characteristics of Opinion Leaders. It represents a real challenge for researchers to find out the...

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The Coface is expecting a 2.3 percent GDP growth in Hungary

This year, a 2.3 percent GDP growth is expected in Hungary. The Hungarian economy is only moderately affected by the strenghtening of the Swiss franc, due to the fixing fixing...

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Magazine: The place where everyone gathers

According to Szilvia Máté, director of BD-Expo Kft. (the official representative of Messe Düsseldorf, Veletrhy Brno and AllWorld Co. in Hungary), leading trade exhibitions, large trade fairs benefit from economic...

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Grain prices have fallen nineteen percent within a year

The Magro Grain Index (MGX) expressing the combined price movements of the Hungarian grains decreased by nineteen percent from 10059 points 8190 points in one year. This means that the...

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The growing area of the high oleic acid sunflower can increase by one million hectares worldwide

The volume of the high oleic acid sunflower can continue to grow in Hungary. The demand for the crop is dramatically increasing worldwide – Syngenta’s sector forecast predicts. Last year,...

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Italian authorities caught a Eastern European cigarette smuggling network

The Italian and Eastern European crime organization smuggled the cigarettes from Poland, Ukraine and Hungary – the Italian authorities announced on Tuesday. 88 members of the gang were arrested and...

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Nielsen: the consumer confidence index decreased in the last quarter of 2014

The Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index closed last year with 54 points in Hungary, this fourth quarter indicator is two points lower than the indicator of the third quarter. The slow...

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The mitigation of the Russian meat ban is urging to the Hungarian meat industry

To ease the Russian meat ban is urging to the Hungarian meat industry players, who suffer significant revenue losses due to the Russian embargo – Menczel Lászlóné, Secretary of the...

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The GKI-Erste sentiment index started the year with a decline

The (seasonally adjusted) value of the GKI-Erste economic index significantly decreased in January, but from a high level. According to a survey of GKI ( made with the support of...

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Budai: The Hungarian companies meet all the Russian food safety standards

An examination revealed that the Hungarian companies meet all the Russian food safety standards, so deliveries can start immediately after the Russian decision – Budai Gyula, Ministerial Commissioner told M1...

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Such good grain harvest occurs only in every tenth year

Such good grain harvest occurs omly in every tenth year as in 2014, but it is even rarer that yield results of winter wheat and maize are simultaneously outstanding –...

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Three and a half tons of meat products were seized at a wholesaler in Budapest

Over three and a half tons of expired and unknown origin meat products were seized at a wholesale store in Budapest. The fine is expected to be several millions of...

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The stolen Romanée-Conti wines were found

Investigators have recovered the bulk of the premium wine bottles stolen from The French Laundry on Christmas Day, according to the Napa County Sheriff’s Office. No arrests have been made....

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Magazine: Being stylish but spending just a thousand forints

The Hungarian decorative cosmetics and perfume market is growing dynamically, so market players are kind of optimistic. Beáta Lakatos, country manager with Coty Hungary Kft. informed Trade magazin that a...

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Body care when it is cold outside

Economic recession and changing consumption trends made great changes in the body care market in the last few years – Katalin Rosta, junior shopper & customer marketing manager of Unilever...

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Partly European Union-funded tobacco plant opens in Debrecen

Róna Tobacco Trade Kft.’s new plant was built from a budget of HUF 3.1 billion and it now employs 440 people – told Marc Wagner, managing director of majority owner...

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Temperament and passion from Mexico

According to the Aztecs, Tequila is a gift from the gods. The Aztecs had made a fermented beverage from the agave plant, which the Spanish conquerors later distilled – this...

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International brands move to Székesfehérvár

On 19 September National Economy Minister Mihály Varga and mayor András Cser-Palkovics were both present when Mondelez’s new production unit was inaugurated in Székesfehérvár. Milka, Cadbury TUC, LU and Ritz...

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51827.png Hundreds of million spent on laboratories and studios at the University of Kaposvár

The University of Kaposvár spent HUF 443 million on infrastructural development, part of which was realised at the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. Research, development, innovation and education all...

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Rondo expands Soroksár factory

Austrian group Rondo celebrated the 20th anniversary of establishing its Hungarian affiliate with opening a HUF 350-million factory. The company now produces corrugated board products on 10,000m² in Soroksár. Rondo...

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The prospects for agriculture are promising

Czerván György, the Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture, responsible for Agri Management called the agriculture prospects encouraging this year and for the next years. Czerván George, agrárgazdaságért...

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Hungary is world leader in per capita duck meat production

We increasingly look for products made from duck instead of goose meat and foie gras – wrote. The duck is cheaper and many say it is tastier by many...

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One week has been left for those who are not willing to pay security risk after 1 March

The NGM has extended the test run of the EKÁER system until 22 January, and those who are obliged do not have to pay the security risk until 28 February...

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FM: 170 million HUF support to the seasoning paprika growers

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) provides approximately 170 million HUF support to the seasoning paprika growers this year – the ministry published on the news site of the government on...

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The revenue of the Belgian food industry is five times bigger than the revenue of the Hungarian food industry

Belgium’s land area is less than Hungary’s, however the output per farm is still ten times more there than in Hungary, while the revenue of the Belgian food industry is...

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Public catering should use more local products!

The public catering should use more locally grown, healthy agricultural products at a higher proportion – Gajda Róbert, Government commissioner, leader of the Békés County Government in Sarkad, where he...

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