
Manpower: 14 percent of employers plan staff increase in the next three months

Fourteen percent of employers plan staff increase in the next three months – according to the forecast of Manpower, especially in the hospitality industry in the field of production and...

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European companies concerned about a slowdown in China's reform

China’s leaders must follow through on delayed efforts to reform the economy if they want to engineer a soft landing to its growth slowdown, a European business group warned on...

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Smuggled cigarettes were seized in Fehérgyarmat and in Nyíregyháza

More than 34 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were seized by the police in Fehérgyarmat and in Nyíregyháza. Fehérvári Marietta, press officer of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police told MTI on...

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New meat products from Törökszentmiklós

From HUF 577 million Bábolna Food Industry Kft. developed new meat industry products in Törökszentmiklós. HUF 259.5 million of the total budget was non-refundable EU money. The company primarily targets...

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Limit imposed on the number of non-EU employees

A decree recently issued by Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga limits the number of non-Europe Union citizens who can be employed in Hungary. The decree stipulates that this number...

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Magazin: More light!

A Hungarian invention can prevent the stealing of light bulbs from hotels and restaurants: LB-E27 is an anti-theft spiral that makes it impossible to remove a light bulb from the...

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The Dairy Product Council urges VAT reduction and compensation

The Presidency of the Dairy Interprofessional Organisation and Product Council recommends the following immediate necessary steps to be taken and initiates the Government and Brussels to make the necessary steps...

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Nielsen: favourable trends on the baby food market

In Hungary the baby's food retail turnover increased by 12 percent in value between December to July, compared to the previous comparable period. In terms of diapers and baby-wipes Nielsen’s...

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Hypermarkets may be the winners of the Sunday rest day

There are some major players, that particularly profited from the Sunday store closure, because they are exempted from a series of extra expenditures, while the traffic has not reduced, rather...

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KSH: the consumer price level remained unchanged in August

The consumer price level remained unchanged in August, compared to the same period of last year, while compared with July consumer prices decreased by an average of 0.6 percent –...

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Very good quality grapes in the Villány wine region

Very good quality and average quantity of grapes have grown in the Villány wine region this year, where the harvest of Portugieser is already under way. The harvest started in...

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The world’s leading M2M service provider

For four years now Vodafone has been the world’s leading M2M – machine-to-machine – service provider, revealed Analysys Mason’s M2M Scorecard survey. Vodafone offers M2M services all over the world...

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Grocery retail in top form

In the December 2014-May 2015 period grocery retail sales amounted to HUF 750 billion in the 90 categories audited by Nielsen. In value sales were 4 percent higher than in...

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Nobilis: premises development in Mátészalka

Mostly from EU and state funding Mátészalka company Nobilis Zrt. realised a HUF 141-million premises development project. The company specialises in producing and selling dried fruits and nuts. The project...

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Magazine: Documents, seals

It is the task of Dr Ádám Ruszinkó, deputy secretary of state responsible for the tourism sector, to survey how the administrative burden on Horeca businesses can be reduced. The...

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Hungary urges to support the dairy farmers in the EU

In order to help the dairy farmers Hungary will initiate to increase the direct support advances at the Ministerial Summit to be held in Brussels on Monday – the Ministry...

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MVH: 500-600 billion HUF flows into animal breeding

The government defined goals for the coming years that will make Hungary’s agriculture more competitive and more sustainable until 2020. By 2020, 500-600 billion HUF will flow into animal breeding...

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About 2.8 million hectoliters of new wine will be made this year

This year, 10 percent more than last year, about 2.8 million hectoliters of new wine will be made in the cellars – the president of the National Council of Wine...

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An increase in the Euro Zone’s and the EU’s retail sales in July

The volume of retail sales increased in the Euro Zone and in the European Union in July. The EU's statistical office (Eurostat) on Thursday reported that according to the seasonally...

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NBH: nearly 950 billion HUF worth contract in the second phase of the NHP

The participating banks in the second phase of the Central Bank's loan growth Programme (NHP) submitted data to the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) about services worth 947.2 billion HUF, of...

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The high-tech firms place the production close to the consumers

The European high technology (hi-tech) companies place the manufacturing base closer to their users from the growth in demand is increasingly put into – according to a global survey conducted...

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New-generation canned food packaging from Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak inaugurated its improved and expanded packaging material factory in Budaörs. The HUF 14-billion development project started back in 2012. In the modernised production facility the company can manufacture...

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Cereal crop processing investment project in Tiszapüspöki

A new greenfield investment in Tiszapüspöki: Tisza-TK Projekt Kft. is going to build a cereal crop processing plant. The project’s budget will be HUF 45 billion, with HUF 9.2-billion coming...

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Magazine: Competitiveness for dinner

At end of May Trade magazine and Chain Bridge Club organised their traditional Business Dinner. The topic was competitiveness and the guests were Ferenc Dávid, general secretary of the National...

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Nielsen: food retail increased both in value and volume

The turnover in the food retail trade achieved more than 1,000 billion HUF between December 2014, and July 2015 in the ninety product categories measured by Nielsen; 4 percent more...

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FM: agriculture's second quarter weakness is due to individual effects

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, behind the second quarter’s weak agricultural performance individual effects can be found. The long-term prospects for the industry remain favorable. The Ministry of Agriculture...

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Hungarian white wines are preferred more than reds abroad

This year, Due to tightened controls on wine a change is apparent in the structure of the Hungarian wine traffic. Hungary’s wine import in the January-May 2015 period dropped by...

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Analysts: faster-than-expected increase in retail trade

Retail sales increased faster-than-expected in July, according to analysts polled by MTI, who commented on the data released on Thursday by the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the first...

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Romania: a two step VAT reduction in next two years

After the Senate, the Romanian Parliament also voted for the next year’s new tax bill on Thursday. According to the new bill, the Value Added Tax (VAT) will be reduced...

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The chocolate pralines withdrawn from circulation can cause severe allergic reactions

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) told MTI on Friday that an alert arrived on September 3 on Thursday night through the European Union’s the Rapid Alert System for...

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