
Magazine: Always aiming higher!

Hilltop Neszmély Zrt. adapts to changing market demand very well. The winery is always leading the way in innovation and we asked co-owner Ákos Kamocsay about the secret behind their...

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A decline in grain prices from August

A significant price decrease was observed in the past month in case of this year's domestic wheat and corn yields – and at all the other arable crops in general...

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Six million tonnes of corn crop is expected

This year's corn harvest will be about six million tonnes because of the summer heat has significantly reduced the volume of the crop – the Minister of Agriculture said in...

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Thousands of visitors are expected to the Honey Festival in Kaposvár

The organizers of the 9th Honey Festival in Kaposvár expect thousands of visitors. The two-day honey festival begins on Friday. In addition to the traditional parade honey producers professional performances,...

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Significantly expanding resources in children nutrition

In next year's budget the children's meals support will increase to 71.7 billion HUF from this year's 58 billion HUF – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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KSH: We spend 30 HUF per day on statistics

Every day around the same price for a smaller egg, 30 HUF is spent by the people in Hungary on statistics – the Deputy Chairman of the Central Statistical Office...

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The 2015 Milk Campaign is on

In July 2015 Hungarian Tourism Zrt. started a campaign to promote the consumption of Hungarian milk and dairy products. The Dairy Interprofessional Organisation and Product Council is also partner to...

Read more more than fifth of Hungary's GDP is by the black economy

The ratio of the black economy is 22.1 percent in the gross domestic product (GDP) of Hungary, which corresponds to the average of the Central European countries – the

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KSH: 7.5 million tons of cereals grown this year

This year’s 5.284 million tons of wheat is 0.4 percent more than in 2014 and 19.1 percent higher than the average yield of the past five years. The barley harvest...

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FM: almost 4 billion HUF to support dairy farmers

The dairy farmers receive nearly four billion HUF support this year. In addition to the extraordinary, 2.9 billion HUF EU agricultural subsidies, the government gives more than one billion HUF...

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Association of Grain Producers: this year was favorable to the winter cereals

This year's autumn favored the cultivation of cereals – the President of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on Thursday. Vancsura József by commenting the 2015 data...

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Winter wheat world record with Syngenta

Lincolnshire farmer Tim Lamyman has beaten the world winter wheat yield record by harvesting a whopping 16.5 t/ha from a brand new variety in his first year growing it. Farming...

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The Nébih withdrew rice flour containing gluten

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) ordered the withdrawal of three rice flour produced by the Szarvasi Agrár Zrt. – the Nébih told MTI on Thursday. The health risk...

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The freighters request the restoration of the 18 years age limit from the European Commission

The National Freighters’ Industrial Corporation of Private Entrepreneurs (NiT Hungary) turned to the European Commission (EC) and requested the restoration of the 18 years age limit in order to eliminate...

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Knorr XXL – family bases

Between 10 and 23 July 2014, after the success of Knorr Bolognese XXL, Knorr decided to create new XXL products and to launch a new range called Knorr XXL Family...

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Magazine: Groupama Arena – stadium experience with extras

Budapest’s one-year-old hypermodern Groupama Arena is a spectacular building and a venue that offers many experiences. It isn’t only the home pitch of football club FTC and the Hungarian national...

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Nébih: almost half of the check of the fish vendors have failed on Nébih’s test

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found irregularities at 43 percent of the examined 81 fish vendors and caterers – the Nébih informed MTI on Wednesday. According to the...

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Savings Bank: 3.1 percent GDP growth is expected this year

According to the analysts of the Savings Bank, this year3.1 percent gross domestic product (GDP) growth is expected, while 2.5 percent expansion is expected for the next year – Oszlay...

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OECD: Global economic prospects have deteriorated

Deterioration occured in the global economic outlook in recent months, especially due to China’s and Brazil's economic slowdown – the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced its economic...

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Potato Days in Gyenesdiás

At the Potato Days in Gyenesdiás the Keszthely-based Potato Research Centre will showcase its own bred varieties, there will be professional advisory services as well, potato dishes will be cooked...

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EuroZone’s inflation fell in August

Inflation across the eurozone unexpectedly weakened in August, raising hopes among economists that the European Central Bank will eventually expand its already massive bond-buying program to combat the economic risks...

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Nébih: bluetongue disease appeared in Somogy county

Bluetongue virus-infected cattle was found in Hajmás, Somogy County after last week's incident in Tolna county – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Wednesday. According to...

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Russian taxes vs. brewers

Several large breweries asked the Russian government not to increase the tax on beer any further. This step would contribute to a growth in production. For instance Anheuser-Busch InBev also...

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FM: autumn harvest works have begun

The autumn harvest works have begun in Hungary – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced. Czerván György Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for agri management told...

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Equilor: GDP may increase by 3.1 percent this year

According to the experts of the Equilor Befektetési Zrt. (Equilor Investment Ltd.) this year the, gross domestic product (GDP) may expand by 3.1 percent and it may grow with 2.7...

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A vegetable consignment was seized in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County

Two tons of vegetables were seized by the finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. The consignment will be destroyed because its origin is...

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Hungary will receive 2.9 billion HUF extra agricultural support from the EU

Outstanding Hungarian agricultural diplomatic success was born at the council meeting of the agricultural ministers in Luxembourg on Tuesday. Hungary will be given 2.9 billion HUF extra agricultural support from...

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The sky is clouded over Europe

The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany has declined in September 2015. Decreasing by 12.9 points compared to the previous month, the index now stands at a level of...

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Shrinking share for private label products

Dog food sales were worth HUF 14 billion in the December 2014-May 2015 period. Value sales were up 3 percent and volume sales increased 2 percent. In the last six...

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The Kazakh-Hungarian economic relations will be strenghtened with Agricultural technology and tourism developments

The government will continue to support the participation of the Hungarian companies in the Kazakh development and industrialization programs – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI, after Varga...

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