
Professionals have praised the introduction of the catering regulation

According to experts, the 1 September introduction of the catering regulation is a milestone, because proper nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle – was said at the press...

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Markit: the pace of economic growth is slowing in the euro zone

Despite the reduction of economic growth in September, the euro zone reached its best quarter of the last four years – the provisional September figures of the Purchasing Manager Index...

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The third of the GINOP funds will be available this year

More than 900 billion HUF EU development funds will be available later this year for the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which is the third of the 2,700 billion HUF...

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Foreign VAT can be claimed back for another week

The Hungarian companies still rarely claim back the VAT on invoices related to residence in other EU countries, rather they account gross costs – the international tax consulting and auditing...

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Fifteen thousand packs of cigarettes in the crashing smuggler car

Fifteen thousand packs of cigarettes without Hungarian excise stamps were found in the car that crashed with another car on Tuesday in Nyírmeggyes. Nine people injured in the crash –...

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Bluetongue disease was detected in three additional counties

The laboratory tests showed bluetongue disease in cattle herds in Baranya, Somogy and Tolna counties, therefore, the authorities amended the surveillance and protection zone. The previously imposed measures remain valid...

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Babati and Co. builds meat processing plant in Vietnam

Körmend company Babati and Co. invests more than HUF 2.5 billion in building a meat processing plant and a 100-unit meat shop chain in Vietnam. Plan is that 120 pigs...

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Dangerous sesame seed

India can’t guarantee the safety of sesame seed it exports to the European Union – opines the European Commission. The commission would like to know the place of origin, the...

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Coffee sales: which path to take?

After the nadir of 2013 coffee sales increased by 5 percent in value in 2014 – in a period when prices were relatively stable. This was very good news in...

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Import pressure complicates the lives of domestic milk producers

The imports of Slovak and Czech ultra heat treated milks (UHT) that mainly arrive to Hungary with VAT frauds failed to be stopped – the President of the Dairy Product...

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The MNB lowered its growth and inflation forecasts for this year

The Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank) slightly reduced its forecast for GDP growth this year. The Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank) expects a 3.2 percent GDP growth in...

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Food waste to be tracked

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) set up a working group in order to reduce the annual loss of around 200 billion HUF that comes from food waste – Kürthy...

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38 billion HUF will be given to the young farmers as start-up support

More than three thousand young farmers won a total of 38 billion HUF support to the development of their start-up farms within the Young Farmer Program announced for the fifth...

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It's easier than you might think: smoke fish at home!

Have You thought that the smoked fish is a privilege of restaurants, and only trained chefs are able to prepare them? You are wrong! Anyone can prepare smoke fish at...

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The government calls for joint EU action against tax evasion

The EU countries should act against tax evasion in a coordinated way, by learning from each other- the National Economy Ministry (NGM) emphasized on Tuesday. Rákossy Balázs, Minister of State...

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Smuggled cigarettes were found in Magosliget

More than 24 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were found in Magosliget by the police – the press officer of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police told MTI on Tuesday. Fehérvári Marietta...

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Hungarian brands’ successful marketing at Budapest Airport

Pick Szeged Zrt. has implemented its most successful campaign ever in the SkyCourt of Budapest Airport. In the one-month period hostesses, dressed in traditional Hungarian garments, were offering Hungarian winter...

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Shrinking proportion of PL products in the USA

An annual Deloitte survey revealed that in 2015 65 percent of US consumers are willing to give private label products a try – this ratio is 8 percent smaller than...

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COPA elected Hungarian vice president

NAK expert Dr Sándor Kukovics was elected vice president of COPA’ sheep and goat working group. Mr Kukovics will fill the position for two years. British member Charles Sercombe was...

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Messe Düsseldorf: a good year

Messe Düsseldorf’s sales revenue was a better than expected EUR 411.5 million in 2014; consolidated result after taxes amounted to EUR 57.7 million. The biggest proportion of this was generated...

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GKI: Improving business, deteriorating consumer expectations

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Not only the weather does affect the beer sales

Hungary’s leading brewery, the Dreher Breweries closed this summer with a double-digit sales growth, compared to last year. The company could achive this growth in addition to the promotion of...

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The Dry Tokaji Furmint has an own-branded glass

The Dry Tokaji Furmint was given an own-branded glass that enhances the flavors of the wine – the Kossuth Rádió reported on Monday. The unique wine chalice was designed by...

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Europe-wide competition for talented labor force

The emigration of the talented labor force causes serious tensions in the domestic labor market and the Hungarian companies have to battle with their European competitors to retain workers. The...

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Sample webstore and online research lab helps the consumer protection authority

The project supporting the development of consumer protection will be completed in late September. The EU contributed with 350 million HUF to the project – Szente István, Director-General of the...

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Green energy use should be doubled by 2020

About 6.6 percent of the Hungarian energy consumption comes from green energy. Hungary has to double its performance in the next five years to approach the National Reform Programme’s 14.65...

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The EU can provide guidance for carriers to the situation due to the border closures within weeks

The European Union is expected to provide guidance to member countries and international carriers to treat the increased driving time, due to the grievous border crossings – Pencz Zoltán, Secretary-General...

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The sector is waiting for steps to be taken

The Federation of Hungarian Food Industries (ÉFOSZ) published a statement that welcomes the new development strategy for the food industry, but at the same time warns that small and medium-sized...

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Promotions for an optimal sales performance

In July 2014-June 2015, from every HUF 100 spent in the 10 highest-turnover grocery categories 45 were used to buy products in promotion. This means that the value of promotional...

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Magazine: A life lived with boreout symptoms turns again itself after a while!

Ági is 27 years old and she is suffering from burnout. She is an economist and a corporate management expert. She speaks German, English and French and she has been...

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