
Roundtable discussion at the Free University about the agriculture trade opportunities

The improvement of foreign trade results in agriculture can be expected from the growth of highly processed products – the speakers of the roundtable discussion emphasized. The roundtable discussion was...

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The farmers in Romania are encouraged to form cooperaties

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis published the law amendment on Thursday – the Romanian president's office announced. The Romanian Parliament adopted the amendment of the 2004/566 law at the end of...

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Milling and baking industry meeting in Hajdúnánás

On 8 June NAK’s regional office in Hajdú-Bihar County organised a meeting for the representatives of the milling and baking industry at Hajdú Gabona Zrt.’s mill in Hajdúnánás. The two...

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AK amends statutes

In order to make the administrative burden smaller, the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) decided to amend its statutes. Primary producers who sell their produce for less than HUF 600,000...

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The Czechs are among Europe’s most optimistic consumers

In the Czech Republic the consumer confidence index is one of the highest in Europe. In Q1 2016 the Germans, the Brits and the Czechs were all at 97 points...

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Magazine: BREXIT: What comes next?

In a referendum held on 23 June 2016, 51.89 percent of British voters said yes to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. In the short term this decision is...

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VHT: increasing buying prices in the pig sector

After the low point early this year, the purchase prices are growing, and so market conditions in the pig sector are rearranged – the Secretary of the Livestock and Meat...

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Analysts: household consumption will be the engine of economic growth

Household consumption will be the driving force of economic growth – analysts interviewed by MTI evaluated the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the data of the...

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Domestic watermelon promotion program starts

The National Agricultural Chamber and the Agricultural Marketing Centre Nonprofit Ltd. launches a promotion program to popularize Hungarian melon. The program is launched with the co-operation of six chain of...

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KSH: gross earnings grew 6 percent in May

In May gross earnings increased by 6.0 percent. Net average earnings increased with a higher extent, due to the changes in personal income tax, by 7.6 percent, compared with a...

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Women employment rate is increasing in Hungary

The rate of female employment in Hungary is increasing, it is slowly reaching the European Union’s average as well – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Human Resources...

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FAO Report: dry areas of the Earth should be handled with special attention

Special attention should be paid to the dry areas of the world, because climate change will further strengthen the negative effects of droughts, desertification and land degradation – the report...

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A decrease in Hungary’s living cattle imports

The chain of stores in Hungary support the market access of the Hungarian producers, but in many cases they are forced to import foreign products, if domestic supply capacities are...

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One hundred and ten thousand boxes of smuggled cigarettes were found in a Bulgarian truck

The finance guards found one hundred and ten thousand untaxed cigarettes in a Bulgarian truck hidden among watermelons on the M43 motorway – the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV)...

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Brexit slows the growth of the world economy

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects a slower growth in the world economy, because the Brexit will have an impact not only in the UK but in the developed European...

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The hotel association expects a stronger summer season than last year

The Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) expects a stronger summer season than last year. In the first five months of the year, both the total gross sales both overnight...

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Agrárium 2016: agricultural registry

Farmers could fill out the Agrárium online questionnaire until 29 May and those who failed to do this will have to answer the questions of registry officers between 1 June...

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OTP plans to increase share in the financing of agriculture

Instead of the present 16-17 percent, OTP Bank plans to increase its share to 20 percent in the financing of agriculture by 2020. The bank prefers the crop farming segment...

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Magazine: SMART conference 2016: an abundance of innovations

Budapest was the host of the international SMART conference, where new technology startups and technological solutions had the chance to introduce themselves. Endless and the Hungarian Association of IT Companies...

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Magazine: Polish puzzle waiting to be solved

From time to time the news spreads that Polish produce (apple, potato, etc.) is dumped on international markets, causing price reduction and driving Hungarian produce out of these markets. It...

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The Hungarian dairy sector receives three billion HUF support from the EU

The European Union on Monday decided on the new support package of 500 billion euros for the milk sector. Hungary will be given 2.7 percent (9.5 million euros) of the...

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Food trade’s TV spots reached the highest number of viewers in June among the product categories

The longest average daily TV watching time was measured within the age group over 60, while the the 18-29 age group watched the TV the least. On list price, advertising...

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FM: melon-growing area increased significantly

The National Watermelon Program (launched in 2011) is very effective. The melon-growing area of Hungary, has increased significantly since then, now it is around about 6 thousand hectares – Nagy...

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The supermarket chains buy melons from Hungarian suppliers

Tesco buys exclusively watermelons from Hungarian suppliers from 18 July again. The Auchan follows the example as well as Lidl, Aldi, the CBA, the Metro and Spar will only sell...

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Raiffeisen: economic growth will be 2.2 this year and 2.7 percent in the next year

The analysts of the Raiffeisen Bank expect a 2.2 percent economic growth for this year a 2.7 percent for the next year and 2.9 percent for 2018 – Török Zoltán,...

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FM: The development of the national pálinka strategy may begin this year

The development of the national pálinka strategy may begin even this year – Gál Péter, Deputy Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told in Budapest on Tuesday,...

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German and Euro Zone business sentiment deteriorated heavily

As the result of the Brexit business sentiment worsened in Germany and in the euro zone in July much stronger-than-expected – according to the Mannheim-based ZEW (Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung)...

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Barley was domesticated on the current territory of Israel

On the basis of genetic analysis of 6,000-year-old seeds found in the Judean desert, an international team of researchers believes that barley was domesticated on the current territory of Israel...

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Online Retailers of the Year announced, eNet and IVSZ’s 18-member jury selected the best online retailers of the year for the 10th time. In the SME category light source online store Lumenet finished first. The...

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More than 175,000 funding applications submitted

By midnight 23 May 175,355 standard funding applications were submitted for 5 million hectares of land to the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH). Applications can still be sent between...

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