
Many rural municipalities are participating in the sample program

Throughout the country, more than 1,200 municipalities are participating in the agricultural sample program that helps rural employment. Across the country currently 1,285 municipalities are involved in the agricultural sample...

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The eggcompetition continues

Poultry consumption in 2017 may increase by up to five percent due to the reduced Value Added Tax (VAT). According to the evaluation of the Poultry Product Council, the tax...

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Above average rainfall in July: the compensation fund will be paid next March

In July 20-80 mm more rain fell than as usual, the soil’s moisture content is over 60 percent on average. In the last few days and today, fierce thunderstorms have...

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Agricultural Chamber of Commerce: farmers' cards will be cheaper

The new card-based farmers' cards will be made later, but their production will cost only about half as previously planned – Süle Katalin, presidency spokesman for the National Association of...

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Distillate support is available

The publication of the Agricultural and Rural Development Office has been released over the support in the 2016/2017 marketing year. According to the communication of the Agricultural and Rural Development...

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The use of plastic bags decreased by eighty-five percent in England

The number of single-use plastic bags used by shoppers in England has plummeted by more than 85 percent after the introduction of a 5p charge last October, early figures suggest....

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POPAI Village at the EuroShop 2017 trade exhibition

Between 5 and 9 March 2017 once again Düsseldorf will host the EuroShop trade show, the biggest event in the world that deals with marketing@retail too. Once again there will...

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Potato producers may receive production-related support from 2017

If Brussels accepts, 2017, the potato can enter into the support circle so willingness to produce may increase in Hungary – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Domestic products are more popular even if they are more expensive sometimes

Despite the news of crop losses shortage in the orchards and vegetable gardens, the supply of imported vegetables significantly reduced on the 27th week at the Budapest Wholesale Market. In...

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NGM: come to the vending machines Connection

Companies operating vending machines can prepare: the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) has finished the draft regulation, which would connect the vending machines to the National Tax and Customs Administration...

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The same amount of milk for less, decreasing milk exports

According to the Agricultural Economics Research Institute’s report that reflects the market trends in Hungary, the national average production price of raw milk was 65.98 HUF per kilo in June...

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The rules of the ekáer are changing

The new rules of the electronic road freight traffic control system (ekáer) will be introduced on Monday. If the weight of the vehicle and the cargo together will be more...

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The fish of the Lake Balaton to be promoted

The restaurants near the Lake Balaton promote the consumption of fish and offer more native species of food as well. Otherwise July 31 is the Day of the Fish in...

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The smartphone market stagnated in the second quarter

The global smartphone market struggled to grow in the second quarter. Vendors shipped 343.3 million smartphones, a 0.3 percent increase from 342.4 million in the year-earlier period, according to IDC....

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Half of Hungarians are bargain hunters

An online Nielsen survey with more than 30,000 participants in more than sixty countries has revealed that 48 percent of Hungarian consumers are happy to do some bargain hunting. In...

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Kőröstej Kft. Launching the flavoured versions of Hajdú grill cheese

Hajdú grill cheese products appeared on store shelves in a new packaging in June 2014. In March 2015 the ‘New Flavours Vote’ campaign started in social media: consumers could have...

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Wine price fluctuation

In the first half of the year domestic wine wholesale was characterized by subtle changes in prices. According to the sales volume data of the Agricultural Research Institute, the domestic...

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Despite the Russian export ban, EU dairy exports may increase in the region

The coming weeks probably will not produce significant changes on the dairy market. The European Commission in its July short-term view reveals that the global oversupply and price pressure from...

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The number of cows sent to slaughter more advanced in Europe

The milk producers of the countries joined to the EU later certainly hope for resolving the crisis of milk overproduction. According to Eurostat, the slaughtering of cows increased by six...

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Hungarian Horticultural Propagation Office plans to sell about 200 thousand grafts

The Hungarian Horticultural Propagation Office (MKSZN) Ltd. is preparing for the next fruit grafts sales season. The state-owned company plans to sell about 200 000 grafts in the autumn of...

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KSH: 142 thousand more workers than a year ago

The number of employees in April-June was 4 343.700, 142 more than the year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Thursday. Among the employees 4 304.500 belonged...

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Six tons of Vojvodina wheat for the Bread of the Hungarians

The wheat collection days for the Bread of the Hungarians program has started In Zenta, for example, more than six tons of wheat was donated by the region's producers. Within...

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Reverse economic sentiment in the EU and in the euro zone

Economic sentiment improved slightly in the euro zone in July and decreased in the European Union – according to the Thursday published survey of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic...

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Wheat harvest has been completed

Wheat harvest almost completed in the country. Due to bad weather, the farmers are still working on 1-2 percent of the area – the President of the National Association of...

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Another important step against illegal seed market

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board considered it important that the Ministry of Agriculture requires a serial number indicating official registration when marketing vegetable seeds. Another serious step...

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One hundred percent subsidized loans to farmers who were affected by spring frost damage

Those farmers whose lands were hit by frost in April this year may claim for an up to 500 thousand HUF interest rate and cost-free credit per hectare – the...

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Nébih: half a ton of meat was seized in a meat shop in Hold Street Market

Half a ton of unmarked illicit frozen meat was seized by the National Food Chain Safety Office’s (NÉBIH) staff in a meat shop in the capital's Hold Street Market. The...

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The orders of durable goods in the USA decreased in June

The orders for durable goods, such as cars, airplanes and computers, dropped 4 percent to 219.8 billion USD after slipping 2.8 percent in May, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. Commercial...

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Tesco sells Kipa

Tesco has decided to sell Turkey’s market leader retail chain Kipa, in which the British retailer has a 95.5-percent share. Tesco is expected to get GBP 30 million for their...

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International Taste & Quality Institute

The International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi) gave three gold stars to Veritas Gold’s natural mineral water and rewarded BUSZESZ Zrt.’s Chef apple cider vinegar with two gold stars at...

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