
Vast majority of institutions are likely to be closed with a legal successor named

The government has published its decree on which background institutions of various ministries – there are more than 50 – are about to undergo a restructuring. For instance the Agricultural...

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Magazine: ULINK 2016

How time flies! ULINK members have met for the ninth time – former Unilever workers (who used to have their own club called VUKK) and current employees of the company...

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The EU approves another 500 million euros market support package for the milk producers

Phil Hogan EU Commissioner responsible for Agriculture announced a new 500 million euros market support package to help the milk producers – Czerván György, Minister of State told at a...

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The harvest is expected to be completed by the beginning of August

Farmers in the country expect to complete harvest by the beginning of August, if the weather remains favorable and no rain occurs – the President of the National Grain Producers...

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Huge amount of cash in the economy

On 1 January 2016, 425 million banknotes and one and a half billion coins were in the economy in Hungary. The government could also gain one hundred billion HUF amount,...

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Disappear recommended for diabetics food labeling

From July 20, labeling of foods recommended for diabetics disappears, for example, the often used orange circle. The majority of diabetic food manufacturers used separate labeling – including the orange...

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The Book of Wine Excellences showing white and rosé wines has been published

Two hundred and ninety wines have been included to this year’s third volume of the Book of Wine Excellences in 2016. The publication of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) was...

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The Hungarians are real e-travelers

65 percent of the Hungarians consider Internet as a useful tool. During the planning of their holidays 87 percent of them connect to the internet, while the wi-fi access is...

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First MFB Point opens in Kecskemét

With the network of MFB Points, a special system is being created in Hungary for the stable and transparent granting of repayable EU funding that represents a value of several...

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Magazine: The 10 biggest online retailers

GKI Digital compiled the list of the 10 biggest online retailers in Hungary for the second time. At the top of the list – just like last year – we...

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The annual wheat requirement is already in the warehouses

Already twice of Hungary's annual wheat requirement is in the warehouses – the deputy chairman of the National Association of Grain Producers told M1 news channel on Saturday. Petőházi Tamás...

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US retail increased faster-than-expected

On a monthly basis US retail sales increased by 0.6 percent in June, which exceeded the 0.1 percent growth forecasting consensus – wrote. According to the Trade Ministry, retail...

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Tisza fish soup was added to the National Depository

The Tisza fish soup was added to the National Depository specified by the Hungarikum Commission – the Minister of Agriculture announced on Saturday, in Tiszaderzs, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. Fazekas Sándor told...

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Euro-zone external trade surplus increased in May

The Euro-zone accumulated surplus of 24.6 billion euros in May in trade with the rest of the world. It is more than 34 percent higher than the 18.3 billion euros...

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Pininfarina to design Zetor tractors

The tractors are no longer just simple machines, but also a kind of status symbols: internal technical content and external appearance is important as well – wrote. The Zetor...

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BOMBAY SAPPHIRE, the jewel of gins

The Bombay Sapphire gin is characterized by softness like no other, which is based on the harmony of 10 unique ingredients. The lemon peel, the fleur-de-lis root, the cassia bark,...

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Caffeine is healthy in the EU

Danish MEP Christel Schaldemose disagrees with the European Commission’s recent proposal that energy and sugary drinks should be allowed to claim on their labels that the caffeine in them boosts...

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International bioenergy week in Budapest

Budapest was the host of the 4th Bioenergy Week in the middle of June. The event was organised by The Ministry of Agriculture and FAO. There were 70 participants at...

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Magazine: Recruiting new workers takes hard work

Trade magazin and Chain Bridge Club invited four prestigious speakers to their Business Dinner event, where decision-makers from the FMCG sector and economic experts met to discuss topical issues of...

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Fruit prices have not jumped despite lower yields

Due to the spring frosts – in April and in early May, which decimated the crop – about 30-35 thousand hectares of orchards suffered damage. It is estimated that 250-300...

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Attractive prices in the Hungarian stores

The strenghtening of the Hungarian wages can be already felt in cross-border stores, however, more and more foreigners are arranging their large shoppings in Hungary; However, the latter spend twice...

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The Nébih only found marking error when checking cooking oils

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested 15 kinds of cooking oils within the nationwide control series. The products have passed the standards, marking errors, however, were found at...

Read more the sales revenue of the top 100 media companies in Hungary increased by 1 percent last year

Total net sales of the 100 largest media companies in Hungary was around 256 billion HUF in 2015, one percent higher than in the previous year – according to the...

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The stocks of leased agricultural machinery expanded

The stocks of the leased agricultural machinery continued to expand, in this year's first quarter. In case of the new and used agricultural machinery, the financed stocks reached 79 billion...

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The Brexit and the British supermarket chains

The British-owned supermarket chains – such as Tesco and Marks & Spencer – may be affected badly with the effect of weakening pound caused by the Brexit and more expensive...

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The Bečov drink collection’s value is about 30 million crowns

The current value of the drink collection which was found in 1985 in the western Bohemian Becov nad Teplou castle is about 30 million crowns (345 million HUF). Andrea Grecmanová,...

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Increase in the price of wheat and corn at the commodity exchanges

The price of wheat and corn slipped back badly early summer. But a week ago the exchange rate began to rise – wrote. Vetter Péter, salesman of Solar Capital...

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Half a billion forint profit by Gyulahús last year

Gyulahús Kft. closed last year with a profit bigger than HUF 500 million. Back in 2013 the company’s profit was HUF 30 million, which grew to HUF 160 million in...

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New grant programme for agricultural producers

Farmers can apply for funding from a budget of HUF 19.68 billion in a new grant programme announced by the Prime Minister’s Office. The money is available for creating crop...

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Buffalo farm in Mezőtúr

As a result of a HUF 330-million investment, Italian-Hungarian joint venture Italiagro Kft. opened a buffalo farm for milk production purposes in Mezőtúr. The milk produced here will be used...

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