
Hungary’s original wine map is being prepared in Szerencs

The staff of the wine laboratory of Szerencsi Diagnosticum Zrt. are preparing the country’s original wine map. To the 1.7 billion HUF laboratory development and the production of the wine...

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Trademarked producers

Nearly a thousand food products, hotels and restaurants, a handicraft product have a national park trademark in Hungary – the Minister of Agriculture said in Miskolc on Saturday. Fazekas Sándor...

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This year, a 2012 vintage became the best red wine in Szekszárd

This year, the best red wine became a 2012 vintage at the wine competition in Szekszárd. This time the wine of the Bodri Cellar won the prize. This year, 19...

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Bureaucracy may be reduced in crop production

The National Arable Crop Production and Supply Industrial Board of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) was established. Petőházi Tamás has become the chairman who is also the deputy chairman...

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KSH: retail sales have increased even more than previously announced

In January, retail sales volume grew by 7.8 percent year-over-year, according to the raw and calendar effect adjusted data, according to the second estimate published by the Central Statistical Office...

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Fidelity: growing optimism in Europe

European companies are back from years of cost control and consolidation. With the winds of global growth in their sails, they are making the most of ultra-cheap funding costs, growing...

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Risky poultry import poses a food safety risk

The free-trade agreement between the European Union and the South American MERCOSUR countries could not be established until the recent Brazilian meat scandal was investigated by the authorities – Erdős...

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A municipal meat processing plant was opened in Hajdúböszörmény

A municipal meat processing plant was inaugurated in Hajdúböszörmény on Wednesday. The 268 million forints investment was supported by the Ministry of Interior under the Public Employment Program with 238...

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A program to be launced for children to reduce food waste

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is launching a program for the kindergartens and schoolchildren for the prevention of food waste – the Minister of State responsible for Food...

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We spend three to five thousand forints per child for toys at Easter

Hungarian parents this year typically spend 3-5 thousand forints each year for toys during Easter. Usefulness, price and quality are the most important aspects. From the recent research of the...

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They are encouraging an economical approach on the World Water Day

Currently, two billion people are drinking contaminated water every day, so therefore on the occasion of the World Water Day, people are encouraged to an economical approach – Juhász Árpád,...

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KSH: the census of orchards will begin on 14 February

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) carries out a fruit plantation census between 14 and April 16 February – Tóth Péter, Adviser to the Agricultural Statistical Department of the Central Statistical...

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Magazine: Health-consciousness is spreading in the fruit juice market

In the summer period demand increases for juices with low fruit content, while in winter the products with higher fruit content are popular. According to Gábor Ivády, commercial excellence leader of Coca-Cola...

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Nielsen: ham and chocolate sales accelerated

The domestic retailers reached a two-digit increase in value in the 2017 Easter season, in terms of ham and seasonal sweets. In March-April 2017, Hungarians spent over 8 billion forints...

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Fazekas Sándor: the production safety of Hungarian farmers is guaranteed

Hungary has successfully defended the interests of the Hungarian farmers at the meeting on the future of the common agricultural policy. The EU agriculture ministers have made decisions that provide...

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Economic growth in the EU is accelerating this year

The European Commission (EB) forecasts a faster growth, even higher than last year’s outstanding economic performance. Instead of the previously forecasted 2.1 percent increase a 2.3 percent growth is expected...

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NGM: operators of food and drink machines have to install the so-called automated control unit by 1 July

Businesses operating food and drink vending machines must install the so-called automated control unit by 1 July, which will enable the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) to track the...

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A food safety alert was issued due to a bitter apricot kernel diet supplement

The Dutch Authority issued an alert for a bitter apricot kernel diet supplement, (which was shipped to 12 EU Member States, including Hungary) due to a higher content of cyanide...

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The value of last year’s agricultural exports is expected to be record high

Last year’s export of agricultural products is expected to be record-breaking. In the first 11 months of the year, agricultural export exceeded the 2016 level by 8 billion euros (2400...

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GKI: The Hungarian economy before elections

Although Hungary’s GDP expanded slightly faster than expected in 2017, by 4 per cent and considerably faster than the EU average, its growth rate was moderate in the CEE region....

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Earnings increased significantly at the beginning of the year

In January, gross and net average earnings were 13.8 percent higher than a year before, which is a six-month peak. Growth was affected by the 8 percent increase in minimum...

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FM: results in the fish sector can be achieved through co-operation

Udvari Zsolt, head of the Department of Fishing and Fisheries Management at the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said that the results in the fish sector can be achieved through the...

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Swine fever and Ukraine may also threaten Hungarian agriculture

The Hungarian agriculture is facing a serious challenges, in addition to the uncertainties of the EU budget cycle starting after 2020, the swine fever surrounding Hungary and the dynamically growing...

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Tokaji March great tasting in Budapest

More than 150 wines of almost sixty wineries from Tokaj-Hegyalja and master courses are waiting for the public to the Tokaji March great tasting on Saturday in the Corinthia Hotel...

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Easter can bring a lot of turnover to the toy stores

Easter can bring nearly one-fifth of the annual sales revenue on the gaming market, which is the second busiest period after Christmas – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The value of the...

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Consumer sentiment improved in the United States

Consumer confidence improved in the United States in February. The US households are more hopeful to the current and prospective situation of the economy – according to the regular monthly...

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EU agricultural subsidies will be linked to performance targets

The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) fundings should be linked to progressive and essential performance targets, according to the European Court of Auditors – wrote. According to the Luxembourg-based...

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Animal breeders can prepare for huge changes after 2020

The Council of Agrarian Ministers met in Brussels on Monday and adopted a resolution on the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy – wrote. The farmers can prepare for huge changes...

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Happy Week again to promote water consumption

In order to promote water consumption this year, the Happy Week event will be organized again for primary school children and kindergartens – the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition...

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The Jedlik Prize is a recognition of the entire wheat breeding community.

The Jedlik Prize is the recognition of the work of the whole wheat breeding community. The result is not a single man’s work; the new plant varieties are created by...

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