
Solar farm to be built on agricultural land

Two 50-hectare areas will be added to the territory of the Hódmezővásárhely industrial park, where agricultural machinery production and food industry enterprises are welcome. A solar farm is going to be...

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NAK’s Food processing department wants further VAT cuts

József Losó is the head of NAK’s Food processing department, the most important goals of which are to analyse the Hungarian trademark situation and to continue reducing the VAT on...

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NAK launches campaign to promote beef consumption

Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) told at the campaign launch press conference: Hungarians eat 2-2.5kg of beef a year, which is only one third of...

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The output of Hungary’s horticulture sector can be doubled

Hungary’s horticulture sector produces in the value of HUF 400 billion a year. This sum can be doubled with modernisation, simplifying rules and strengthening marketing work – it was said at the first...

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Objective: to strengthen fair trade practices

NAK has established the Agriculture and food trade department, with Dr Attila Csorbai as the head and NAK vice president Tamás Éder supervising the work. At the department’s first meeting the...

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Hungarian pork sector in the limelight

The Hungarian Meat Industry Federation (MHSZ) organised a press conference, where president Tamás Éder spoke about the meat industry’s last 12 months. He revealed that the number of pigs decreased by...

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Analysts: the foreign trade surplus in January was higher than expected

The foreign trade surplus in January exceeded the expectations and the surplus will be lower than in the previous year, but the decline will be lower than last year –...

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Many people visited the Hungarian Flavours Fair

In spite of the bad weather about 7,500 people visited the Hungarian Flavours Spring Fair at the second weekend of March. Visitors could choose from more than 1,000 typical Hungarian foods,...

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Another Hungarian food plants can export to Taiwan

Another 8 poultry slaughterhouses and 1 poultry and 2 pig processing plants have been granted the export license from Taiwan’s Veterinary and Phytosanitary Inspection and Quarantine Office (BAPHIQ) – the...

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The EC has established an expert center to improve food quality

The European Commission has set up a knowledge center on fighting food fraud and dealing with food quality. It will begin to operate on Tuesday – the EU commission told...

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NGM: the economic cooperation in the Carpathian Basin should be expanded further

The aim of the government is to develop an economic space in the Carpathian Basin by investing and strengthening business relations that will reach the level of economic integration of...

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Real earnings may rise above 6 percent this year

According to the calculations of the ministry, real earnings may rise above 6 percent this year – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) responsible...

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Novelties at the 20th Goose Festival in Kiskunfélegyháza

In addition to the usual programs, there will be several novelties, drama and drawing competitions and sightseeing tour connected to the Petőfi memorial year at the twentieth Kiskunfélegyháza Goose Festival,...

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The European Commission: most dangerous products reported in the EU come from China

Most of the dangerous products reported in the European Union are coming from so-called third countries, most of them, 53 percent from China, according to a report released on Monday...

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Nielsen chart of the month – Hungary’s retail sales growth was the second biggest in Europe

In Q4 2017 like-for-like retail sales growth was 8.2 percent (in value) in the Hungarian market of food and drug products. In the same period the European average was plus 4.4...

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Running out of industrial and logistic space?

In 2017 617,000m² more industrial space was rented in Hungary, 44 percent more than in the previous year. This means that there is hardly any more industrial and logistic space that...

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The number of jobseekers dropped by 6.9 percent last year

The number of registered jobseekers decreased by 6.9 percent in Hungary in one year, while the National Employment Service (NFSZ) recorded 254 800 jobseekers at the end of 2017, more...

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The campaign to promote Hungarian wines was launched in the United States

The “Year of the Aszú” campaign was launched in the United States, where Hungarian wines, mainly aszú wines will be promoted for a year. The campaign started with a wine...

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‘Consumer protection manager of the year’ awards presented

In 2017 the Consumer Protection Manager Association (FORE) decided to reward the efforts of Hungary’s more than 2,000 consumer protection managers by organising the ‘Consumer protection manager of the year’...

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More controls bore fruit

Between 2010 and 2017 the level of investment grew by 34 percent in agriculture. In 2014 the VAT on live and half pig was reduced, and one year later beef and...

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When it comes to buying pet food and kitchen towel, Hungarian consumers purchase private label products

n 2017 the market share of private label groceries was up 1 percentage point in Hungary: they had a nearly 29-percent share from the more than HUF 1,700-billion total value....

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Slaughter pig’s price continued to decrease

According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in January 2018 agricultural production prices were 2.1 percent higher than in the same period of 2017. This rise was the...

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Good start of the year in retail trade

In January 2018 like-for-like retail volume sales augmented by 7.5 percent; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was the same – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Food and...

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Prices were up 1.9 percent in February

In February 2018 consumer prices were 1.9 percent higher on average than a year before. In comparison with February 2017, food prices increased by 3.9 percent. Egg’s price soared by...

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From the jury’s perspective

Product of the Year has become one of Hungary’s best-known and most successful product excellence award programmes in the last six years. This year 21 brands earned the right to...

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Value and Quality Grand Prix: a new trademark in the field of high-quality goods and services

This year, for the first time, the Value and Quality Grand Prix competition was announced in 47 main categories, representing the outstanding quality, based on the Hungarian Product Grand Prize...

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KSH: exports in January reached a double-digit growth again

In January, the value of exports in euros was 10.1 percent higher, while the value of imports was 9.3 percent higher than in the year before, while the foreign trade...

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Analysts expected higher inflation

Analysts interviewed by MTI expect slow fluctuation rise in prices, due to the lower than expected February inflation and a drop in core inflation. According to a statement issued on...

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Syngenta wine competition: 2017 vintage is a great

A record number of 539 entries have been received from the country’s wine regions by the seventeenth National Syngenta Wine Competition. The Schieber Winery of Szekszárd, the Tokajicum Wine House...

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