
Budafoki Cellar Trip program again this year

A unique cellar system in Europe is waiting for the visitors from March 2018 on the first Saturday of each month with rich cultural program offerings and gastronomic experiences, which...

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FM: agricultural professions will be more appreciated with the strengthening of the agricultural sector

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture spoke on Friday at the “The Future Vocational Training – the Future of Vocational Training 2” confence about the restoration of the prestige of professions,...

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FM: research and development co-operations can be established with African countries

Research and development co-operations can be established between Hungary and the states of Africa. The Ministry of Agriculture also plans to establish a Hungarian- African ecological institute for organic agriculture...

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You can sign up for the first Block Knights Contest until 18 March

The application for the first Hungarian Block Knights Contest was officially launched. The Block Knights Contest, is organized by the Blockchaineum and the Corvinus Fintech Center and realized within the...

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Retail sales declined in the euro area and in the EU in January

The retail sales of the euro area and the EU declined in January, contrary to the market expectations – according to Eurostat. In Hungary, retail sales in January reached the...

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Magazine: Consumer expectations for 2018: it won’t get better, it won’t get worse

In January 2018 Kantar Hoffmann conducted a representative survey in Hungary, with the participation of 1,100 adults, about what consumers expect in 2018. It matters a lot whether a country’s population...

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Hungary exported nearly 6,000 tons of chocolates in 2016-2017

Chocolate production in Hungary has shifted towards quality, more and more high-cocoa content products and handicraft products are being made – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said on Friday in...

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FAO: world food prices increased

In February, FAO’s food price index increased by 1.1 percent. The five basic food price indices monitored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) grew to...

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Agricultural Chamber: the production value of horticulture can be doubled

The production value of the Hungarian horticultural industry is about 400 billion HUF annually, which can be increased by up to 800 billion HUF through modernization, rationalization of regulation and...

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The European Parliament voted on the report on honey

The most important result of the European Parliament’s resolution adopted taking into account the views of all interested parties is the focus of attention on honey counterfeiting – Erdős Norbert,...

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NGM: Nearly 6,500 billion HUF investments have been implemented in Hungary in 2017

Last year, nearly 6,500 billion HUF worth of development was made in Hungary, which represents an increase of almost 17 percent, compared to the previous year, considering the volume of...

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Nébih: The tested wheat flours met the standards

The 24 wheat flour products met the food safety requirements at the Szupermenta test of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in February – the authority told MTI on...

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The sales of smartphones declined globally last year for the first time

Last year, the sales of smartphones in the world market dropped by 0.5 percent, causing a downturn for the first time. According to the data of the American International Data...

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91 percent of Romanians living abroad regularly buy Romanian products

Nintety-one percent of Romanians living abroad regularly buy Romanian products, and 61 percent popularize Romanian brands among their acquaintances, according to a recent survey of the MKOR Consulting market research...

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Magazine: GfK Hungária Market Research Institute forecasts growth for 2018

According to Ákos Kozák, managing director of GfK Hungária, Hungarian FMCG sales and consumption have been growing continuously since 2015. The 3-4 percent consumption growth and the 4-5 percent expansion in...

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The NAK urges the continuation of VAT cuts

The Food Processing National Department of the National Chamber of Agriculture considers the continuation of the VAT reduction of foodstuffs as one of the most important objectives. The Food Processing...

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The domestic print media reached an eighteen and a half percent increase on the advertising market

The total advertising revenue of 2017 reached 106,783 billion forints. The press reached a two-digit growth. Its growth rate surpassed all market segments and the latest data show a significant...

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FM: spring seasonal food chain tests have started

The spring seasonal food chain control, in which traditionally consumed and seasonal foods will be tested by the National Food Chain Safety Officers (Nébih) was launched on 1 March –...

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The financial expectations of the SMEs is on an eleven-year summit

The financial expectations of SMEs have risen to an unprecedented level. They expect a revenue growth of 9.5 percent and a profit growth of 5 percent this year – according...

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Eger-Szekszárd Bull’s Blood Duel in Budapest

Eighteen wineries from Eger and fifteen wineries from Szekszárd will showcase the present-day face of the historic wine variety at the Eger-Szekszárd Bull’s Blood (Bikavér) Duel tasting on Friday at...

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MLBKT: February’s PMI has decreased but indicates a stable growth

The purchasing manager’s index (PMI) seasonally adjusted value for February was 57.4 points, lower than the January value of 61.1 points. However, compared to the previous February, this year’s February...

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The spring fair of Hungarian flavours


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Advertising Association: Last year, 241 billion forints were spent on advertising

The Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) estimates that the 2017 advertising spending was 241 billion forints, 11.5 percent more than a year before, but excluding the state spendings, but the market...

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The range of protected geographical indications has expanded with another seven members

The range of protected geographical indications has expanded with the Csopaki wine, the Sikicarp of Akasztó, peaches from Budaörs, the Black Cherry from Szomolya, sour cherry from Újfehértó, Nagykun rice...

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KSH: investment grew with a record extent in 2017

Investments grew with a record extent with 16.7 percent in 2017 after a 16.0 percent drop last year. The volume of investments in the fourth quarter was 14.4 percent higher...

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The Hungarian National Trade House finished its star tour

The Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) has completed the Carpathian Basin star tour, where over the past two months, the joint work was evaluated with nearly 300 companies at seven...

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EU payments are close to 1000 billion HUF

So far, the European Commission paid all performance-based payments to Hungary in the 2014-2020 cycle – Világgazdaság Online wrote. With regard to the projects of the 2014-2020 EU development cycle,...

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Seventy thousand new jobs have been created in agriculture in the past 7-8 years

About 70,000 new jobs have been created over the last seven to eight years in agriculture in Hungary, the majority of them in Zala and in other counties of Transdanubia...

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KPMG: this year, many acquisitions are expected in Hungary

As in the past two years, many acquisitions are expected in Hungary. The sale of Telenor is imminent, and if it is completed this year, the Hungarian company acquisition record...

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The new one thousand HUF banknote to come from Thursday

The new one-thousand HUF banknote will be launched on Thursday, March 1 – said Gerhardt Ferenc vice president of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) at a press conference in...

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