
The excellences of the Hungarian wine world were chosen

The excellences of the Hungarian wine world were awarded in eight categories this year. The VinCE Awards were handed over on Thursday at the 9th VinCE Budapest Wine Show. VinCE...

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The VinCE Budapest Wine Show supports young people with autism

This is the first time that the Autistic Art Foundation will be present at the VinCE Budapest Wine Show from 5 to 7 April. In the Várkert Bazár, many exhibited...

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The willingness of SMEs to invest is at a multi year peak

The willingness of SMEs to invest is at a multi year peak, as currently two out of three executives plan to make some improvements over the next year, according to...

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A strategic framework agreement has been concluded between the FM and the Fishing Association

A strategic framework agreement has been signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Hungarian National Fishing Association (Mohosz) to support natural waters and their associated fishing-tourism developments – the...

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The Hungarian State Treasury accelerated agricultural payments

The Hungarian State Treasury (MÁK) accelerated the agricultural payments, so until 31 March, support requests submitted under the single application amounted to 441 billion forints – the MÁK reported on...

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In February, retail sales in the euro area increased less than expected

Compared with the expectations of the analysts, retail sales in the euro area increased less than expected in February. Eurostat announced on Thursday that in February, the seasonally adjusted value...

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The NAK opened its renewed Bács-Kiskun County Directorate on Wednesday in Kecskemét

The National Chamber of Agriculture has opened the renewed Bács-Kiskun County Directorate in Kecskemét on 4 April. The chamber has about 40,000 members in the county – the public body...

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Nébih: anthrax struck the sheep

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) laboratory confirmed that anthrax has caused the sudden death in a sheep’s flock at the end of March, probably the inland water could...

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Illegal tobacco products were seized in Monok

Six million HUF worth of tobacco products were found by financial investigators in Monok – the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County press Officer of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) told MTI...

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China cuts the way of American soya, too

Earlier Wednesday, China said it would levy an additional 25 percent levy on about $50 billion of U.S. imports including soybeans, automobiles, chemicals and aircraft. The move matched the scale...

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Kopint-Tárki is expecting a four percent increase and a 2.5 percent inflation

The Kopint-Tárki Business Climate Research Institute is anticipating its December projection and expects a 4 percent increase in GDP in 2018, its inflation projection has not changed expecting a 2.5...

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A new trademark guarantees the GMO-free status of the Hungarian foods

A new trademark is introduced by the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) to distinguish Hungarian foods without genetic modification (GMOs). At a press conference held on Wednesday in Budapest, Fazekas Sándor...

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VinCE Budapest: The wines of the V4 countries will also be presented at the tasting

On the occasion of the Forthcoming Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group (V4s), Czech, Polish and Slovak wines will be presented at the VinCE Budapest Wine Show, where all four...

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A maize mill is under construction in Karcag

The Jász-föld Zrt. is building a maize mill in Karcag with a 1.5 billion forints investment – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. The announcement quotes Fazekas...

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MLBKT: March Purchasing Manager Index fell slightly but still high

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) was 57.0 points in March; lower than the 57.2 points of February 2018 and the fourth highest March value since...

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The economic growth of the euro area economy has slowed

The economic growth of the euro area has slowed in February to four-month lows. The IHS Markit economics research institute in London announced that the aggregate purchasing manager index (PMI)...

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Magazine: In the hands of the weather

According to data from Nielsen, both value and volume sales decreased in the category of insecticides and insect repellents in 2017. Gergely Bajomi, sales manager of Bábolna Bio Kft. spoke to our magazine...

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MNB: consumption, investment and exports promise a more than expected growth in 2018

Based on the data received since December’s Inflation Report, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) expects more favorable consumption and investment processes and a slightly stronger export growth. The experts of...

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The Hungarian Product Packages to reach the families of seventy-five thousand newborn babies

The Magyar Termék Csomag (Hungarian Product Package) is the joint project of the MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. and the PromoBox Kft. The project aim to reach the young families with...

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VinCE Budapest – The event begins in the Várkert Bazár on Thursday

At the VinCE Budapest Wine Festival the visitors can choose between 15 master courses mainly on biodynamic farming, and can learn about the products of 160 exhibitors – Jandrasics Borbála,...

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The government concluded a strategic co-operation with the diabetes organizations

The government concluded a strategic co-operation with two organizations representing people with diabetes in order to easen the lives of people with diabetes as well as to launch different trainings...

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TF: major reserves in the use of dietary supplements

According to Martos Éva, head of the Sports Nutrition Science Center at the University of Physical Education, there are still significant reserves in the field of the usage of nutrition...

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The financial expectations of large companies increased sharply

The sales revenue and profit expectations of the largest companies have increased sharply: an average of 3.2 percent higher sales revenue and 2.2 percent higher profit growth is estimated for...

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CCTV can be installed into slaughterhouses In England

According to professional opinions, there are no brutal conditions in the Hungarian slaughterhouses, so it is not planned to introduce CCTV in them – wrote. In England, however, the...

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Retail started the year well

According to the raw and calendar adjusted data, retail sales at unchanged prices increased by 7.5 percent year-on-year in January – according to the first estimate of the Central Statistical...

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February’s food basket for the cheapest shopping

The February food basket analysis of the Hipercom.Hungary blog again shows at which merchant was worthy to do the big shopping, if we compare the best promotional leaflet offers per...

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KSH’s exports rose again above 10 percent in January

Foreign trade surplus increased by 135 million euros to 698 million euros, according to the second estimate of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH). In the first estimate released on...

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The MKB Group and the Association of Agricultural Machinery Distributors signed a co-operation agreement

The MKB Bank Zrt. and the Association of Agricultural Machinery Distributors (Megfosz) signed a strategic co-operation agreement for one-year in Budapest on Wednesday. The MKB Group supports the promotion of...

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NFM: Easter hams, scones and Chocolates were tested by the Consumer Protection Authority

The National Consumer Protection Survey screened inadequate quality of Easter hams and scones – the National Development Ministry (NFM) informed on Thursday. In the Communication, it was recalled that the...

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76 billion forints were allocated to support young farmers

The Rural Development Program has allocated 76 billion HUF to support young farmers – Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State responsible for Agriculture and Rural Development said at the Young...

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