
AM Minister of State: The Ministry has launched a strategy for gene conservation

This year, the implementation of the plans set out in the gene conservation strategy was started with the provision of a 12.3 billion HUF funding, the Minister of State of...

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Honey festival in Kaposvár

Half a hundred beekeepers offer their products at the Kaposvár Honey Festival, which will be held on Friday and Saturday in Somogy County. Mészáros János, president of the Zselic Beekeepers’...

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That's why we are eating snacks at night

Researchers at BYU have shed new light on why you, your friends, neighbors and most everyone you know tend to snack at night: some areas of the brain don’t get...

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Counterfeiting accounts for more than 18,000 billion forints losses at EU level

According to the estimates of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), losses in counterfeiting and piracy in 11 economic sectors amount to 18,686 billion HUF per year at EU...

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Magazine: If you need a bit of élan…

Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország opines that sports drinks are one of the most dynamically developing categories in the soft drink market – in the retail sector sales soared by 43 percent...

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Nagy István: Food companies and wineries will receive about 70 billion HUF grants this year

Food companies and wineries will receive about 70 billion HUF support this year from the Rural Development Program (vp) – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at a press conference...

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NMHH: product placements in commercial TVs increased by 15 percent in the first half of the year

RTL Klub and TV2 had 17,796 product placements in the first six months of the year, which is a 15 percent increase, compared to the same period of last year,...

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The Hungarian Food Bank Association delivered about 221 tons of food to the needy

The Hungarian Food Bank Association delivered about 221 tons, 790 thousand canned food to the disadvantaged families last year. In the process of food rescue, the role of food producers...

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Wine feast again in Szeged

The Bor tér (Wine Square) wine festival offers a variety of programs for the locals and tourists arriving to the city – the managing director of the Szegedi Városkép és...

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NAK: rainy weather helps to sow rape, but made sunflower harvesting difficult

The rainy weather of the past few days has helped the sowing of winter rape, but it has made the harvesting of sunflower somewhat difficult – the National Department President...

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The BÉT50 Summit of Hungarian Medium-sized Enterprises will be held again this year

The Budapest Stock Exchange will host the BÉT50 (BSE50) conference for the executives of Hungarian medium and large companies this year – the director of the Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT)...

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This is how the FoodTruck Show-winning mangalica burger is made

The 10th Food Truck Show was created with the fascination of Hungarian food, with a special focus on mangalica meat. This year, the BazsaLicom Foodtruck won the NoSalty Professional Award...

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Students are very entrepreneurial

Four out of five university students would start their own businesses, most of them for self-realization – according to a survey by the Budapest Metropolitan University (METU). According to the...

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Paris and four other French cities banned the use of pesticides on their territory

In addition to five French cities, Paris, Lille, Nantes, Grenoble and Clermont-Ferrand announced simultaneously on Thursday that they will ban pesticides in their area, hoping to force parliament to change...

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China’s largest ancient distillery has been discovered

The ruins of China’s largest ancient distillery to date have been uncovered in Anhui province in the east of the country – the Xinhua State News Agency reported. The remains...

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Sephora opens new ‘phygital’ store

Sephora opens its new digital-first flagship store at the IFC Mall, Hong Kong. The new 4,200 sq.ft store offers a number of digital touch points, such as the Sephora Virtual...

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Primark promises not to raise prices

Primark’s parent company AB Foods has pledged not to increase prices despite seeing costs jump due to Brexit. AB Foods finance director John Bason told PA that the company take...

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Kroger launching plant based private label range; testing category location

Kroger will launch its own range of meatless and plant based products under its Simple Truth private label brand. Simple Truth is the leading natural and organic brand in the...

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The Business Days Conference, founded by Trade magazin won a Value and Quality Grand Prize

The Awards for the Value and Quality Grand Prix were presented at the Feast of Economics in the Upper House of the Parliament on 10 September. This year, 67 applications...

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Goose liver festival will be held at the Vajdahunyad Castle this weekend

Goose liver festival will be held in the Vajdahunyad Castle from 14 to 15 September – Ökrös Mariann, president of the Hungarian Goose Liver Association told M1 news channel on...

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Economic growth in the euro area and the EU slowed in the second quarter

Economic growth slowed in the European Union and the euro area in the second quarter. According to revised but not yet definitive data, Hungary achieved the highest economic growth in...

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Coca-Cola Launches Limited-Edition Dark Fanta For Halloween

Cola-Cola has announced that it has launched a new limited-edition blood orange flavoured Fanta for Halloween in the UK. Fanta Dark Orange is jet black in colour and the bottle...

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Coop Switzerland Launches Private-Label Sustainable Toothbrush

Coop Switzerland has launched a new line of own-brand toothbrushes made of renewable raw materials, branded as Naturaline. The product is available in soft and medium versions. The handle of...

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Aldi Introduces ‘Grüner Knopf’ Seal For Textile Supply Chain

Discounter Aldi has announced that it has introduced the ‘Grüner Knopf’ (Green Button) seal to label sustainable textile. Presently, the retailer is offering baby tights and baby socks made of fabric...

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Magazine: Simple mechanisms, useful prizes

As part of the ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ competition, Kantar-Hoffmann and Trade magazin do a consumer survey every year, getting 32 direct consumer feedbacks on the entries and...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 3.1 percent in August

In August, consumer prices rose by an average of 3.1 percent year-on-year, down 0.1 percent from July – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Tuesday. The annual rate of...

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Equilor: the Hungarian economy is stable

The fundamentals of the Hungarian economy continue to be favorable, although GDP growth may slow down, but it will remain vigorous this year – according to the latest analysis of...

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V4: do not cut EU subsidies!

Representatives of the Parliamentary Committees for European Affairs of the Visegrád Countries called the 20 percent cut in EU funding for the next seven-year budget cycle unacceptable at their meeting...

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GREEN BRANDS Academy IV. How a company can reduce its environmental footprint

Day after day, news come from around the world about the unfortunate effects of climate change: Arctic heat waves, equatorial snow, fires and floods all around the world. Everyone needs...

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The work of veterinarians is also very important in the field of food safety

Veterinary medicine and food chain safety are already facing challenges that will require new ideas from veterinary students – Zsigó Róbert, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said...

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