
Annual inflation in the euro area was stagnant in August

The pace of year on year consumer price increase was stagnant in the euro area in August. According to the final figures released by the European Union Bureau of Statistics...

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Magazine: Is there a straight road leading to the circular economy?

The Federation of Hungarian Food Industries (ÉFOSZ) celebrated its 30th anniversary by changing its name to Federation of Responsible Food Manufacturers (FÉSZ). They did this to symbolically reinforce the fact the...

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The 79th OMÉK presents modern Hungarian agriculture

The 79th National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK), the largest agricultural event in Hungary, will begin in just over a week. The event will take place between 26-29...

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Nagy István: The support of agricultural investments is expanding

A new interest subsidy facility and an expanded guarantee program will boost agricultural investment – the Minister of Agriculture announced in Budapest. Nagy István said that the ministry will provide...

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Nébih found deficiencies in markings on ketchups

Minor or major labeling deficiencies have been found by the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) on ketchups, while the products have passed the tests in terms of food safety...

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Resistant seeds will become more sought after due to climate change

Although Hungarian farmers are still looking primarily for plant varieties with higher yields and good quality, in the long run, demand may shift towards seeds that are more tolerant of...

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Nagy István: Pepper growers can count on the help of the Hungarian government

The paprika producers in Kalocsa can count on the help of the Hungarian government in processing, marketing and improving and increasing the role of paprika on the markets – the...

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Literary wine adventure in the Castle Garden Literature series

The Castle Garden Literature’s (Várkert Irodalom) reading theater series continues under the name Aposztróf (Apostrophe) that focuses on the fall, the harvest season and wine during the opening of the...

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Less ambitious investor sentiment in Germany and in the euro area

Compared to August, investor sentiment in Germany and the euro area was less pessimistic in September – according to a survey released on Tuesday by the Mannheim-based ZEW Economic Research...

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Five thousand boxes of cigarettes were found in a German license plate truck

Five thousand boxes of cigarettes were found in the chassis of a German license plate truck by the finance officers of NAV, during an inspection on the Vas County section...

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Dietitian: in addition to vegetables and fruits, we also need animal protein

About one-quarter of the daily diet should be animal protein – Antal Emese, a nutritionist told M1 news channel. The dietitian said that the recommendation was to consume four to...

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Consumer sentiment improved in the United States in September

Consumer sentiment improved in the United States in September – according to the monthly survey of the University of Michigan – indicating that despite increasing uncertainty, consumers are optimistic and...

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Magazine: Flours for cakes and other baked goods

The end of the year represents a high season in the flour market too. Ákos Ferenczik, marketing manager of GoodMills Magyarország Kft. told our magazine that sales of cake flours...

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Amazon Fresh debuts in India

Amazon India has launched its fresh grocery delivery business in India. Operating under the Amazon Fresh banner, Indian shoppers now have access to more than 5,000 items in categories such...

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Reverse vending machines are successful in Iceland stores

In five Iceland stores the retailer has recycled more than 1 million plastic bottles since May 2018 via five reverse vending machines. The machines issue 10-penny vouchers to shoppers in exchange...

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Online retail sales exceeded 200 billion forints in the first six months

Like-for-like online retail sales jumped 16.4 percent in the first half of 2019 and represented a value of HUF 207.5 billion. Interestingly, despite this record sum the sector is expanding slower...

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European cooperation for cashless payment

Mastercard and mobile Point of Sale (mPOS) solutions company SumUp intend to increase the number of points where bank card payment is possible in Europe in the next 5 years. Ferenc...

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It takes two at the end of the year

In the December period logistics partners can provide quality service if the retailers give them good estimations for the expected number of parcels, and if they prepare the parcels for...

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Growing popularity of private label products all over Europe

According to recently published data from the Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA), the market share of private label (PL) products is 30 percent on average in the 19 European countries...

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Special new chewing gums from Chocco Garden

Chocco Garden Kft. launches a functional chewing gum product line.  Central Europe’s only chewing gum producer will put 4 types of Prevent functional chewing gums on the market at the end...

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Már elnyerhető a Kiváló Termék és az ÖKOlogikus jelölés

A termékek kiválóságát és a környezetbarátságát tanúsító új védjegyeket hozott létre a hazai eredetet igazoló legismertebb védjegyrendszert működtető Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft.   Benedek Eszter ügyvezető a szeptember végi sajtótájékoztatón...

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New products in the Tesco Organic line

In September Tesco added 6 new organic products to its private label selection, which now also features, chia seeds, quinoa, goji berries, linseeds, coconut flour and coconut flower sugar.  Customers...

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Fido Dido is back

Fido Dido, the iconic cartoon character of the 1990s has returned. 7UP was 90 years old in July and celebrated the occasion by bringing back the popular Fido Dido. He is...

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Bulldog Gin pushes forward in Hungary too

One of the world’s most popular and famous premium gins is now also available in Hungarian bars and shops: Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország launched Bulldog Gin at the end of August....

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790,000 cans of food for people in need

Bonduelle Central Europe Kft. and the Hungarian Food Bank Association donated 790,000 canned food products in the value of HUF 246 million to people in need.  The 221 tons of food...

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In the service of value and quality – for the second time

The Value and Quality Awards were presented to those products, companies and services that want to be ‘the best among the good ones’. Currently the Value and Quality Award is...

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Sixty applicants won the Value and Quality Award in 2019

On 10 September the award ceremony of the Value and Quality Award took place in the building of the Hungarian Parliament for the second time. This year 67 entries by...

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Coop Rally visited food companies in East Hungary this year

This year the Coop Rally’s more than 300 participants visited 8 destinations (meat and dairy plants, a soft drink company, a winery, COOP stores and a fresh product logistics centre)...

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A gluten-free life for 80 billion forints a year

Gluten-free groceries had a 4-percent share in total grocery sales between July 2018 and June 2019. Gluten-free foods were sold in the value of almost HUF 80 billion. Dóra Hajnal,...

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Europe is slowing down, but we aren’t

Like-for-like retail sales augmented by 3.4 percent in Europe in the 2nd quarter of 2019. The sales growth in this period was 7.7 percent in Hungary – this was the...

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