GKI: Difficulties in measuring unemployment

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 11. 30. 11:19
If we want to find out about the Hungarian unemployment situation, we can do it from several sources, but they are confusingly different.

According to the KSH’s monthly labor force survey data, there were 155,000 unemployed in Hungary in the fourth quarter of 2019, which contradicts not only the data of the National Employment Service (235,000) but also the Household Budget and Living Conditions survey (288,000). In the latter survey (2015-2019), there were 110-150 thousand more unemployed people than in the monthly labor force survey. Methodological reasons do not provide a satisfactory explanation for such a significant difference, as both surveys are carried out by the KSH and the NFSZ reports the number of unemployed registered with the service.