
(HU) Fenntartható Gasztronómia Díjat alapított a METRO

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(HU) A fogyasztók háromnegyede a növekvő infláció ellenére sem tervezi kiadásai csökkentését

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Green Duel – Vegan vs. carnivore: To eat or not to eat?

On June 14, 2022, representatives of the Hungarian Vegan Association and the Association of Hungarian Meat Producers faced each other in a series of environmental policy discussions between the Institute...

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Hungarian Tomato Day professional program from FruitVeb

The professional program called “Hungarian Tomato Day” will be held in Mórahalom, organized by the FruitVeB Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Product Council – read in the FruitVeb...

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Heinz partners with Tesco to create recyclable snap-pots

Heinz and Tesco has collaborated on a soft plastics recycling trial to produce recyclable packaging for its Heinz Beanz Snap Pots. The trial set to start in July, will see...

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Waitrose wins award for animal welfare app

Waitrose has won the Best Retailers Innovation Awards for its role in developing a “groundbreaking” animal welfare app in collaboration with Scotland’s Rural College. The project that has allowed the...

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(HU) Világszerte növekedett az emulgeálószerek használata

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(HU) 6,8 százalékkal nőtt az európai kiskereskedelem a GfK tanulmánya szerint

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(HU) A Frisbo utat nyit az Egyesült Királyság 220 milliárdos piacára

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(HU) Sörkiszerelés igazán nagy nyári bulikhoz – A nap képe

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What To Read: Trade Magazin 6-7 is Out Now

Let us offer some topics from the latest, June-July issue of Trade magazin.   The main topic of the Trade magazine issue published today is the FMCG retailer ranking for...

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Ágnes Herczeg: ’I want to create the best flavour’

A wine is good when we feel it creates harmony, Ágnes Herczeg thinks. In the latest show of Future Talks, the oenologist talked about Hungarian wine drinking habits and the...

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The first cabernet franc world competition has started!

The producers of the Villány wine region have been organizing the Franc & Franc event for years, which is an international forum for cabernet franc. After several years this year,...

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A record number of entries were received for the Brillante distillery competition

Nearly a thousand samples were sent to the international pálinka and distillery competition “Brillante – 2022”, the organizers informed MTI in a statement on Thursday. Most of the 750 samples...

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(HU) Az új adók szektoronkénti elemzése

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Out now!

…I mean the 2021 ranking of FMCG retailers has already been published, and you can read about it in detail in the present issue of our magazine. There was no...

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Four Hungarian platinum medals at the Decanter World Wine Awards

This year, Hungarian wineries won four platinum and nine gold medals at the Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA), one of the most prestigious wine competitions in the world. Held for...

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“Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards presented

Trade magazine presented the “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards to the winners in Hungexpo’s new Congress Centre on 26 May. Managing director and editor-in-chief Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed...

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Is there an extra profit – if not, why are we taxed, if so, why not?

The government intends to finance the run-off deficit due to budget overspending with special taxes (extra-profit taxes). The reference is that some sectors are making significant extra profits due to...

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Dr. Péter Hegyi: ’Doctors of the future have to learn how to use scientific information’

While earlier, doctors were taught how to use in practice what they’ve learned at the university, today it’s crucial to understand and apply the endless scientific results accessible in the...

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Data and intuition

At the summer meeting of the Trade Marketing Club, participants hear about data-driven intuition by Synetiq from the research side. On the practical side, Szabi, the baker, told his story...

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(HU) Nem fogjuk észrevenni, ha a kedvenc chipsünk vagy majonézünk repceolajjal készül

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(HU) Két csomag Detki keksz vásárlásával Apple csomagot nyert egy budapesti kétgyermekes anyuka

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Lidl Belgium Expands Vegan And Vegetarian Range

Discounter Lidl Belgium is set to expand its vegan and vegetarian range in response to changing customer demands and a decline in meat consumption. The retailer said that customers are...

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Lidl Surpasses 700 Stores In Italy, Plans Two New Logistics Centres

Lidl has reached the threshold of 700 stores in Italy, following the opening of 42 new outlets during its fiscal year 2021/22, which ended on 28 February. In March, the...

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Albert Heijn Tests New Initiative To Reduce Food Waste

Dutch retailer Albert Heijn has launched a trial aimed at reducing food waste in 10 Albert Heijn stores in the Rotterdam region called ‘Bread of Yesterday’. The trial will see the...

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A festival of Siller wines will be held this weekend in Paks

After a two-year hiatus, the National Siller Festival will be held again in Paks. The 13th Festival of Siller wines will also feature a tasting of the best sillers and...

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CSAOSZ: packaging design with the intention to recycle

It is organizing an all-day conference with the participation of international and domestic speakers entitled “Recycling-Oriented Packaging Design”. The conference will feature a guide to Packaging design for recycling, developed...

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The 2021 ranking of FMCG retailers is out now – no change on the top: Lidl, SPAR, Tesco

In the last two years there were great changes in our lives, and daily shopping was no exception. The changes in our buying decisions had an impact on the annual...

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Rosalia Festival – Bubbles and the Kunság wine region in focus

About sixty wineries wines, gastronomic exhibitors, concerts, family and other programs await visitors from June 10 to 12 in the City Park to the 11th Rosalia Festival, this year’s highlights...

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