
German Exports Beyond The EU Decreased In July

German exports beyond the European Union fell by 7.6% on the month in July, the Federal Statistics Office said on Monday, marking a weak start to the second half in...

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Britain’s largest port could hit availability and prices at supermarkets until Christmas

Supermarkets are braced for yet more supply chain chaos following the start of an eight-day strike at the Port of Felixstowe. The port is Britain’s biggest gateway to global trade...

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TRADE PLAYGROUND – With strict rules

We look forward to welcome you again this year at the biggest professional event of the FMCG market, the five-day Business Days conference in Tapolca, Hotel Pelion. TRADE PLAYGROUND –...

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German innovation develops no-cocoa chocolate

QOA, a Germany-based startup now part of the tech accelerator Y Combinator, makes cocoa-free chocolate using “precision fermentation” of other ingredients. Over a little more than a decade, the company...

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Online Discounts Boost Struggling UK Retailers In July

British shoppers spent more than expected last month after being enticed by online shopping deals, official figures showed on Friday, but sales volumes look set to resume their decline as...

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Farmer Expo in Debrecen has ended

The 32nd Farmer Expo in Debrecen was a nice sectoral parade – fair director László Vaszkó told MTI about this year’s four-day international agricultural and food industry exhibition that ended...

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Global Innovation Spotlight: Hungary

On the occasion of Hungary’s national holiday, one of the world’s leading innovation intelligence platforms, Springwise, praised Hungarian innovation results. Sprinwise article focuses on three hungarian innovations: Indor composing robot...

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(HU) Két év börtönbüntetés jár Nagy-Britanniában az impulzusvásárlásra ösztönző hirdetésekért

People responsible for misleading ‘buy now, pay later’ adverts could face two years in prison, Britain’s financial watchdog warned on Friday as it told firms offering the loans to stop...

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Carrefour Launches Vegetable Beer Range In Poland

Carrefour Polska has announced that it has launched a vegetable beer range in Poland, which it claims is a first of its kind in the country. The move is part of the retailer’s efforts...

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There should be a unified repo exchange system – the BKIK and the Zöld Követ Egyesület call for extensive consultation and market self-regulation

The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) and the Zöld Követ Egyesület recommend a market self-regulatory solution to the irregularities related to repo exchange, i.e. a rational, uniform and...

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L’Oréal’s biotech and eco-solutions “invent the future of beauty”

With its yearly innovative beauty report, L’Oréal is shifting research and innovation to focus on green sciences, tech advancements and augmented beauty. The 2021 report is categorized into five key...

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Supply chain issues impact Peruvian avocado exportsto Europe this season

Juan Carlos Paredes, President of the Peruvian Association of Hass Avocado Producers (ProHass) spoke of the challenges the Peruvian avocado export industry has faced during the 2022 season. As inflation, high...

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Irish Consumer Sentiment Hovers At 22-Month Low In August

Irish consumer sentiment slipped marginally to hover at a 22-month low in August as respondents said they expected to further cut back on major purchases in the coming months, a...

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Instead of pulling apart, we need to create strength and unity

This year will test the strength and steadfastness of Hungarian farmers more than ever before, but unity is needed in Hungarian agriculture, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the...

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Half the country is dry

The century-long drought provides plenty of topics for the exhibitors and visitors of the 31st Farmer Expo. August 17-20 The University of Debrecen’s Böszörményi út Campus will host the 31st...

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Most of the wheat in Zala is of edible quality

In Zala County, the nearly 27,000-hectare production area produced an average of 5.56 tons of bread grain per hectare this year, and 50 percent of the harvested wheat is of...

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We have received good news, the drought situation may improve moderately from the weekend!

The next three hot days require increased attention from water specialists, but according to forecasts, the drought situation may improve moderately from the weekend, the National Water Directorate General (OVF)...

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The Minister of Agriculture confirmed the increased protection of forests

The rules made due to the energy crisis, facilitating logging, are valid until the end of next March, and in nature conservation areas it is still prohibited to clear cut...

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Welsh government plans to ban all single-use plastic bags

The Welsh Government has introduced legislation to ban all single-use plastic bags, currently sold for around 5p from most supermarkets and convenience stores. The government (Senedd) has published a draft...

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British supermarkets running out of water – customers panic

British people can buy a limited amount of bottled water, 3-5 bottles per person, but despite the restriction, supermarkets have run out of stock. Great Britain has officially declared a...

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Farmer Expó in Debrecen begins

One of the country’s largest, four-day agricultural fairs begins on Wednesday in Debrecen: at the 31st Farmer Expo and the 17th Hortico vegetable, fruit and horticultural trade fair held as...

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Fewer people in the United States are concerned about climate change

Compared to the period before the pandemic, fewer people are now worried about the climate crisis in the United States, according to a poll by the American AP news agency....

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Russian subsidiary of OBI sold for 600 rubles

Jozef Lyokumovich bought the Russian subsidiary of the OBI store chain for 600 rubles: acquiring a 60% stake in the company. The owner of the remaining 40% is Russian, but...

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Scotland makes period products free

Scotland is the first to offer tampons, sanitary pads and other menstrual products free of charge. Period products are now free to anyone in Scotland who needs them, nearly two...

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Ecuadorian banana exports decrease as a result of Russia-Ukraine war

The war between Russia and Ukraine has put extra pressure on already strained global logistics with a lack of containers and high input prices being amongst some of the factors...

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The largest cargo ship in the world so far, the Ever Alot, has arrived in Rotterdam, which is really huge!

The monster started from the Chinese shipyard and has already arrived in the port of Rotterdam. It will only be a monopoly in sea shipping for a while, because soon...

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With new support options, AM will focus on encouraging water-retaining management practices in the future

For the new agricultural support period starting in 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture planned new and more effective tools to encourage agricultural producers to use water-conserving management practices, but it...

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The USA faces tomato sauce shortage

California is one of the world’s largest producers of tomatoes, and with current drought conditions in the state, the USA is facing significant shortages. The industry that usually grows around...

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Low-calorie sweetener could promote microbiome health

A new low-calorie sweetener made from mogrosides and galactooligosaccharides may offer the same effects as artificial sweeteners with none of the negative consequences such as increased appetite or weight gain...

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End of the farmland? A few more decades and a significant part of Hungary could become a forested steppe

Hungary is threatened with drought in the coming decades if climate change is not stopped, ELTE researchers told MTI on Tuesday. In their study, due to increasingly stronger climate change,...

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