
Half a thousand were called to the XX. For the National Syngenta Wine Competition

This year, 501 entries were received for the XX. National Syngenta Wine Competition, in which one wine each from Béres Szőlőbirtok és Pincészet, Attila Maróti, Zsolt Maul Premium Winery and...

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Farmers can use three times more resources for investments

We are committed to continuously increasing the competitiveness of agriculture and the food industry and to protecting the environment – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the farmers’ forum...

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Creative ideas and innovative solutions were awarded at the “Live Communication Awards” of UNICEO in Hungary

For the fourth year in a row, the Geneva-based international association is announcing the “Live Communication Awards” competition in Hungary to recognize “live communication” solutions that fit the strategy of...

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The future of the industrial vegetable sector is promising

Zsolt Feldman stated that the annual funding for sweet corn and green pea-related production support will increase significantly, from 11.1 million euros to 15.6 million euros, so the additional support...

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One of the European centers of pet food production is located in Bük

The pet food that rolls off the most modern production lines and is also produced with domestic grain reaches the four-legged pets living in more than 40 countries around the...

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Economic Impact Of Overweight And Obese People To Surpass $4 Trillion By 2035, Study Finds

The World Obesity Federation has published its World Obesity Atlas 2023, which predicts that the global economic impact of overweight and obese people will reach $4.32 trillion (€4.04 trillion) annually...

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Aldi Süd Announces Price Reductions On Fruit and Vegetables

Aldi Süd has announced it has reduced the prices of select fruits and vegetables in all 2,000 of its stores in Germany, commencing 6 March. The move comes after Aldi...

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Agrometeorology: nature is not much ahead of its time

This year, nature is not much ahead of its time, the autumn crops are typically in good condition, but more and more rain is expected in many places – the...

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Logistics Association: 2022 was a record year in the industrial and logistics real estate market

The Hungarian industrial and logistics real estate market closed a record year in 2022 based on the volume of rentals, new developments and investments in the countryside – the Association...

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Nestlé adds Kit Kat Cereal to breakfast lineup in the UK

Nestlé is aiming to shake up the breakfast category with its latest innovation, Kit Kat Cereal. The NPD is set to hit retailers from mid-April, bringing the chocolate bar to consumers’ morning...

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A new peat humate plant was handed over in Mezőkövesden

The establishment of the peat humate plant of Agriturf 2022 Zrt. also proves that there are good answers to the difficulties and challenges of the past years in agriculture, said...

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Next year, those traveling to Great Britain from currently visa-free countries will also need an entry permit

Next year, those travelers who can currently travel to Great Britain without a visa will also have to obtain an entry permit, the British Home Office announced on Thursday. This...

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KSH: in February, prices increased by 25.4 percent compared to the same month of the previous year

In February of this year, consumer prices were on average 25.4 percent higher than a year earlier. In the past year, household energy and food prices have risen the most,...

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FAO: global food prices fell modestly in February

Food prices on the world market decreased moderately in February compared to January. According to data on the website of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),...

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Inflation decreased to 25.4%

Inflation moderated to 25.4% in February after the peak of 25.7% in January, which was primarily caused by the drop in fuel prices in February, on the other hand, the...

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The grand final of the 2022-23 S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy competition will be held between October 4-5th

15 selected finalists of the 2022-23 S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy competition October 4-5. between you can measure yourself at the grand final of the prestigious chef competition in Milan. With...

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This year’s Value and Quality Grand Prize application was announced

This year’s Value and Quality Grand Prize application was announced in more than 100 topics of 45 main groups in the field of economy and culture. Applications for the certificate...

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Companies used inflation to increase their profits, according to ifo’s analysis

In the fourth quarter of last year, it was also observed that some companies raised their sales prices more than justified by the increase in purchase prices in order to...

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In Germany, retail sales decreased in January

In Germany, retail sales decreased in January, both year-on-year and month-on-month. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) announced on Wednesday that, calculated with calendar and seasonal adjustments, retail sales decreased...

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Eurozone GDP stagnated in the fourth quarter

The gross domestic product stagnated in the fourth quarter of the euro area compared to the previous quarter, the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Wednesday. According...

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The EU supports green bonds even more than before

The EU and Hungarian environmental protection goals set for 2050 require significant efforts and investment from all actors. One of the important means of creating the resources to be used...

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When worlds meet online and offline

POPAI Magyarország is a supporter and co-organiser of the “I love trade marketing” annual conference, which will bear the title “Survival strategies” this year, and will take place online. Between...

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Let’s be positive: maybe the nadir is behind us

In January GKI’s economic sentiment index has been increasing for three months, even if the growth was very little. With the exception of building and construction, every sector became more...

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Packaging-free, premium filtered drinking water available at Shell service stations

At selected SHELL service stations customers can now fill their bottles with premium filtered drinking water. FLOEWATER water dispensers utilise special carbon filter technology to clean the water from physical...

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The income of the online food retailer increased strongly in one year, in January 2023 it exceeded the figure for the same period last year by 31 percent –...

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The elimination of extra taxes burdening commercial chains was also discussed

The Democratic Coalition (DK) continues to demand the abolition of extra taxes burdening commercial chains and a drastic reduction of the sales tax on the most basic foodstuffs in order...

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It is expected that the burden of food shopping for households will no longer increase

Food inflation in Hungary decreased from 44 percent in January to 43.3 percent in February in an annual comparison. After 17 months of continuous growth, the slowdown for the second...

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dm-drogerie markt Tests Hydrogen Trucks In Nuremberg

German retailer dm-drogerie markt has teamed up with freight forwarder Amm and logistics company DSV to launch a joint pilot project for environmentally friendly delivery to the dm stores in Nuremberg....

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The reporting interface has also been opened for wholesalers of veterinary medicinal products

Wholesalers can submit their annual report on the distribution of antibiotic-active veterinary medicinal products until April 14. The data can be provided through Nébih’s Customer Profile System. The recording surface...

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Metro Markets Launches In The Netherlands

Wholesaler Metro has announced that its digital marketplace for non-food, Metro Markets, has launched an online platform for restaurateurs in the Netherlands. Following Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal, this is...

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