
Planned intralogistics processes as a long-term investment

While e-commerce volumes were growing steadily until two years ago, the pandemic shutdowns of 2020 and 2021 significantly accelerated the shift to online commerce and changed the world’s shopping habits....

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Unchecked, Ukrainian honey arrives at Hungarian extraction plants at dumping prices

The turnover of honey produced by domestic producers fell significantly last year, which not only puts beekeepers in a difficult situation, but also makes pollination in agriculture questionable in the...

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Consumer demand remained balanced, and Fitch upgraded its global economic growth forecast for this year

The international credit rating agency Fitch Ratings has upgraded its forecast for this year’s global economic growth, based on the positive impact of the lifting of Chinese coronavirus restrictions and...

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Sugar rose in price the most in Romania, by 63.56 percent

In Romania, after a two-month slowdown, the inflation rate rose slightly again in February, reaching 15.5 percent on an annual basis, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Monday....

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Barcelona to tax logistics companies

Barcelona’s City Council aims for 40 percent of online purchases to be delivered to pick-up points instead of at home in 2023. To achieve this, Barcelona introduced an annual tax...

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Waitrose, Morrisons and Co-op turn down lights to tackle energy costs

Waitrose, Morrisons and Co-op have been dimming lights across stores in a bid to cut rising energy costs. According to reporting by the Daily Mail, the UK’s supermarkets alone use...

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Nestlé Unveils Oat And Fava Bean Plant-Based Beverage

Nestlé has unveiled a new plant-based beverage developed from oats and fava beans, which the company says is a ‘first-to-market’ innovation. The Natural Bliss product is described as boasting a...

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Philippe Donnet, CEO of the international Generali Group, received a prestigious award in New York

The Foreign Policy Association presented Philippe Donnet, CEO of the international Generali Group, with the award for corporate social responsibility at the 2023 Financial Services Dinner event. The award was...

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The MNB would consider it important to supervise Revolut Bank as well

In order to protect domestic customers, the MNB urges Revolut Bank to carry out its activities as a domestic subsidiary bank, with headquarters in Hungary and sufficient capital, as an...

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GFM: the daily fee for tax-free domestic postings will increase by three times, and the daily fee for foreign postings will increase by almost two times

From the point of view of the national economy as a whole, the government attaches great importance to the logistics and road transport sector, which is an important and unavoidable...

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A dress made of orange peel will also be presented at the Grow exhibition

Clothes made from sustainable materials, such as orange peels, will also be showcased at Amsterdam’s Fashion for Good Museum Grow pop-up exhibition, which will be on display at the Metropolitan...

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We pay 80 percent more for eggs than at this time last year

In Hungary, we pay 80 percent more for eggs than at this time last year, while in January 2023 the price of eggs in the EU was on average 30%...

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Are the big breweries abusing their dominance over the small breweries?

The Association of Csíki Sör and Small Breweries responded to the authority’s draft report in a harsh open letter to the Economic Competition Authority, at the same time objecting that,...

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Foreign online stores are slowly taking over the domestic market

The proportion of exporting Hungarian e-commerce companies is low, if this continues, several webshops may cease to exist. Compared to regional competitors, the Hungarian economy is characterized by a significant...

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The price of pork in the neighborhood can skyrocket

The price of pork in Slovakia is spectacularly high, and another price increase is expected in April. “Pork meat can become more expensive by 15-18 percent only in March, with...

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More apples are sold this year than last year

In December, the population consumed 430,000 tons of apples, while in January we already consumed 674,000 tons of apples, i.e. stocks are running out faster and faster – according to...

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Strawberries will remain expensive until May

For a long time, we considered strawberries as a seasonal fruit, and we were already preparing for the beginning of summer to enjoy the inimitable taste experience that this berry...

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The Hungarian Logistics Association and Trenkwalder concluded a cooperation agreement

On March 9, the Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE) and Trenkwalder signed an agreement on strategic cooperation at a conference jointly organized by the two parties. The highlight of the event...

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Organic 2.0

The US Department of Agriculture National Organic Program (NOP) issued the Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) Act in January after publishing the proposed rule two years earlier. The new rules governing...

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Delhaize to sell all Belgian stores

Belgian supermarket chain Delhaize has announced it wants to sell all its integrated supermarkets in Belgium to independent franchisers. In doing so, the chain aims to become more profitable in...

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Carlsberg Group Plans To Expand Regenerative Barley Usage Across Brands

Carlsberg Group has announced that it is making progress on its goals to transition towards regenerative farming across its global supply chain. The Danish multinational brewer said it is ‘taking...

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A publication presenting the details of the Agro-ecological Program has been published

The Agro-ecological Program (AÖP) is perhaps the most important new support element of the I. pillar support framework defined by the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) starting...

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You can still enter this year’s Brillante distillate competition

Entries for the Brillante – 2023 International Pálinka and Distilled Competition have started, the event has been a companion event of the Gyula Pálinka Festival for years. This year, the...

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Booming vegan beauty product market

In 2021 The Vegan Society published a study in the United Kingdom, which found that 56% of shoppers would like to see more vegan-verified cosmetic and toiletry products in shops....

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This year is all about values: food and drink trends in 2023

Plant-based food: ups and downs According to Forbes, the 10% drop in meat substitute sales, together with the price of shares in Beyond Meat falling from USD 108 to 12,...

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Aldi and Lidl have reduced their prices, Tesco and Spar are choosing a different path

While Aldi and Lidl are constantly reducing the prices of some of their products, Tesco and Spar do not see this as a good strategy, at least not directly,

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The price of beer doubled

In the case of lager-type beers, the prices of lager-type beers in Hungary rose the most in the entire European Union. The rate of beer price increase was twice as...

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The sale of genetically modified ornamental fish is prohibited and can result in fines of millions

Nébih confirmed the sale of genetically modified (GMO) ornamental fish in several pet stores across the country. Proceedings have been initiated against the companies concerned, and they can expect fines...

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The Green Future Research Center started operating at the University of Debrecen

Biodiversity, Climate Change, which was established a year ago at the University of Debrecen (DE) and is now starting its activities, investigates biodiversity in international cooperation – the diversity of...

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The companies using the Hungarian Product trademark system had a big break

The total revenue of companies using the Magyar Termék trademark system exceeded HUF 2,650 billion last year – said the managing director of Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. on Thursday in...

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