
Spanish strawberry growers slam campaign for German supermarket boycott

Spanish strawberry growers on Wednesday criticised a German consumer campaign calling for supermarkets to boycott berries grown near Spain’s Donana wetland, which is under threat from climate change and illegal...

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Hungary joins the European campaign to stop African swine fever (#StopASF)

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is also supporting the fight against African swine fever (ASP) with a European-level campaign in 2023. Now in its fourth year, the #StopASF (#StopAfricanSwineFever...

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Most student workers work in logistics and trade

According to the Prohuman Diákmunka school association, the average hourly wages of student workers are between HUF 1,700 and HUF 2,000 this year, but in priority areas, you can earn...

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In the event of a disaster, vending machines offering free food and drinks have been installed in Japan

In the event of an earthquake or typhoon, vending machines offering free food have been put into operation in preparation for natural disasters in Ako, one of Japan’s coastal cities...

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Taxes on extra profits will remain, and the population can also pay taxes on savings

There was a flurry of government decrees last night. The government is not abolishing the extra profit taxes introduced in the summer of 2022, but only halving the tax obligations...

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Márton Nagy: the mandatory promotion and price reduction of food has started

From June 1, the mandatory sales in commercial stores began to reduce the increased food prices due to the war and sanctions. This is another government measure to protect Hungarian...

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GKI: A korábbi laza költségvetések árát fizetjük meg most

Government spending in recent years was initially aimed at mitigating the harmful economic effects of the COVID-19 epidemic, and then the stated goal became the forced acceleration of growth. If...

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From today, the SPAR group awaits its customers with more than 700 discount offers, and the price of 300 products is frozen within the framework of the SPAR ÁRSTOP Extra Promotion

A government decree obliges food retail stores with a sales revenue exceeding one billion forints in 2021 to introduce a weekly discount of 10% in twenty product groups between June...

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BMI: Moderate expansion in May

The seasonally adjusted May value of the Purchasing Manager Index (BMI): 57.1. Compared to the previous May values, this year’s value is higher than the long-term average for this month...

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We are one big step closer to the circular economy

As of July 1, the environmental protection product fee and extended producer responsibility system will be transformed in such a way that polluters will pay more for the removal, treatment,...

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Nébih: the manufacturer Sondey has recalled corn thalers

Due to the presence of unauthorized pesticide residues (chlorpyrifos), the manufacturer Good Food Products has recalled the 105 gram Sondey Corn Flakes amaranth and the 105 gram Sondey Corn Flakes...

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K&H: Family companies are on a moderate growth path

More than half of family companies are experiencing the current economic situation more severely than the coronavirus epidemic. The mood is even more gloomy in the entire large corporate sector,...

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From now on, applications can also be submitted for shortbread made with butter

The range of baked goods eligible for the KMÉ trademark has been expanded, and from now on, applications can also be submitted for shortbread made with butter. Producers of sweet...

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Lurpak faces shopper backlash after shrinking block of butter

Arla Foods butter brand, Lurpak is facing negative customer reactions as it has shrunk the size of a block of butter by 20%. The Danish brand has cut its 250g...

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AM: Hungarian-French relations must be further strengthened

Hungary is committed to strengthening Hungarian-French agricultural professional, political and commercial relations, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) on Thursday, István Nagy, who received Claire...

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Online sales forecast for Germany tempered

Inflation and subdued consumer confidence are expected to dampen online spending in Germany, according to the latest announcement by Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE). In its HDE Online Monitor 2023, the retail...

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Penny Italia Acquires 16 Stores, Grows Presence In Rome

Penny Italia has concluded the acquisition of 16 stores from Gruppo Faranda (Tuodì and Fresco Market banners) and a Gruppo Pam franchise. Of this total, 13 outlets are located in...

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Retail is booming like never before on social media

A forecast by Deloitte predicts that the number of people who shop on social media platforms will grow to 5 billion in 2023. Influencers don’t just inspire the members of...

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MagyarBrands: About selecting the best ones

The annual meeting of the MagyarBrands Professional Committee took place. The Professional Committee of the MagyarBrands Program, which awards excellent Hungarian brands, held its annual meeting, at which the members...

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GVH organized a workshop on managing food inflation

The competition authorities of the European Union discussed the management of food inflation in an online workshop organized by the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) on Wednesday, the agency informed MTI....

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Adult training gives companies a competitive advantage

Continuous technological development and the changing economic environment place increased demands on both employees and companies. Companies can gain a competitive advantage if they realize that it is worth investing...

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For three-quarters of Hungarian customers, fast delivery is extremely important when ordering online

Almost 40 percent of online purchases in Hungary fail because the customer cannot find a fast enough delivery option among the delivery options of the given webshop. This is revealed...

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The EU approved the use of the new e-signature platform, the system that ensures the digital management of public administrative matters

Hungary will also be provided with fully digital EU administrative administration, electronic identification and digital signature thanks to the Evrotrust eID unified identification system, which has already passed the evaluation...

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Industrial producer prices have risen, and export prices have already fallen

In April 2023, industrial producer prices rose by an average of 15.9 percent compared to a year earlier. Domestic sales prices increased by 41.9 percent, export sales by 3.3 percent,...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports new investments worth more than HUF 171 billion

Thanks to the 80% national additional funding, the government has supported agricultural and food industry investments worth HUF 1,300 billion from 2021, in addition to this, another 400 projects will...

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Inflation in Germany also slowed down in May

In May, inflation continued to decelerate in Germany, according to data from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on Wednesday. Based on the agency’s preliminary calculations, consumer prices increased by 6.1...

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The electronic management diary is available from the second half of June

From the second half of June, the electronic management log (eGN), which farmers participating in the new support system must keep, will be available on the electronic interface of the...

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GFM: the volume of investments also increased significantly in the field of agriculture

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in the first quarter of 2023, the amount of investments decreased by 2.8 percent on an annual basis. The result...

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The supervision fee declarations can be submitted without penalty until the second of June

Nébih informs the actors in the food chain that temporary interruptions in the operation of the reporting system may occur due to the currently experienced overload. In order to ensure...

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The European Union should show solidarity with Eastern European farmers

The European Union should show solidarity with the Eastern European farmers in order to ensure that the Eastern European stocks that have become unsold due to Ukrainian grain imports do...

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