
A one-tenth decline in agricultural production

According to the preliminary datas; Hungarian agricultural production volume decreased by 10-11 percent last year – said Udovecz Gábor, the Director-General of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI), on Monday...

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Money flows into China

The foreign direct investments (FDI) to China increased for the sixth consecutive month in the January of 2010. On the basis of the most recent datas, 8.1 billion USD new...

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In 2009 the domestic average net earning was 124 thousand HUF

According to the Central Statistical Office; The real income in January-December of 2009 beside the 4.2 percent increase of the consumer price index, decreased by 2.4 percent. The number of...

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Budapest is a podium investment location

Budapest included into the best 25 cities in the “European Cities and Regions of the Future” survey of FDI Magazine of the Financial Times. In the survey, testing investment locations,...

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Austrian food retail growing in real terms

The trend in Austrian food retailing turned to positive. Last year, turnover increased in real terms, compared to the previous year. While average prices increased by only 0.2 percent in...

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Consumer prices decreased after 27 years in the United States

Since 1982 did not occur that the consumer prices – excluding the price of food and energy – decreased. The U.S. Labor Department's consumer price index, increased by 0.2 percent...

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The Hungarian agriculture does not expect any good

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) communicates scary numbers of last year’s agricultural performance. The sector is in nadir, and according to predictions, this will not change too much this...

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The victory of Hungarian bakers

The Sigep Bread Cup was organised for the fourth time in Rimini, by the Club Arti Meistieri. The Hungarian national team took part for the third time and last year...

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A tender for conscious and quality consumption

Applicants can apply in 17 topics on the Hungarian Product Grand Prix of 2010. Applicants can registrate with competitive, high-quality, environmentally friendly engineered products and services until the 21st of...

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Global warming in the global economy

In the last quarter of 2009, a 0.8 percent GDP growth occured, compared with the preceding three months. The total performance in the thirty Member States improves steadily and rapidly...

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International wine scandal: Millions of bottles false Pinot Noir was marketed

More than 18 million bottles of fake, poor quality Pinot Noir wine was marketed in the U.S.A. This is the largest international wine scandal ever. On Wednesday, several French winemakers...

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Bocuse d'Or Selection Hungary: the winner represents Hungary in the European contest

The Hungarian Bocuse d'Or of the Academy will hold the finals of the Bocuse d’Or Selection Hungary 2010, on the 21st and 22nd of February 2010. The competition begins at...

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Half of the Hungarian companies are considered to be risky business partners

The perception of Hungarian companies in the region, continued to became worse, over the past six months and now every second Hungarian company considered to be risky or moderate-risky business...

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Hungary has not been infected with the Austrian cheese

Listeria infected cheese did not transported to Hungary – told the Hungarian Food Safety Office (MÉBiH) on Wednesday, on the basis of the report of European Union’s Rapid Alert System...

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Plaza buildings at the Czechs and the Slovaks

The investment of the Aupark shopping and entertainment center in Kassa reached the construction phase. Europe's largest plaza constructor, the Dutch Multi Development is planning a huge shopping center in...

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U.S. industry is in prosperity for the seventh month

According to FED; U.S. industrial production increased greater-than-expected, by 0.9 percent in January. The experts interviewed by Reuters expected a more modest, 0.7 percent expansion of the industrial production.The U.S....

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China consistently overtakes

After became the world’s largest exporter this year, China can be the second largest economy after the United States, overtaking Japan. According to the statement of the Tokyo government; Japan's...

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Food, beverages and desserts on 15 thousand square meters

More than 250 exhibitors will present their goods on the Hungexpo between the 21st and 24th of February, where two simultaneous exhibitions will be also available for visitors: the food...

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Nearly 10 percent reduction occured in the producer price of agricultural products last year

In 2009, the agricultural producer price level fell by 9.5 percent, which came from the 12.7 percent price decrease of the plant products and the 4.6 percent price decrease of...

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The U.S. manufacturing industry improved

In February, optimism increase significantly in the American manufacturing sector – appears in the survey of Fed. The value of the Empire State index, increased to 24.91 points, from 15.92...

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SMEs save on marketing

According to the research of; last year, the SMEs were dealing with their already existing customers and the tracing of new markets, marketing spendings were drastically curbed. According to...

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We like to buy vitamins in drugstores also

Nowadays we spend every fifth HUF for vitamin in drugstores. While we could observe the emergence of agency networks in 2008, in 2009, the turnover of drugstores increased significantly by...

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KSH hanged the consumer basket

The crisis has changed the consumer habits, so the Central Statistical Office (KSH) also changed the consumer basket: the ratio of consumer durables decreased. The Central Statistical Office (KSH) each...

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HunDeszt for the fifth time: this time in the winter

Almost 30 pálinkas received gold certification at the industry's most prestigious national contest, the HunDeszt pálinka competition. The jury announced winners in 12 categories. From the 283 samples, 29 pálinka...

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Hungarian economy declined by 6 percent last year

According to KSH’s and Ecostat’s datas; The latest Hungarian GDP data caused a slight positive surprise among analysts. The Hungarian economy shrunk by 4 percent in the last quarter of...

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The denominator will be at the Bocuse d'Or Hungary

The finals of the Bocuse d’Or Selection Hungary will be held at the Foodapest exhibition, Budapest on the 21st and 22nd of February. Paul Bocuse, the denominator of the competition...

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The number of employed people can decrease with millions in the coming decades

The Economic and Social Council (GSZT) is concerned about the demographic trends in Hungary, and proposes to prepare a comprehensive program to improve the situation – said Parragh László president...

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More optimistic mood in the three-fourth of the world

According to the research of Ipsos and Reuters News; positive consumer evaluation of the economic outlooks published for the first time, since the large destruction of the recession. In the...

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Food price insecurity

Food price can go up and down in the forthcoming months. The exchange rate of the U.S. dollar and the changes in demand can also affect the price of the...

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