
Coface: The fifth of consumers do not pay

According to the survey of the Coface Hungary; in the Hungarian business life, 20 percent of the customers could pay, but do not want to, 30 percent do not pay...

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Excessive administration to disrupt the day-laborer work

The employment of tens of thousands casual workers and more than thousand firms that employs day laborers can be in danger, after the 1st of April – states the Hungarian...

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(HU) Elvérezhetnek a szállodák


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The number of malls increasing in the Eastern European region

Last year, nearly 160 supermarkets were opened in Eastern Europe. Although the pace of handing overs have slowed down, since the record number of 2007, almost 1,000 malls to be...

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Fair Trade for the poorer countries

More and more companies are joining to the initiative of Fair Trade, committing that during the manufacture of their products, do not cause environmental damage and will not explore local...

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Coffee production decreases, due to climate change

According to the datas of the International Coffee Organization (OIC); the coffee production declines worldwide, but demand is rising. In the last 25 years, the temperature increased by half a...

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OECD against food price fluctuations

To fight against food price fluctuations and to guarantee the income of workers in the agricultural sector were the main themes of the two-day meeting of the agricultural ministers of...

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World Retail Congress in April

The World Retail Congress will be held in Berlin, between 21st and 23rd of April. More than 1,000 senior managers, from at least 50 countries will took part in the...

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Recession can end after seven quarters

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., made in cooperation with Erste Bank; Recession can end in the Hungarian economy in 2010. In the middle of 2010, the...

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Hungarian dairy industry will receive 3.56 million

The European Parliament's Budget Committee released the 300 million euros reserve for the dairy sector last week. Hungarian dairy industry will receive 3.56 million euros. All registered milk producer can...

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The best wines of Pest county were elected

Pest county’s municipality continues the tradition, organizing the county's wine competition every year. The prestigious event took place on the 27th of February, Saturday at the county hall. The following...

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Money is getting more and more important in our lives

According to the public opinion research of Ipsos and Reuters News; in 23 countries representing 75 percent of the world's GDP – money is more important for the two third...

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The U.S. economy improves

According to the datas of the U.S. Commerce Department; the gross domestic product of the United States grew by 5.9 percent between October and December 2009, compared to the 2.2...

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Shopping centers: the future is in specialization

The conscious transformation of the tenant mix, led to success in the MOM Park, where traffic increased by 12 percent last year. There is a tenant in the mall who...

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SPAR success at the FOODAPEST 2010 exhibition

The products of the SPAR Meat Factory won a prize in two categories, at the FOODAPEST 2010 Exhibition. The Regnum Hot Debreceni received 'Best Own Brand Product Award', while the...

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Germans not willing to consume enough

This statement can be read in the German Federal Statistics Office’s report, published on Wednesday in Wiesbaden. According to the report; the German GDP shrank by 5 percent last year....

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U.S. confidence index declined

The U.S. confidence index declined to its 10 month nadir – reports the Conference Board. The outlook for the labor market are considered pessimistic in the U.S.A. The short-term expectations...

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Fifty-eight percent think that the home-produced food is safer

According to Nielsen market research company’s online survey carried out in 54 countries, including Hungary; Food safety is an important aspect for every second Hungarian. Half of the Hungarians willing...

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Last year retail sales decreased by over 5 percent

According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office; The negative trend in retail sales, lasting since December 2007 continues. The volume of retail sales – adjusted from the calendar...

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The proportion of companies planning to get bank loans continues to decline

Bank credit is still continue to be the main form of financing, but since the outbreak of the economic crisis, the proportion of those, who are planning to get bank...

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World trade has not fell so big since World War II

In 2009, the volume of world trade, decreased by 12 percent. Such fall have not seen, since the Second World War – notified the World Trade Organization (WTO). In December,...

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Trade marketing, my love

Trade Marketing Club chose FOODAPEST, to be the venue of its traditional February conference. It was the first time, that the best trade marketing manager and team of the year...

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Bocuse d’Or Selection Hungary 2010, day 2

On Monday, the Bocuse d'Or Hungary 2010, the Hungarian finals the world's most prestigious international chef competiton has ended, with the results ceremony. Yesterday the results of Bocuse d’Or Selection...

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Award ceremony for the new trademarks at the Foodapest

Not at the usual time, but according to traditions on the 23rd of February, the Foodapest fair gave place for the handing over of the recognitions. In 2009, the jury...

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Romania: a country of malls

In the past 3 years, Romania was the region's most important target for real estate developers. During this period, 33 new shopping centers opened, and the amount of the investments...

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(HU) Többet költünk élelmiszerre


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Confidence improves since last May

In February, the GKI Sentiment Index has improved, but still not reach the pre-crisis level – states the survey of the GKI Economic Research Co. (, supported by the European...

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Hungarian grown vegetables and fruits decrease

The Hungarian fruit and vegetables production decreased to its 18 years ago level, to 2,1-2,2 million tonnes last year. The sector is almost strangled by a lot of administrative burdens,...

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