Champagne is catching up again
Az év első 11 hónapjának forgalmi számai, a hazai pezsgőpiac újbóli fellendülését mutatják. Mind a Nielsen piackutató cég által mért forgalom, mind a Törley Kft. forgalmi statisztikái alapján megfordult a korábbi enyhe csökkenést mutató trend és újra nő a pezsgőfogyasztás.
The first 11 months of the year have seen a significan rise when it comes to the champagne-consumption of Hungary. Champagne is definitely a seasonal drink, 40 percent of the annual consumption goes for November and December. However, champagne is a significant part of Hungarian family's celebrations, with the tendency of moving to the direction of high quality bottles. The recession has caused a rise in private label and chanel brand products, but still: champagne is more popular in HUngary than ever, Nielsen's fresh survey reveals.
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