
NAV: The deadline of chips-tax is approaching

The deadline of public health taxes so called chips-tax is approaching – told the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) to MTI on Tuesday. According to the Communication; the tax...

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ZEW index: German business sentiment decreased

German investor sentiment fell in October. More and more signs indicates that the European debt crisis may spread to the banking sector. According to the survey of the German ZEW...

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Magazine: Price-value ratio is decisive when buying food

Nielsen conducted a survey in 55 countries, which revealed that 47 percent of Hungarian consumers are influenced in their food buying decisions by the price-value ratio of a product. 43...

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Coface country risk assessments: deterioration in Europe and in the United States

Coface notes a deterioration of the average strength of companies in Europe and in the United States and is placing on negative watch, or removing positive watch of, 8 developed...

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SAPS-payment to farmers began

The payment of the unified support per territory (SAPS) has begun this Monday by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. As a whole, a total of 280 billion HUF...

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Seven hundred companies on the positive consumer protection list

Across the country more than seven hundred companies are included to positive consumer protection list – told Pintér István, the Director General of National Consumer Protection Authority on Thursday in...

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Chamber of Agriculture: support can be requested for winery machines

The support for winery machines and technical equipment can be requested from the 17th of October. SMEs can request a 40 percent, while large corporations a 20  percent support from...

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42 wines from 14 wineries in three cities

The vitors of the Bországjárás wine region presentations can become acquainted with 42 wines of fourteen somlói wineries – including the Györgykovács, the Kolonics, the Kreinbacher or the Laposa between...

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Successful record attempt at the Egg Festival in Siófok

The Sunday Guinness record attempt of the popular Egg Festival of Siófok was successful. In the scope of the Guinness record attempt, the favorite egg dish of Liszt Ferenc, made...

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(HU) Rekord számú gesztenye rudi fogyott a Gesztenye Napon

The annual charity CHESTNUT DAY ended with a great success, where 328,650 HUF donations were gathered, thanks to the customers who had the intention to help. Thanks to the pleasant...

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Magazine: The majority of Hungarian consumers mostly improvise when buying food

Hungarians’ main motives for buying food are very different from the European average. Most Hungarians improvise and go shopping when they have run out of something. On the contrary, the...

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New Concept and New Look for InterMopro, InterCool and InterMeat 2012

Preparations for InterMopro (dairy products), InterCool (frozen foods, ice cream, technology) and InterMeat (meat and sausages), held from 23 to 25 September 2012, are in high gear. The exhibitor invitations...

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ÉFOSZ: ” The government continues to punish the Hungarian food industry”

According to the National Food Processors Association (ÉFOSZ), the government continues to punish the Hungarian food industry with higher tax, does not think about its economic consequences. The professional organization...

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NGM: export pulled the expanding industrial production

The industrial production in August was 4.4 percent above the year-ago level, while total sales were 2.5 percent higher, than in August 2010 – said the National Economy Ministry (NGM)...

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We spend weeks with shopping during our lives

Interesting data has been published in connection with consumer habits. An average customer spends 1539 hours, ie 64 days with shopping during lifetime. An average British customer spends 1539 hours,...

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Hundred thousands of people are starving in Hungary

The FAO has been marking the World Food Day annually since 1980-ies, commemorating the date of the founding of FAO in 1945. The key message of this year’s World Food...

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Jonagold Apple Festival in Rakamaz

The famous Jonagold Apple Festival will be held for the ninth time in Rakamaz on Sunday. The organizers expect visitors with product presentations and all-day cultural programs. Zajácz Miklós, town...

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Magazine: We spend more in discount stores than last year

In the January-May period there were rather significant changes in the market shares of retail channels. The population spent HUF 1,100 billion a day on FMCG products, from which discount...

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Milk-quotes will be handled by the state

The Hungarian Dairy Research Institute is going to manage milk-quota of farmers from 1st November 2011 , instead of the former co-partner (Livestock Performance Testing LTD) – the Ministry of...

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Social networks generates ten billion USD this year

Income produced on social networks this year, already exceeds the 10 billion USD limit on the sites of the world. The dynamism will not decrease in the future, the rate...

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Magazine: Cat food’s market position strengthened

The value of the annual pet food market is around HUF 40 billion, 60 percent of which is spent on dog food and 40 percent on cat food. Dog food...

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Hungarian Party in Brno

Hungarian music, folk dance, dance teaching, wine-tasting and gastronomy are in the major focus of the Hungarian Party in Brno, Czech Republic on Saturday this week. More info can be...

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CAP-reform critized by Austrian agricultural minister

Austrian agricultural minister Nikolaus Berlakovich expressed fierce criticism when it comes to the draft of Commmon Agrarpolitics (CAP) on Thursday in an interview given to Radio ORF. He is in...

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First spirit- and double sausage festival of Debrecen

The first Spirit- and Doublesausage Festival of Derecen is about to open its gates this weekend for the first time, under the name Debreczeni Zamat Pálinka és Pároskolbász Fesztivál –...

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New CAP discussed in Budapest

The new EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was presented to professionals in Budapest, the draft is expected to enter into force in the beginning of 2014. Péter Bokor, the Agricultultural...

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Anuga: New strategies and price-plocies are the way to keep up with the competition

“All 6600 exhibitors and 60 professional programs reflect the way the FMCG-scene is trying to keep up with incredibly fast changes the market has brought about in the past couple...

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The government would easen the establishment of local markets

It would be a relief, that no permission would be needed to the establishment of local markets, a notice would be enough as well. The government expects that due to...

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This year's corn crop in Zala is less than last year's

The yield per hectare of corn is more than one ton less this year in Zala county, than in the recent years – told Fentős János, Head of Department at...

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Analysts surprised by the Euro-zone' industrial production growth

Euro zone's industrial production unexpectedly rose in August. The monthly increase is the second now in row, primarily led by French, Portuguese and Italian production volumes, which could offset the...

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Advanced training will start in Gödöllő from eco plantation

The Gödöllő-based Szent István University prepares to launch an eco vegetable and fruit production training – told Matthew Hayes, university professor to MTI. He told that the two-year training is...

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