Market News

Csehországban megnyíltak az üzletek

Csehországban folytatódik a közéletet és a gazdaságot korlátozó, márciusban bevezetett intézkedések fokozatos feloldása, amit a koronavírus-járvány terjedésének jelentős lelassulása tett lehetővé. Hétfőn kinyithattak a 2500 négyzetméternél kisebb alapterületű üzletek és...

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Jelentősen romlott a fogyasztói hangulat az Egyesült Államokban áprilisban

Soha nem látott mértékben romlott a fogyasztók hangulata az Egyesült Államokban áprilisban az új koronavírus-járvány hatására a Michigan egyetem szokásos havi felmérésének tanúsága szerint. A pénteken közölt előzetes adatok szerint...

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In Russia, retail sales growth is accelerating and real wage growth is declining

Instead of the significant slowdown expected by analysts, retail sales growth in Russia accelerated in March, while real wage growth slowed. The Russian statistical office announced on Monday that retail...

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Tudja-e, mit használtak a múltban a toalettpapír helyett?

A jelenlegi koronavírus-járvány kezdetén az üzletek polcain jó eséllyel szállt versenybe a legkelendőbb árucikk címért a toalettpapír, amiből igen gyorsan komoly hiány alakult ki – olvasható az origo-n. Március közepétől...

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GFK: Customer needs keep changing

Crises like COVID-19 create severe disruption across many fronts. But these overwhelming market fluctuations also include trend indicators that can help you master the crisis. By tracking sales and pricing...

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Dalgonacoffe is the new hit

As many people are staying home and practicing social distancing to help slow the spread of the new coronavirus, it’s become less common to go out for a beautifully poured...

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Bird flu is here

The H5N8 type of avian influenza, which previously caused a pandemic in Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties, has already been detected in 226 livestock farms, the national chief veterinarian told Monday....

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GKI’s economic sentiment index plummeted by an unprecedented extent in April

The GKI economic sentiment index fell by an unprecedented extent of almost 30 points, apparently due to the economic effects of the COVID-19 epidemic. The business confidence index declined by...

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Private Label Chocolates in the Kitchen

Chocolate has been a favorite, popularity and triumphant path for many of us for centuries. However, the category can be further developed, rediscovered, moved to trendy trends, in healthier and...

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Coronavirus pandemic ‘will cause famine of biblical proportions’

he world is facing widespread famine “of biblical proportions” because of the coronavirus pandemic, the chief of the UN’s food relief agency has warned, with a short time to act...

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Huge trouble if following the pandemic… or perhaps not?

COVID-19 has overshadowed the climate crisis as governments scramble to protect the health of citizens without cratering their economies, but the pandemic could still open a fast-track pathway -– albeit...

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International beef-trends keep changing

The Asian country is expected to import 2.2 million tonnes of beef in 2020. In 2019, China has increased its beef consumption by 11% to reach 8.33 million tonnes, with...

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Wholesale shopping is radically transforming

The continuous spread of the coronavirus epidemic and the restrictions imposed in the name of protection have significantly reshaped everyday life, to which everyone is trying to adapt –

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BKIK: commercial real estate rents have to be restructured during the crisis

The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) has developed a 7-point package of proposals to address the real estate rental situation of businesses, asking the government to set rents...

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Nébih initiates inspections because of illegally sold foreign meat

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) initiates inspections at chain stores if there is a suspicion that pork from abroad is being sold in Hungary in an illegal manner....

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Agriculture is problematic in the long run

The coronavirus pandemic is relegating the economy to an unprecedented level 100 years ago, bringing corporate bankruptcies, unemployment is skyrocketing, and it is possible that living standards will only reach...

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People are no hoarding toilet paper anylonger

People are more interested in puchasing essential items for home office and digital schooling, such as webcams. Toilet papers are not selling that well anymore, MTA’s reserarcher informed ATV on...

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That’s why we suffer in home office

The social distancing measures that have recently been introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic, have forced many people to work from home; for many of them this will be the...

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Set a negative record for business sentiment in Germany – ifo

In April, business sentiment in Germany fell to its lowest level ever in a recent survey by the Munich-based ifo economic research institute. In a survey sent to MTI on...

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More and more slaughterhouses are closing in the United States

After several large meat processors, more and more slaughterhouses are closing in the United States due to the coronavirus pandemic – according to a report by the U.S. Public Service...

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Vertical management faces serious challenges

Although the vertical farming sector has collected more than 1 billion USD in support since 2015, the sector faces serious challenges – wrote. < / h2>   Vertically, global...

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Vegetables became almost 30 percent more expensive in April in Germany

The fresh food market has been shattered by the coronavirus epidemic in Germany, with some product prices rising sharply and others falling – a survey found vegetables cost almost 30...

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Swedish research: filtered coffee is the healthiest

Scientists have researched the healthiest way to make coffee: examining the relationship between different methods and heart attack and mortality, the survey has found that filtered coffee is best for...

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Almost every store in Israel can open

In Israel, as part of a new phase of facilitation, almost every store can open from Saturday night, with only indoor shopping malls remaining closed – the public service radio...

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A hacker attack thwarted the auctioning of the world’s largest private whiskey collection

The auctioning of the second large lot of the world’s largest private whiskey collection had to be postponed indefinitely because of a hacking attack against the Perth-based Whiskey Auctioneers auction...

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Panic-shopping causes more trouble than the lack of goods

The COVID epidemic has severely affected several sectors of the economy, but despite assumptions, agriculture and the food industry have not stopped. In contrast, panic shopping, which can be traced...

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(HU) Stresszhelyzetben a növények is kiabálnak

MIT engineers can closely track how plants respond to stresses using sensors made of carbon nanotubes. MIT engineers have developed a way to closely track how plants respond to stresses...

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The Roland Garros-winner tennis player now works in a grocery store

The corona pandemic has taken tennis pro Kevin Krawietz to work in a grocery store. A year ago, German Kevin Krawietz won a doubles championship with his compatriot Andreas Mies...

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Unknown waters – About leaders’ modesty and empathy

How does the coronavirus situation and the related economic environment affect senior management expectations? What are the leadership qualities that are now gaining in value and can best help you...

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NAK is helping domestic food producers with another campaign

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has launched its “I buy domestic!” campaign. The main goal of the campaign is to draw the attention of consumers to the choice of...

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