Market News

KSH: sales of retail stores increased by 3.8 percent

In November last year, the volume of retail trade turnover increased by 3.8 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, according to both raw and calendar-adjusted data,...

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Additional resources for the dairy sector again

The government is committed to the development of domestic milk production and milk processing, therefore the actors of the sector will receive additional resources for development and expansion in the...

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MKIK: 81 percent of companies plan to raise wages this year

This year, 81 percent of companies plan to raise wages, 18 percent indicated that they will not change wages, while 1 percent expect a decline, MKIK told MTI in its...

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The Ministry of Agriculture also helped the wineries with extraordinary support

The wineries that were severely affected by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on hospitality and tourism received 1.5 billion HUF in support at the end of 2021, the Ministry...

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Nigeria is also interested in Hungarian seeds

A cooperation agreement has been concluded between the Seed Association Interprofessional Organisation and Product Council and the Maize Association of Nigeria. In addition to mutual information transfer, the aim of...

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Employment in the United States grew more than expected

The number of employees in the United States grew more than expected in December, the ADP Institute for Labor Data Processing said. According to a report on the website of...

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Inflation in the euro area hit a record high at the end of the year

Inflation in the euro area accelerated to a record high in December, mainly due to continued significant increases in energy prices. According to a preliminary estimate by Eurostat, the European...

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BMI: December has strong results

The Seasonally Adjusted December Value of the Purchasing Managers’ Index (BMI) was 64.8, which was the result of a combination of factors. Due to the holidays, December typically consists of...

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Family spending could be as much as 27,000 billion HUF in 2022

A thousand and two hundred billion forints suddenly fell into the wallet that you had not expected before. But you also spend 80% of your money, and family spending jumps,...

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Interest- and no-cost credit facility opens up for pig farmers

Due to the drastic increase in feed prices and the difficulties of the pig market, a new element of the package of measures for the pig sector is becoming available....

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A range of products will be permanently banned in tobacco shops

Within weeks, the marketing of menthol tobacco and cigarettes in Hungary will be banned. According to the notice published in the Hungarian Gazette, Government Decree No. 39/2013 (II.14.) on the...

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This new tax will also be introduced in Hungary from 2023: here are the details

On 20 December, the OECD published the rules of the final model for the global minimum corporate tax. The model rules are based on consensus from more than 135 countries...

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(HU) IKijött az ITM listája: itt lesznek fogyasztóvédelmi ellenőrzések 2022-ben

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(HU) A fiatalok többet költenének idén karácsonykor, mint tavaly

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(HU) Négy országban kérdezték a lakosságot az ünnepi vásárlási szokásokról

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(HU) A NAK kiadványai eloszlatják az állattenyésztés-ellenes rosszindulatú tévhiteket

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(HU) Gyorsabb és pontosabb kiszállítást ígér az

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KSH: the rise in agricultural purchase prices accelerated further in October

The rise in agricultural producer prices accelerated further in October: the average purchase price of crop, horticultural and animal products and live animals was 26.1 percent higher than a year...

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Ministry of Agriculture: new regulation encourages generational renewal in agriculture

The law on the transfer of agricultural holdings, passed by the Parliament this week, ensures smooth administration, general legal succession and the maintenance of the functioning of the holdings, Minister...

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The big chain stores will close at noon on December 24

The stores of the largest retail chains – Aldi, Auchan, Lidl, Penny Market, Spar, Tesco – will close at 12 noon on December 24, with a few exceptions, the National...

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The MNB Vice-President: the series of base rate increases in 2022 will continue

Prolonged inflationary pressures justify long base rate hikes, and the monthly series of rate hikes will continue in 2022, Virág Barnabás, vice-president of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) said in...

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HEPA is launching a program to develop the export activities of small businesses

The export activity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is supported by the “Fit for Export” program of the Hungarian Export Development Agency of HEPA. It is already possible...

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McKinsey restrained the performance of perfume wholesalers

The pandemic has had a significant impact on perfume wholesale companies, with the three largest companies unable to increase their net sales in 2020, consulting firm McKinsey told MTI on...

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The ifo economic research institute indicates a delay in German GDP growth

The latest forecast of German economic growth is indicated by the ifo economic research institute of the University of Munich. The ifo economic research institute indicates a delay in the...

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Retail sales growth slowed in the United States in November

Retail sales in the United States grew less than expected in November, according to a report by the Census Bureau of the Washington Department of Commerce. In November, seasonally and...

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How not to give gifts to our business partners?

The Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF) has published an electronic publication to answer the most frequently asked questions about business gifts and events....

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The importance of small shopping centres and retail parks has increased in the CEE-16 countries

A diszkont kiskereskedők egyre nagyobb érdeklődést mutatnak üzlethelyeik bővítése iránt, beleértve a hagyományos bevásárlóközpontokat is – értesült az OGH Hírügynökség a Colliers legfrissebb, Közép-Kelet-Európa 16 országára kiterjedő kutatásából. Az előrejelzések...

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An Electric Air Taxi is being developed by a Hungarian startup: air ambulance would be revolutionized

Another exciting Innovation in the Hungarian Air Industry is knocking on the doors of international markets: orca is developing an eVTOL (electric, in-place) aircraft that would support air ambulance organizations...

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Munch organizes a long-term charity campaign

Munch has launched a long-term charity campaign with the Food Bank, which has already been joined by 10 organisations with more than 150 families. During the campaign, customers can contribute...

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The tale of two decades – György Jaksity, Concorde’s chairman of the board at the Business Days conference

Mr Jaksity told in his presentation that the 2008-2010 economic recession separates that the last two decades. In the 2000s economic policy was running amok, with a great budget deficit,...

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