Market News

The crisis is not yet over according to Coface

Bad news from the euro-zone: the crisis will take a while to end, according to the latest Coface report.One year after Coface's positioning as an international financial rating agency, specialised...

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Industrial production increased by 8.4 percent

In February, the volume of industrial production adjusted by both seasonally and working day-effect, decreased by 1.7 percent compared to the previous month, and was 8.4 percent higher than in...

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The crisis has not yet ended in Europe

According to the World Bank; the ten recently acceded Members of the European Union, can expect a 1.6 percent GDP growth, but not in all of the countries. The EU10...

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The growth of liquidations slows down

According to the datas of Opten company information provider; businesses are still in a difficult situation, however, the growth of liquidations slows down. In the first quarter of this year...

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Last year the decline in the number of food stores have stopped

The Nielsen market research company registered a total of 19 900 general food stores in Hungary, at the end of the year, almost the same as a year earlier. The...

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This year the Agricultural Marketing Centre focuses on inland

More than two thirds of the marketing programs of the Agricultural Marketing Centre will be domestic programs. The foreign appearance this year is limited to the countries with priority market....

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Economic policy dilemmas

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prepared in co-operation with Erste Bank in 2010 the Hungarian economy will be close to stagnation, recovery with modest GDP growth...

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The Russian economy increases

The Russian economy grew in this year's first quarter the first time since 2008. According to the calculations of the VTB bank giant; in the first three months of 2010,...

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Descending Czech retail datas

The Czech retail sales continued to decline in February, but in a lesser extent than in January – reported the Czech Statistical Office on Tuesday. The February – 2.1 percent...

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Consumers prefer branded ham

The Easter holiday has high priority for smoked-cooked ham, pralines and other sweets seasonal sales. "Consumers prefer branded ham and choose the own-branded products with a moderate extent. Own-branded products...

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An “average” Easter: 3 liters of wine, a few bottles of champagne

According to the analysis of the Varga Winery; an average Hungarian drinks about 3 liters of wine and 2-3 bottles of champagne in the Easter period. The few weeks before...

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The EU sources has no economic stimulus effect

Although Hungary is in the forefront in the usage of the EU sources, but economic stimulus effect is not noticeable – said Parragh László, President of the Hungarian Chamber of...

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A growing number of Chinese millionaires

The number of millionaires is growing in China, in the world's third largest economy: currently 875 thousand people living in China whose fortunes exceed one million dollars. According to the...

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Hungarian households’ debt is seven times larger than the debts of the Slovaks

The purchasing habits of those households that were affected by the economic crisis have become more cautious. According to Cetelem; the consumer credit market – which is closely linked to...

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The eurozone purchasing managers index is on its peak

More than three years ago, the euro area manufacturing activity grew in the fastest rate in March. The 40-month peak of the purchasing managers index, rose to 56.6 points, in...

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Wine consumption decreased worldwide last year

The impact of the financial and economic crisis affected the wine consumption of the world last year: In 2009, 2.9 percent less a 236.6 million hectoliters of wine were consumed....

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Household products and cosmetics sales decreased in volume, increased in value

The retail sales of household products and cosmetics, increased by 2 percent in January and February this year, compared to last year's comparable period. In quantities Nielsen market research company...

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According to the latest survey of Coface credit insurance; Hungarian companies are no longer the most risky in regional rankings. However, we can talk about positive trend in the cases...

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The EU citizens considers agriculture important

According to a survey made amongst the citizens of the EU member states, over the agriculture; 90 percent of the respondents considered agriculture important. The least people who insisted on...

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Rather forint loan

The Hungarian population took more forint credit in February, than repay and repaid more foreign currency loan more than they took. Household loan portfolio was 7,881 billion HUF, of which...

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Declining German unemployment

Unemployment fell in Germany to 8 and a half percent – announced the Federal Labour Office. In Europe's largest economy, 3.57 million people are without jobs now, which is a...

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GfK: high expectations in the first quarter of 2010 in Hungary

A survey conducted by GfK Hungária and Corvinus University has come to the conclusuóion that Cunsmer Trust Index has seen a 20 point rise in the first quarter of 2010,...

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35 million eggs consumed every year in Hungary

As a whole, 230 thousand food item controls have taken place in Hungary since 2007, and so far it meant a penalty of 8 billion HUF altogether, and more than...

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