News and articles

World Bank: foreign trade is the easiest from Hungary

Out of the 190 countries, the trading across borders is the easiest in Hungary – according to the World Bank’s Doing Business rankings – wrote. The ranking of the...

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GKI: Consumption of households grows rapidly this year as well

As GDP, earnings and consumption grew faster than previously thought, GKI raised its 2018 GDP growth forecast from 3.8 per cent to 4 per cent. Although the foreign trade surplus...

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Artificial meat technology advances further

Israeli food-tech company Aleph Farm Ltd. is one of only a few ‘clean’ meat companies globally. Recently they have announced a breakthrough: with the help of 3D and other technologies,...

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Walmart testing a new mobile checkout service

Walmart has started testing ‘Check Out With Me’, a new service designed to save customers time. In the lawn and garden centres of more than 350 US stores, members of...

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Moody’s forecasts major growth for Aldi and Lidl

Aldi and Lidl, the two German discount store giants will increase their market shares and profits faster than most of their competitors – predicts the Moody’s Investors Service report. Their...

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Ireland imposes sugar tax on soft drinks

As of 1 May Ireland imposed a tax on soft drinks sweetened with sugar. With this step the government intends to solve the problem of too many Irish being overweight....

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Asda–Sainsbury’s merger

The merger of Sainsbury’s and Asda (a supermarket chain owned by Walmart UK) will establish the biggest retail chain of the United Kingdom. The two companies will keep their names...

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Amazon also delivers inside the customer’s car

Amazon Prime users can now also ask for in-car delivery, via the Amazon Key service. At the moment this service is available in 37 US cities. Amazon’s delivery people get...

Read more strengthens presence in e-commerce

Romania-based online retailer and marketing specialist Retargeting.bit is introducing their new solution to the markets of Central Europe, which makes the Google, Facebook and Instagram applications available to partners via...

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Tiszafüred: infrastructural development of the marketplace

The municipality of Tiszafüred invests HUF 186 million in the technological development of the local marketplace. Non-refundable EU money is used to build a 270m² indoor selling space. //...

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Lower VAT on baked goods would foster technological development

The Hungarian Baker Association welcomes the fact that important representatives of the industry are in favour of cutting the VAT on baked goods to 5 percent. Bakers say they would use...

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István Nagy wants further whitening in agriculture

Minister of Agriculture designate István Nagy told at his hearing that the main tasks in agriculture are reducing the workforce shortage, whitening the sector further, increasing the size of land...

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Food product tracking roadshow continues this autumn

From April 2018 until autumn food companies have the chance to learn about the tracking of food products. The Ministry of Agriculture and GS1 Hungary set up the National Food Tracking...

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Added value matters

Kaposvár-based meat company Kométa ’99 Zrt. manufactures artisan-quality products at industrial level. In 2017 their sales reached HUF 43 billion. In the last 10 years the company invested HUF 8 billion in development. Products...

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Higher quality organic food products

According to new legislation adopted by the European Parliament, only high-quality organic food products will be marketable in the European Union in the future. Each element of the supply chain must...

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Poultry breeders want to start a price guarantee fund

Tibor Zászlós, vice president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has told that the poultry sector can only become more competitive if technological development projects are realised. State funding is...

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More NAK supporting members in neighbouring countries

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture already has 144 supporting members in neighbouring countries. NAK president Balázs Győrffy has told at the Consultation Forum for Hungarian Farmers in the Carpathian Basin (KEF)...

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The chamber’s opinion has reached the European Commission

The European Union has been dealing with the problem of Unfair Trade Practices (UTP) in the supply chain for years. Last year the European Commission (EC) started a consultation, and based...

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NAK expands its marketplace search service

Farmers’ markets are increasingly popular: there are 260 of them in Hungary at the moment. On the website of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) – – shoppers can use a ‘Marketplace...

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NAK: next rural development program would require a subsidy of 2000 billion HUF

According to the program proposal of the Hungarian National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) aimed at the long-term development of the Hungarian agro-food and food economy, the following rural development program would...

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The rise in earnings lags behind expectations

The rate of rise in earnings fell somewhat behind analysts’ expectations in March. One of the reasons of this was the base effect, that the rate of increase of the...

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Sága’s renewal

Sága Foods Zrt. has given products a brand new packaging and logo – told Zsolt Keleti, CEO of the Sárvár-based company. This step forms part of the innovation and marketing strategy implemented...

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CIB: growth is expected to be around 4 percent this year

This year, CIB Bank analysts report an economic growth may be close to four percent, with inflation below three percent, and loose monetary policy – Trippon Mariann, chief analyst of...

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Boyden group’s new partner

Judit Szalókyné Tóth has joined the Hungarian office of Boyden Executive Search and Boyden’s global Consumer and Retail Practice Group as a partner. Ms Szalókyné Tóth has been working as a...

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The turnover of freight transport is exceeding 2000 billion forints in Hungary

Freight transport contributes with about 6.5 percent to the gross domestic product of Hungary, according to the preliminary data. The turnover of the sector exceeded 2000 billion HUF last year,...

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Takács Géza remained the chairman of the Seed Alliance

Takács Géza remained the chairman of the Seed Alliance Interprofessional Organization and Product Board. Takács Géza started his career in 1974 at the seed plant of the Research Institute in...

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They are looking for the best pálinka of the country in Komárom

This year’s Pálinka Country Tasting begins on Monday in the Monostori Fortress in Komárom, where hundreds of pálinkas will be judged – the organizers informed MTI. During the multi-day tournament,...

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Bakator wine and gastronomic festival in Bihardiószeg

The Bakator wine and gastronomic festival was organized for the second time by the local council of Bihardiószeg on Saturday in the garden of the local Zichy castle. This year’s...

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The European Commission has proposed amending the VAT rules and alcohol tax

The European Commission has proposed a modification of the rules on value added tax (VAT) and the reform of EU rules on excise duties on alcohol – the EU commission...

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Nielsen chart of Month

If they have money left after covering the monthly costs of living, 28 percent of Hungarians save money, 25 percent refurbish their homes and about 20 percent pay back debts...

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