News and articles

Az Edeka 1300 termék árát csökkenti 2023-ban

Az Edeka német kiskereskedelmi vállalat idén eddig több mint 1300 termék árát csökkentette tartósan valamennyi termékcsoportban – derült ki a vállalat által készített új tanulmányból. A vállalat megállapította, hogy a...

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New regulations can help waterfowl producers

The regulatory package that will share the risk in the relationship between waterfowl producers and buyers and will mean greater security for farmers can be completed in the autumn –...

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New regulations can help waterfowl producers

The regulatory package that will share the risk in the relationship between waterfowl producers and buyers and will mean greater security for farmers can be completed in the autumn –...

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The Tiszajenő medicinal water may dry up

Tiszajenő is known for its famous medicinal water, Mira water, which is used in drinking cures due to its positive health effects. This water is rich in mineral salts such...

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Let the paprika producers take their own destiny into their own hands

Hungarian paprika producers have a chance to stay on the market with their high-quality products, if they distinguish themselves – due to their production costs – from mass goods that...

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Hungarian wine is the best-known top product of the Hungarian food industry

Hungarian wine is the best-known top product of the Hungarian food industry – emphasized the Secretary of State responsible for the food industry and trade policy of the Ministry of...

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The University of Debrecen is launching space gardening research

Hungarian peppers can also be grown in space if the University of Debrecen’s (DE) VEGBOX TS research is successfully completed, in which specialists will carry out a number of innovative...

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The most comprehensive summer food safety check has been completed

The most comprehensive summer food safety inspection has been completed – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) announced to MTI on Friday. According to the announcement, the summer food safety seasonal...

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It is now the most expensive cheese in the world, costing the price of a car

At an auction, the restaurant paid 30,000 euros for a 2.2-kilogram Spanish Cabrales cheese, which reached a price never seen before in the world. The event took place after a...

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Nutrition labeling for healthy eating

Healthy nutrition and the development of a healthy diet are essential. This requires conscious customers and clear markings on food, said Dr. Beáta Olga Felkai, Deputy Secretary of State responsible for...

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7-Eleven Opens First Store In Laos

Convenience store brand 7-Eleven has opened its first store in Laos. The store was opened in the capital of the Asian country, Vientiane, by CP ALL Laos, a master franchisee...

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(HU) A BelVita a FareShare-re társulva 100.000 adag ételt adományoz

BelVita has partnered with food charity FareShare to donate up to 100,000 meals to families in need. The biscuit brand’s new ‘Give a Smile’ initiative comes as 13.3 million people...

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The African swine fever has reared its head in another Italian territory

In recent weeks, the African swine fever (ASP) virus has been detected in three farms in Italy, in the province of Pavia. The affected herds were liquidated by the Italian authorities,...

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Strong participation at Anuga Frozen Food

100 years of deep-freezing – the frozen food industry is celebrating the day of its inception at the world’s largest trade fair for the food industry. Frozen products are highly...

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Agricultural training is the way to the future

It is gratifying that agricultural education is becoming more and more popular, the confidence of students is constantly increasing, the admission and enrollment data clearly show this trend, and the...

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Good Milk epres és cseresznyés-­vaníliás 500 ml joghurtitalok

Karbonsemleges üzemben, kifejezetten a magyar fogyasztók ízlésvilágának kifejlesztett új termékeink nyár eleje óta érhetőek el a boltokban epres és cseresznyés-vaníliás változatban. A termékek bevezetését fogyasztói kutatás előzte meg, kifejezetten a...

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You can still apply for the Óbuda University’s specialized continuing education courses

Those with a diploma can expand their previously acquired professional and theoretical knowledge not only in a master’s program or as a doctoral student at the Faculty of Light Industry...

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It will not depend on food to have the set single-digit inflation by the end of the year

In the average Hungarian household budget, food expenses, alongside utility bills, represent a significant portion. Especially during periods of high inflation like the present, keeping track of food prices becomes...

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Érték és Minőség Nagydíj: even more people fought for the title this year than last year

The awards of the Value and Quality Grand Prize Contest were presented at the Economy Festival, in the Főrendiház Hall of the Parliament on September 7. This year, 47 applications...

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More than half of Hungarians use price comparison sites when shopping online

A significant number of Hungarians shop online, 35 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 65 do so at least once a month, and 17 percent at least...

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Megjelent a Borsodi Sörgyár ötödik fenntarthatósági jelentése

Az idén 50 éves Borsodi Sörgyár 2019 óta minden évben elkészíti fenntarthatósági jelentését, melyben összefoglalja a megelőző év legfontosabb fenntarthatósági eseményeit és tevékenységeit. Az idei, 2022-es évet összefoglaló jelentésből kiderül, hogy...

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Zoltán Kulik: the milk market is turning around, but the price reduction of pork is still high

In recent times, the price of raw milk has hit a low point, but there is renewed hope for the dairy market. According to Kulik Zoltán, CEO of Vitafort Zrt.,...

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Dr. Törőcsik Mária: Megatrendek testközelben

A Trade magazin 2023-ban is megrendezte Business Dinner rendezvényét. A délutáni szakmai programban kapott helyet dr. Törőcsik Mária közgazdásznak, a PTE Marketing és Turizmus Intézete egyetemi tanárának expozéja, aki az...

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Global survey: Hungarian sellers are among the world leaders in greetings

After the Greek and Czech sellers, Hungarian salespeople greet their customers most often, so our country came in third place on the imaginary podium in terms of greeting customers –...

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The collection of school supplies at Auchan has ended

The school year has started, and 10,200 children were able to start it with appropriate equipment thanks to the collection of Auchan and the National Association of Large Families (NOE)....

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Cash-back withdrawal service is still available at few retail chains

Two months have passed since the legislation governing the introduction of the cash-back cash withdrawal service officially entered into force. It’s time for a little assessment. Pursuant to the new...

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“Pass it back, Bro!” – By the summer of 2023, the results of the campaign will reach 7.5 tons!

The “Pass back, Bro!”, which has been running for more than 5 years campaign, the amount of mobile phones collected in the spring of 2023: at 115 collection points –...

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The 4th Bodrogi PET Cup ended with a record amount

After Maros, Tisza-tó and Közép-Tisza, the last waste collection PET Cup competition of this season has ended in Bodrog. This time, 10 teams took to the water to clean the...

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The new digital market regulation is in its latest phase: the European Commission has named the gatekeepers

The European Commission has designated the “gatekeepers” of the digital world, i.e. the giant companies that, due to their size and market power, must meet the strict requirements of the...

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Energy drinks can also be regulated products, like cigarettes and alcohol

In the United States, parents and pediatricians are pushing for regulations on energy drinks similar to those on alcohol and cigarettes. The popularity of energy drinks is on the rise,...

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