News and articles

The “Professional Taster” career orientation program weeks were a great success

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) considers the promotion of agricultural professions, informing young people choosing careers and their parents, and promoting enrollment in agricultural vocational training institutions to...

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Jogszabály kötelezi a brüsszeli láncokat az el nem adott élelmiszerek eladományozására

2024-től minden 1000 négyzetméternél nagyobb eladótérrel rendelkező brüsszeli szupermarket köteles lesz eladományozni a lejárati idő vége előtt egy nappal el nem adott, ám fogyasztásra még alkalmas élelmiszereket. Az erről szóló...

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Romanian farmers’ organizations are demanding an extension of the ban on grain imports from Ukraine and threatening a blockade

Romanian farmers’ organizations are demanding an extension of EU import restrictions on Ukrainian agricultural products, which expire on September 15, with the prospect of blocking the Constanta port and border...

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Coca-Cola launches beverage created with the help of artificial intelligence

Coca-Cola Y3000 is the latest flavor to launch under the company’s Creations platform designed to highlight its signature soda while drawing in younger consumers. Coca-Cola has launched Coca-Cola Y3000, a beverage...

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We must continue to act in a unified manner against Ukrainian grain dumping

Both the Slovak and Hungarian Ministers of Agriculture agree that the Ukrainian grain import ban should be extended until the end of the year. Head of Ministry István Nagy held talks...

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NAV: almost HUF 100 million worth of food was seized from two tax-evading companies

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) uncovered a chain of tax evasion invoicing at two businesses: almost HUF 100 million worth of food was seized. NAV informed MTI on...

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Agroloop is among the greenest companies in the country

The “companies of the future” and the country’s most decisive green projects were awarded at the second Sustainable World conference. At the large-scale awards ceremony, the most innovative sustainability-minded companies...

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Finally, a truly effective innovation in the natural reduction of cholesterol levels

It is well known that high bad (LDL) cholesterol levels are one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, one of the leading causes of death in Hungary. Therefore,...

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K&H: the commercial real estate industry in a pioneering role

In the field of real estate financing, K&H enforces its energy efficiency requirements more and more decisively, because this is how it can fulfill its climate protection commitments. Suba Levente,...

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SZÉP card holders spend more on food than on travel

In the first month of this year’s summer season, in July, 40 percent less was spent on accommodation with the Szép card than in 2021, when domestic vacations became free...

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The price of paprika is getting more and more expensive in Hungary

Over the past year, the price of ground paprika in Hungary has skyrocketed, reaching over 8,000 Hungarian forints per kilogram by the end of the summer of 2023. Specifically, premium-grade...

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Hungarians are giving up beer en masse

In Hungary, beer continues to be one of the most beloved alcoholic beverages, but the sharp increase in prices is becoming increasingly worrisome. The rise in beer prices is not...

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Elindult a #PlantHealth4Life kampány

Az Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság (EFSA), az Európai Bizottság (EB) és partnereik az Európai Unió (EU) tagállamaiban elindítják a #PlantHealth4Life kampányt, melynek célja, hogy a növényegészségügyre és annak mindennapi életünkkel való...

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Hungarian potatoes were among the best

The effort to generally increase the prestige of Hungarian potatoes has reached another defining milestone. GoldenBurg, the brand of Haladás Mezőgazdasági Zrt. from Dunaegyháza, which promotes the promotion of our...

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The Munch food rescue platform has reached the magic number

Each Hungarian throws away roughly 66 kilograms of food every year. This includes any food that is not consumed by humans for any reason. Among them are the so-called both...

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K&H: cashless payment keeps booming

Smart device payments continue to grow rapidly, according to K&H. In the first five months of the year, there were more than 18 million transactions, 75% more than a year...

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A new Rossmann store opened in Fót

After the grand opening, customers will be treated to a 15% opening sale for one more week. Rossmann opened its doors next to CBA Príma on Móricz Zsigmond út in...

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Every second Nespresso coffee capsule is recycled in Hungary

Nespresso has been collecting used capsules in its Boutique in Hungary for more than 10 years. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. According to the company,...

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Hungarians consume many times the daily requirement of vitamin C, unnecessarily

The human body needs a daily intake of 80 mg of vitamin C, according to the recommendations. In contrast, 40 percent of Hungarians consume 1,000 mg every day – according...

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Nébih: the Szupermenta product test program is celebrating its anniversary

The Supermint product test program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is celebrating its anniversary, the experts have performed more than 215,000 laboratory parameter tests on about 2,180...

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The government protects the interests of farmers by all means

If Brussels does not act, our country will extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain after September 15th, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced in Sofia, where he...

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Cabbage in the open field costs less than the previous year

According to KSH data, Hungary produced 39.8 thousand tons of head cabbage in 2022, 7 percent more than a year earlier. Hungary’s head and red cabbage foreign trade balance was negative...

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Kagylótenyésztésbe fogott a Colruyt Group Belgiumban

A belga Colruyt Csoport betakarította az első adag kagylót saját északi-tengeri farmján. A bejelentésre 18 hónappal azután került sor, hogy a vállalat megkezdte a belga partoktól mintegy öt kilométerre található...

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Lactalis launches Président into the whipped cream category

As a rival to Conagra Reddi-wip and Kraft Heinz Cool Whip, Lactalis is launching the cheese and gourmet butter brand Président into the whipped cream category. The new French-style Président...

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SAP asked 300 Hungarian company managers about artificial intelligence

Readiness significantly determines whether a business approaches AI as a business opportunity. Among other things, this was revealed by SAP Hungary’s own research called SurvAI, which was presented at the...

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The tomato, or fruit, is among the vegetables

Tomatoes are the sweetest vegetables. So much so that it’s fruit. We still call it a vegetable, because we treat it as such in the kitchen. We use it for salty...

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Captain Morgan Launches Alcohol-Free Beverage

Diageo has announced the launch of Captain Morgan Spiced Gold 0.0%, an alcohol-free alternative to the brand’s Original Spiced Gold. The drink will be rolled out in Great Britain from...

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The world market price of white sugar decreased slightly

The average world market price of white sugar in July 2023 was EUR 610/ton, 3 percent lower than in June. On the London Mercantile Exchange (LIFFE), the front-month quote for white...

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SPAR Albania launches “Tell Us First” customer feedback campaign

SPAR Albania has launched an interactive campaign titled “Tell Us First”, which offers customers the opportunity to provide feedback on their instore experience. The campaign aims to gather valuable insights...

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Older adults are drinking more in the US, research finds

The percentages of 18- to 34-year-olds who report that they either drink at all, drank in the past week, or sometimes drink more than they should are all lower than...

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