News and articles

Az Uber Eatsszel társulva kínál gyors házhozszállítást a Waitrose

A Waitrose brit szupermarketcsoport az Uber Eats gyorsfutárcéggel összefogva kínál házhoz szállítási szolgáltatást, melynek keretében a vásárlók a megrendelt élelmiszereket akár 20 perc elteltével kézhez kaphatják otthonukban – jelentette be...

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Hungarian Tourist Agency: Czech, Polish and Romanian arrivals are above the level before the virus situation

Arrivals from the TOP3 nearby sending markets – the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania – increased spectacularly until the end of July this year: compared to both 2019 and 2022,...

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Shell will continue to support the essential work of the Peter Cerny Foundation in 2023

Shell Hungary zRt. and the decades-long cooperation of the Peter Cerny Foundation will continue in 2023. The energy industry company provides support in the amount of HUF 15 million, which...

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Hisa Franko became the first three-star restaurant in Slovenia

Hisa Franko became the first restaurant in Slovenia and the Eastern European region to boast three Michelin stars, and Milka in Kranjska Gora received its second star, Slovenian public television...

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There is just over 1 year left until NIS2 comes into force – the logistics sector is also affected

There may still be many people who have not come across NIS2, the directive on measures to ensure a uniform high level of cyber security throughout the EU. However, the...

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Atradius: climate change cannot be prevented without a complete transformation of the energy sector

The electricity sector is the key to achieving carbon neutrality in the world by 2050, among other things, according to the Atradius credit insurance study. According to industry research, energy...

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Slovakian Minister of Agriculture: the Ukrainian complaint has no legal basis, Slovakia will not lift restrictions on grain imports

Due to the maintenance of restrictions on the import of Ukrainian grain, the Ukrainian complaint filed with the World Trade Organization (WTO) has no legal basis, Slovakia will not lift...

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Hungarians are aware: used phones are becoming more and more popular, and Euronics is also entering the market

Instead of the latest serial smartphones, there is an increasing interest in used, but in good condition, value-resistant mobile phones. This is precisely why Euronics decided to enter the second-hand...

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Eladja a Coty Wella-részesedésének 3,6%-át

A CoverGirl kozmetikumokat gyártó Coty bejelentette, hogy megállapodott a Wella professzionális szépségipari vállalatban lévő részesedése egy töredékének az IGF Wealth Management befektetési vállalatnak történő eladásáról. A Coty a Wellában meglévő...

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Since mid-August, the Nébih laboratory has confirmed the West Nile virus in 12 horses and one dead stork

Taking into account the life cycle of the mosquitoes that spread the disease and the experience of the past years, the presence of the disease in Hungary should be expected...

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Quality aquaculture is an important pillar of rural development

The development of domestic aquaculture also brings with it the development of local hospitality and gastronomy, it contributes greatly to the maintenance of ecosystems, and thus to the European greening...

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Mondelez to invest in Australian plastic recycling plant

Patented liquefaction technology will transform waste plastics into high-quality oil, Mondelez says. Mondelez International has invested in a recycling technology business in Australia, alongside packaging manufacturer Amcor. The Oreo and...

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NAK launched a series of autumn career orientation programs

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) is promoting agricultural vocational training throughout the country as part of its autumn career orientation program series, which has just started.  With the help...

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The way Brussels decided on the issue of Ukrainian grain is unacceptable

It is outrageous, unacceptable and not transparent how Brussels decided not to extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products in the five EU member states bordering Ukraine...

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DHL has 100,000 access points in Europe

Last week, DHL eCommerce inaugurated its 100,000th access point in Europe. Its parcel network now consists of 80,000 service points and 20,000 parcel lockers. This makes it the largest and...

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Aldi launching hot pizza delivery service in three cities

Aldi is launching a pizza delivery service, offering a new takeaway-inspired range brought hot to customers’ doors, at no extra charge. The new Ultimate Takeaway range, which Aldi says is...

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The processing sales price of chicken thighs is 11 percent higher than a year earlier

According to AKI PÁIR data, the live weight producer price of slaughter chickens in Hungary rose by 25.2 percent to HUF 500.78/kilogram, and that of slaughter turkeys by 30.8 percent...

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Megérkezett a HELL ICE COFFEE termékcsalád legújabb tagja, a Choco Latte, amely a világszerte népszerű, a hazai jegeskávépiacon mégis egyedülálló csokoládés kávéízt hozta el praktikus, aludobozos változatban. A márkától már...

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GFM: in September, the average price of foodstuffs observed in the price monitor decreased in 34 product categories

The price monitoring system, which was established with the professional cooperation of the Economic Development Ministry (GFM) and the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) in order to break inflation and protect...

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The demand for spicy food is growing dramatically in our country

For Hungarians, cuisine without a spicy flavor is unimaginable, and its popularity is also growing. Almost exactly three quarters of the population eat spicy food at least once a week....

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One million food packages that were destined to be thrown away were saved by the application of a Hungarian startup

With the Munch food rescue application, more than one million food packages that were destined to be thrown away have already been saved in Hungary, with which the users have...

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Nem változtat a GKI az előrejelzésén

A GKI legutóbbi, márciusi részletes előrejelzése mindenekelőtt az idei visszaesés feltételezésében, az inflációcsökkenés lassúbb voltában, továbbá az EU-transzferekhez való hozzáférés valószínűsített késedelmének mértékében tért el a többségi állásponttól. A GKI...

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Beyond the crisis, Hungarian hoteliers and restaurateurs are from here in Kanaán

Hungarian accommodation providers and caterers knew that the crisis caused by the pandemic and the price explosion was behind them, but the ideal situation was still far from being reached....

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These are the dangers of social media for companies

Some technological giants, such as Meta, which was recently renamed from Facebook, TikTok, or Google’s advertising management and marketing tools (Meta Pixel, TikTok Pixel, Google Analytics) are used by many...

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Új technológiával csökkenti a Nestlé az alapanyagok természetes cukortartalmát

A Nestlé enzimatikus eljáráson alapuló új technológiája akár 30%-kal képes csökkenteni az alapanyagok, így például a maláta, a tej és a gyümölcslevek természetes cukortartalmát az ízre és a textúrára gyakorolt...

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In Croatia, price restrictions on certain basic foodstuffs have come into effect

Following the latest package of measures of the Croatian government, which was developed to alleviate the crisis caused by the rise in the cost of living, price restrictions on certain...

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The collection was organized by Westend and the Children’s Feeding Foundation

In cooperation with the Children’s Catering Foundation, Westend hosted children living in difficult circumstances in its renewed food court, Food&Friends. At the event, the foundation was also handed over the...

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Better Nature continues its market conquest in Lidl stores in the UK

Better Nature announced the rollout of traditional Indonesian food tempeh into all 966 Lidl stores in the United Kingdom. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. Bio...

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Előzd meg a kiégést!

A Trade Marketing Klub nyári találkozója idén is kitekintő jellegű témával várta a résztvevőket. A kiégés megelőzése sokakat érintő terület, amit a szakértő előadók és az aktívan kérdező egybegyűltek alaposan áttekintettek....

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EFSA: 5 tips to raise environmentally conscious and nature-loving adults

If environmental protection is also important to you, you surely know how many dangers our living world and the plants living in it face on a daily basis. If you...

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