News and articles

This is where tourism comes in: these are the safest countries

This year, the Institute of Economics and Peace also published its global peace index, which assesses which countries enjoy the greatest level of peace and security. Hungary ranks prominently on...

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Arla Foods Ingredients has been granted its first non-GMO project certification

Native milk protein MicelPure has become the first Arla Foods Ingredients product certified by the Non-GMO Project. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/10. This certification assures...

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More paid holidays at Tesco for under 35s and additional paid leave for carers

Tesco has further expanded its range of family-friendly measures. In order to create a work-life balance, the department store chain gives all employees a minimum of 25 days of paid...

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Unsustainable beef can be replaced by ostrich and emu meat

Keeping emus and ostriches is a more environmentally friendly alternative to beef, as these birds do not produce methane gas. The breeding and consumption of these birds is currently not...

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Agrometeorology: the developing canola would need rain a lot

The developing rapeseed needs a lot of rain, but the cold front arriving on Sunday will bring only little precipitation, and morning frosts are expected again in the first half...

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Hungarian companies can count on increased job-seeking activity

Employee activity increased further in the third quarter of 2023 in Hungary. In all but three counties, the number of applications increased compared to the same period of the previous...

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We pay special attention to the poultry sector

There are currently 550 commodity-producing farms in Hungary producing eggs, which in 2022 will have produced around 2.4 billion eggs – this is how Minister of Agriculture István Nagy summarized...

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Food prices are falling at an accelerating rate in China

In September, consumer prices in China stagnated on average at the same level as a year earlier, but the fall in food prices accelerated, according to a Friday report by...

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Antal Rogán: tourism contributes to the strengthening of the country’s economy

The tourism sector, together with related sectors, accounts for 12-13 percent of Hungary’s gross national product in a year, and is an extremely important employer and contributes to the strengthening...

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There is a wide range of sustainable management practices

There are many farming practices that can be incorporated and applied in the production process, and that are also in line with sustainable efforts, which can be beneficial to domestic...

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Lidl Seeks To Set Standards For Sustainable Water Management

Lidl has set a series of standards for sustainable water management, saying that by February 2026, 100% of the fruit and vegetables that it sources from nine risk countries, including...

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Lidl Seeks To Set Standards For Sustainable Water Management

Lidl has set a series of standards for sustainable water management, saying that by February 2026, 100% of the fruit and vegetables that it sources from nine risk countries, including...

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Inflation hampers global alcohol spend in Q3

More than 50% of those who have cut back on their grocery shopping say they have cut out alcohol altogether in the last three months. Over half of those cutting...

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Lajta cheese received EU protection

The European Commission has registered another name for Hungarian cheese, thus increasing the number of Hungarian geographical indications under EU protection to 86, so the names of 33 food products,...

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Nomad Foods to close plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The factory in Čitluk will close by December with the loss of 52 jobs. Nomad Foods, the European frozen foods supplier, plans to close a plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina....

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In order to protect egg producers, it is necessary to take action against faulty EU decisions

The domestic egg sector has developed significantly in the past decade, however, the achieved results are threatened by the thoughtless actions of the European Commission. While the EU allows Ukrainian...

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EPR returns – not worth the trick

The ever-approaching deadline of October 20 has kept the Hungarian business sector in a frenzy for a long time. The first EPR declarations must be submitted by now. Many details...

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Through a glass darkly…

The past period has put a mirror in front of domestic wholesalers, who have been forced to look at what they are doing right and wrong. Experts say the key...

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The SPAR in Szigony Street has been renovated inside and out with an investment of HUF one billion

The modernized Józsefváros community square will become the new commercial center of the SPAR supermarket in Szigony Street in Budapest, which was renovated at a cost of one billion forints....

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Tesco has extended its anti-inflation safety net

According to the data of the Price Watcher, the cheapest chicken breast fillets have been available at Tesco since August. In order to reduce the expenses of the customers, the...

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IKEA closed the 2023 fiscal year with a 5.7 percent increase

Today, Ingka Group announced an IKEA retail turnover of EUR 41.7 billion[i] for the 2023 financial year[ii], which represents an increase of 5.7 percent compared to last year (EUR 39.5...

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Rossmann brought the drugstore even closer to our home

In addition to the classic pick-up methods, orders placed at the Rossmann Online Pharmacy can also be picked up from parcel machines. The number of collection points across the country...

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Egg Challenge: a Spanish-Hungarian-French egg consumption promotion campaign was launched with EU funds

The Hungarian Poultry Product Council (BTT) and its Spanish and French sister organizations (INPROVO and SNIPO) won European Union support for the promotion of egg consumption between 2023 and 2025....

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Wine harvest at Auchan: if it’s October, it’s a wine fair

Auchan’s wine and champagne selection also competes with specialty stores. 150 Hungarian wineries are represented in approx. With 1,000 types of wine and 200 types of champagne, including many new...

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Az Albertsons 30 percen belül házhoz szállít

Az Albertsons szeptember közepén jelentette be, hogy új e-kereskedelmi szolgáltatást indít „Flash” (azaz Villám) néven, amely a vállalat több mint 2000 Albertsons, Safeway, Vons, Jewel-Osco, Shaw’s, Acme és Tom Thumb...

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Smoothie-val buzdít az Edeka őssejt-adományozásra

A német Edeka a DKMS nonprofit szervezettel együttműködve dobta piacra limitált kiadású All in Fruits „Mund auf!” smoo­thie-ját, amellyel igyekszik minél többeket az őssejt-adományozásban való részvételre ösztönözni. Az Edeka minden...

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Hungarians are less worried about the climate crisis than the global average

Hungarians feel the negative effects of climate change more and more on their own skin, however, they consider the livelihood crisis to be the most important problem of the present...

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Óvatosan kell kezelni a növényvédőszerek határértékeit

A zöldségekben, gyümölcsökben engedélyezett különböző gyom-, gomba- és rovarirtók maradványainak szabályos mennyisége aszerint kerül megállapításra, hogy mekkora adag jelent veszélyt az egészségre, amennyiben kizárólag az adott élelmiszerből, kizárólag az adott...

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Tesco has introduced a quantity restriction again

According to the data of Árhielő, recently the cheapest place to buy chicken breast fillets is Tesco, which is why many people have bought this product in recent months. Due...

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József Bernáth bids farewell to Frutti, Veggi and Káosz with autumn delicacies

At the last press workshop of the European Fresh Team program this year, a cabbage and apple dish evoking a real autumn flavor was prepared under the direction of chef...

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