Company and Personal News


2006 brought record net revenues for Chio-Wolf Magyarország Kft : HUF 12,1 billion which is 5 per cent more than a year before. This result is made even more remarkable...

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IMIGe for your health

Pharmaceutical products can now be bought outside pharmacies as well. Communication of OTC products outside pharmacies has been with us for a while. An example of this is the IMIGe...

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From ice making to ice tea

FÁÜ began production of Pepsi Cola in 1970. They no longer have sales reps travelling by tram, but other changes have also taken place since PepsiCo became the owner. The...

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Change in ownership of Mecsek Füszért

Nyírzem ZRt. has acquired a majority share in Mecsek Füszért. Following the acquisition, the two companies will operate 225 stores with a retail turnover of almost HUF 25 billion, while...

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12 petrol stations selling OTC products

Sales of OTC products in petrol stations have begun successfully. Consumers are looking for pain killers, fever reducers and anti-cold products. Sales are strongest during the weekends. The provisions of...

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Szentkirályi winning again

Szentkirályi mineral water won an award in Paris again this year, at the Mondial Spa & Beautè exhibition. Szentkirályi won the award for the best foreign carbonated mineral water again...

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Lekkerland: wholesale, logistics, service

Lekkerland provides a full scope of services for the Hungarian convenience market, using numerous channels. Lekkerland has 1600 clients in Hungary, including petrol stations, industrial kitchens, retail outlets. Their assortment...

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Born to be the face

As an authentic representative of the Pepsi philosophy, Gaby the sexy housewife from Desperate Housewifes, alias Eva Longoria is the face of the advertising campaign for the new Pepsi Max...

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Aiming for 500 again

Scania ended an excellent year in 2006. Revenues, income and cash-flow reached an all time record. Registered orders were 44 per cent up compared to the previous year. Production capacity...

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Iglo prize game

Iglo succeeded in activating 300 thousand consumers with its SMS prize game during the last four months of 2006. During the promotional campaign, with a Peugeot 207 as first prize,...

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New warehouse

DHL Express Magyarország Kft. will establish a 3 hectare logistic centre in Budapest with an investment of HUF 4,5 billion. It will be completed in August or September 2007. A...

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LLP becoming an Infor partner

LLP Group has become an official partner of Infor, the third largest business software supplier in the world. LLP Group is the official regional distributor of SunSystems, the business and...

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BILK changing its loading machinery

BILK Kombiterminál Zrt. began to change its fleet of mobile loading machinery last year. They purchase two new machines for HUF 300 million. They also made improvements in the software...

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Törleys and art

A joint exhibition by two members of the Törley family has opened in Budafok. The paintings of Magdolna Piukovics and the sculptures of her daughter, R. Mária Törley are displayed...

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Wincanton moving into new location

Wincanton has moved into new premises of 21,600 square meters in ProLogis Park, in Gyál, near the junction of M5 and M0. Wincanton rents over 172 000 square meters of...

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IMIGe getting stronger internationally

IMIGe with Czech, Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish offices and Sales Activation Solutions (SAS) Lts. have established a new holding under the name POS Media Group. IMIGe used to be owned...

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Growing number of destinations

Gebrüder Weiss Szállítmányozási és Logisztikai Kft. achieved a 16 per cent increase in turnover in 2006, maintaining its leading position in South Eastern European grouped forwarding services. They have 170...

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Originally, I wanted to write down a few thoughts about brand building and its strategic role, in connection with the 30 year success story of SIÓ, but I have changed...

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Winning Zwack spirits

Of the ten spirits of Zwack Unicum Nyrt. nominated, 8 received prizes at the World Spirits Award competition held in Klagenfurt. Erdei Szeder és Bodza, Fehér Eper, Érlelt Cigánymeggy introduced...

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Sending packages from the local grocery

GLS General Logistics System Hungary Csomag-Logisztikai Kft. intends to increase the number of its partners doing deliveries from 130 to 350 in 2007 and to 750 in 2008. They hope...

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To break conventions

Zsolt Mészáros became the marketing manager of Borsodi Sörgyár ZRt. in January 2007. He had spent 13 years with Unilever in various marketing positions. He began his career as a...

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Shrinking costs, growing profits

InBev, the largest brewery group in world has published its 2006 results. The organic volume of sales increased by 5,5 per cent last year, while revenues grew by 7,9 per...

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