Company and Personal News

(HU) Nyomonkövetési tréningek a GS1 Magyarországtól

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Kunsági Éden Special

We do believe that it is in Hungary, and especially in the Kunság region where sunflower growing has one of the biggest traditions, going back nearly 100 years. The expertise of...

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(HU) Nőtt az Univer Bébiételek piacrészesedése

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The customer number record has been broken in the ALDI shop in the Sziget

More than 32,000 buyers have visited ALDI’s 375-square-meter store during the first five days of the Sziget Festival, where they could buy at retail prices this year. In the first...

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The Magyarvíz Kft. sold 16 percent more mineral water during the first half of the year

The Magyarvíz Kft. sold 16 percent more bottles of mineral water during the first half of the year than in the same period of last year, the company told MTI....

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Electronic payment is beneficial to everyone at the Cashless Sziget Festival

Financial Awareness Government Strategy adopted by the government is linked in many points to the Sziget Festival, which is the largest music festival on the continent, Hornung Ágnes, Minister of...

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The country’s largest pasta factory has doubled its capacity

Test production has started at the country’s largest pasta factory in Gyermely. With the start of the new plant, the Gyermelyi Zrt. doubles its pasta making capacity, which is as...

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SuperShop: Hungary’s most popular multi-vendor loyalty program strenghtens with a new marketing leadership

A new marketing leader, Csongovai Tamás strengthens the team of SuperShop team from August 2018. Csongovai Tamás has gained several decades of operational and managerial experience in the FMCG sector....

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The Rubin Kft. will modernize its pepper mill and its laboratory from about 400 million HUF

The Rubin Szegedi Fűszerpaprika Feldolgozó Kft. has announced that it will upgrade its pepper mill and its laboratory. The investments will cost more than 381 million forints, of which about...

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The OTP Real Estate Fund bought the MOM Park

The OTP Real Estate Fund has purchased Budapest’s MOM Park. The net asset value of one of the largest real estate investment fund in Hungary has exceeded 310 billion forints...

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More than 100 bands to take part at the DreherFeszt Discovery Music Talent

Within the joint Discovery Music Talent of the Brewery Festival and the Lángoló Gitárok (Blazing Guitars), a total of 117 bands, took part. Dreher invited the cool gourmet Sass Dani...

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SPAR: demand towards own branded products has grown

Customers can choose from 2.700 custom-branded goods in the SPAR network. The company has continually expands the range of products, not only in quantity but also in its composition. The...

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Tesco awaits the students with 100,000 schoolbags

Whether children prepare to start 1st grade or higher class from September, school supplies need to be obtained before the start of the school year. The most important of these...

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Exclusive experience with Kométa, meet personally with Ivan Basso or Alberto Contador!

On the occasion of the six-day Tour de Hongrie, which starts on August 14, two of the great stars of bicycle racing; Alberto Contador and Ivan Basso will visit Hungary....

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Appeninn negotiates about Aldi stores

After purchasing 18 Spar businesses, the Appeninn Holding announced today that it purchased a commercial real estate property in Miskolc for 513 million USD – Világgazdaság Online wrote. In addition...

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(HU) Teljes kiőrlésű purpur vekni az ALDI-nál

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Car-free IKEA to be built in Vienna

IKEA’s new Viennese store, which is expected to be ready in 2021, is a unique concept in the store chain’s history. It will be located in the city center at...

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Starbucks opens its first online cafes in China

Starbucks and Alibaba Group have signed a strategic partnership agreement aimed at transforming the coffee experience and the cafe services in China – Világgazdaság Online wrote. One of the aims...

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Auchan switches to festival mode at Sziget

With an extended Sunday opening, a variety of festival packages and healthy food, the visitors of the Sziget festival will be welcomed by the Auchan of Óbuda, days before the...

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Bónusz Brigád: the online coupon market turnover may reach 13 billion forints this year

The total turnover of the online bonus-coupon market in the first full year after its launch in 2011 was 3.5 billion forints, in 2014 it reached 10.2 billion and is...

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Be The Coca-Cola Poster Face!

Here is the opportunity to sign up for Coca-Cola Magyarország’s autumn poster campaign! Now, you can be the poster face of Coca-Cola Magyarország, after Palvin Barbara, Mihalik Enikő and Freddie!...

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The Rubin has proved that Hungarian paprika is still world-class

The Rubin Kft. has received tremendous recognition at Great Taste Awards food tasting competition in the UK, which is also known as the Oscars for Foods. Three of its products...

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New Communications Manager at Coca-Cola Magyarország

Szűcs Judit became the new corporate relations and communications manager of the Coca-Cola Magyarország Kft. The specialist came from Microsoft, where she worked for four years as a communications manager....

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New Chief Executive Officer in the lead of SALDO Zrt.

For nearly 60 years, the SALDO Zrt. is specialized for publishing and teaching activities and providing IT services. The 172-member shareholders’ meeting of the SALDO Zrt. decided to entrust Dr....

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New marketing and communications director at the Gundel Restaurant

Angelus Barbara, who has gained experience in the brand building of several five-star hotel brand in Hungary joins the renewed Gundel Restaurant’s team. Angelus Barbara began her career at the...

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GVH: the Csányi Group can buy the Hungerit Zrt.

The Csányi Group can buy the Hungerit Poultry Processing and Foodstuffs Co. because it does not cause adverse competitive effects – the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) told MTI on Thursday....

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Tesco donates food from three-quarters of its stores in Hungary

At the beginning of June, new stores joined Tesco’s multi-award-winning food-saving program, so 150 of the supermarket chain’s 205 domestic stores now offer food surplus from their daily operations. In...

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The Auchan School Start Fair has already begun

According to the experiences of the Auchan stores, many families are beginning to prepare to start school early in July, but most of them end up purchasing the tools by...

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Zwack Unicum Plc.’s revenue and profits grew in the first quarter

Zwack Unicum Plc.’s gross income became 5,976 billion forints in the first quarter of its 2018-2019 business year, 13.3 percent higher than in the previous year. At the same time,...

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