Posts From trademagazin

New ice cream products for gourmets

Consumers have become more price sensitive in ice cream buying as well, and this led to more sales in promotion and a strikingly high market share for PL products. Dr...

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Price reigns among patés and spreads

Economic hardships started a restructuring process on the meat product market – to the detriment of patés and spreads. One of the reasons for this was a 6.1-percent increase in...

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Image carriers on the go

András Gerencsér from Béflex Solution Kft. and Balázs Koncz from Nordenskjöd Design Kft. told Trade magazin that efficient fleet decoration is image-focused and does not feature too much text or...

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A fleet in good hands

There are a couple of factors in the domain of fleet financing and management that give way to optimism: tenders are going to be reannounced and changes in legislation may...

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The GPS sees everything

iData Kft. is an acknowledged Hungarian satellite tracking company. Company head Lajos Szabó has realised the importance of this kind of service and created iTrack GPS, which is now used...

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METRO cast their vote on a reliable type

A new vehicle fleet aids the work of METRO’s 140 regional sales reps, giving team members a uniform technological background and look. Yvette Krubl, communications manager of METRO Hungary told...

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Food-chain safety tests in the ham-product sphere

Prior to the Easter-season, the National Foodchain-safety Authority has ordered a detailed check-up to examine all ham-products. The county-authorities have checked producers as well as shops. Throughout the controlling process,...

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European egg production decreases by a weekly 200 million pieces

As Easter is approaching, eggs are getting more expensive Europe and it seems that shortage will occur from eggs, as the primarily result of the new European Union regulation. According...

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Fazekas Sándor: the government aims to increase the proportion of food distributed by the producers

The government in its National Rural Strategy points out that they are willing to increase the proportion of food sold directly by producers from 7 percent to 20 percent until...

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The Gyulai Húskombinát reached 8 billion HUF revenue last year

The Gyulai Húskombinát (Meat Facory of Gyula) closed the 2011 fiscal year with 8 billion HUF revenue and with 400 to 500 million HUF losses – informed MTI Ruck János,...

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German retail declines for five months

The sluggish domestic consumption – despite the generally good economic climate – continues to slow down the upturn of the German retail trade: German retail sales declined for the fifth...

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New dm store opened in Debrecen

The dm drogerie chain has opened its new store in Debrecen on 29 March 2012. On the occasion of the opening, the store awaits the customers with 5X points and...

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Príma Pék Kft. expanded its premises

The Príma Pék Kft. expanded its premises with a 312 million HUF investment and created new jobs – the company told MTI on Thursday. The company won 100 million HUF...

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The Cuvée of the Eszterbauer winery became the year's top wine in Szekszárd

Eszterbauer winery’s cuvee made of Cabernet Franc and Merlot became the best red wine of the Szekszárd wine region’s wine competition this year. For the twelfth edition of the historic...

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METRO joins to the Earth Hour initiative for the fifth time

All illuminated signs of every METRO stores will be turned off in Hungary for an hour. The protection of the environment is important element of the operation of Metro. In...

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Erzsébet-vouchers are introduced into the Tesco stores

Tesco is the first international supermarket chain where costumers can pay with Erzsébet-vouchers. Tesco contracted with the National Holiday Service that in 176 hypermarkets and  supermarkets Tesco in Elizabeth vouchers...

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Smokers: comply with the ban, if you can!

The violators of the new smoking law will be penalized from the 1st of April. The Society of Smokers does not consider the law realistic at several points, but requests...

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Gastrobloggers for kids with birth injuries

Twenty-seven gastrobloggers – including ízbolygó, mirelle konyhája, narancskonyha, nemisbéka, maxkonyhája as well as the Gézengúz Foundation are willing to help to the birth injured. In the scope of the Segítsüti...

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Product of the year Hungary 2012 – the winners

Product of the Year creates an opportunity for manufacturers to introduce their innovative products to consumers as soon as possible. Using the logo differentiates the given product from similar goods,...

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PwC: Hungary is still an attractive investment location

According to the PwC advisory group, Hungary is still an attractive destination for those who are wishing to invest. Supports and subsidies are important to the investors, because these are...

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KSH: 51 thousand more people are working than a year ago

The number of employees in December 2011 – February 2012 was 3 million 794 thousand, 51 thousand more than a year ago – the Central Statistical Office told MTI on...

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Magazine: Only real-chocolate Easter figure sales grew

Despite the economic environment and consumers cutting down on their spending, Easter sweets did surprisingly well last year. Andrea Szabó, Nestlé Hungária Kft.’s junior brand manager (seasonal confectionery) told Trade...

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Consumer-friendly enterprise application was announced

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH), in order to promote attitude in compliance with the law, announced a consumer-friendly enterprise application for small and medium enterprises of trade and catering....

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New supermarket by Szabolcs-Coop

Szabolcs-Coop is waiting for customers with a new, freshly built Coop-design supermarket in Nyíregyháza, built on a 200 million HUF investment....

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Open Cellar Days to be organized again in May

The Association of Open Cellars, the Bacchus Arts Studio and the Hungarian National Tourist Office, announce the Open Cellar Days between May 26 to 28, for the seventh time.ű In...

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Budai Gyula will negotiate on behalf of the government with the leaders of the Gyulai Húskombinát

The Rural Development Minister appointed Budai Gyula, Parliamentary Secretary to negotiate on behalf of the government with the leaders of the Gyulai Húskombinát (Meat Factory of Gyula). The communication states:...

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Auchan introduced fuel card payments

Auchan offers fuel cards to individuals and to companies as well. The card can be claimed at Infocenter, Auchan’s website or through customer services. Auchan planned the introduction of the...

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Coca-Cola's largest manufacturing base in China was handed over

U.S. Coca-Cola inaugurated its largest manufacturing base and its forty second bottling plant on Thursday, in Liaoning province, North East China. Muhtar Kent, Coca-Cola's Chief Executive Officer told that nine...

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Kiwi instead of high blood pressure tablets

Norwegian researchers have demonstrated that the kiwi has an impressive antihypertensive effect. Its regular consumption decreases blood pressure to its normal values – can be read in the study of...

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Some Chinese tea species are more expensive than gold

As the spring season approaches, the price of some Chinese tea species increased into heights never seen before. The highest quality, rare tea spiecialties are considered as luxury presents today,...

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