Tag "tejágazat"

The export price of raw milk was 19 percent lower than the average producer price

The producer price of raw milk expressed in national currency in April 2024 did not change in the USA, decreased by 3 percent in the European Union and 5 percent...

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K&H and the Tej Product Council signed a cooperation agreement

At the European Union level, the number of dairy cows may decrease by more than 2 million by 2035, while milk yields per cow will increase. In order for the...

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The processing sales price of dairy products increased by 2 to 6 percent

According to data from AKI PÁIR, the national average producer price of raw milk in Hungary was HUF 161.98/kilogram in December 2023. In addition to a 0.07 percentage point improvement...

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The operation of the social marketing fund of the milk sector continues

The way to preserve health is through healthy nutrition, which is why the Ministry of Agriculture continues to support the promotion of milk consumption with all means. To this end, the...

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The export price of raw milk decreased by 20 percent in one year

According to AKI PÁIR data, the national average producer price of raw milk in Hungary was HUF 159.56/kilogram in November 2023. In addition to a 0.07 percentage point improvement in...

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In December, additional significant sums will help the dairy sector

After the advance payment, in the last month of the year, additional payments from EU and national sources will be received by the actors of the dairy sector, indicating the...

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A precision milk production laboratory was built in Kaposvár

A so-called precision milk production laboratory featuring the most modern technical solutions for cow husbandry was built on the Kaposvár campus of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences...

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Another project with AKI participation – ET4D

New digital technologies are expensive, while they are often limited to a narrow area of use, so their spread in animal husbandry is slow. The ET4D project focuses on the...

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Responsibilities of cattle, sheep and goat keepers for uniform applications

In relation to the 2023 application for EU direct and rural development subsidies for cattle, sheep and goat farmers, the Ministry of Agriculture once again draws the attention of livestock...

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AM: European farmers should not be burdened with excessive regulations

At the invitation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Henryk Kowalczyk, the EU agriculture ministers met in Bialystok, Poland, on the occasion of the 19th International...

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World Milk Day is the success of the dairy sector in Hungary today

It took a lot of work to make the dairy sector a success in Hungary today, based on the cooperation of processors and producers, the involvement of retailers in the...

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As a true innovator, Mizo reigns in the dairy market

Bonafarm is one of the biggest food groups in the region. The group’s meat and dairy sector marketing teams think innovatively, as they are positioning brands and products that have...

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Additional resources for the dairy sector again

The government is committed to the development of domestic milk production and milk processing, therefore the actors of the sector will receive additional resources for development and expansion in the...

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Milk Product Council: we should prevent the decline of Hungarian dairy products on the market

In the interest of the future of the Hungarian dairy sector, it is necessary to prevent domestically produced products from being pushed out of their own markets, the Milk Product...

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The deadline for submitting animal welfare payments in the dairy sector expires

The deadline for dairy farms to apply for an extension of the commitment period expires on 22 February 2021 – the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) told MTI on Wednesday. According...

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Costs in the dairy sector rose 15-18 percent

The Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council has recently conducted a wide-ranging survey of dairy production and processing delegates in order to obtain a more accurate, quantified picture of the...

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AM: extends the commitment period of the Bovine Milk and Animal Welfare Call

Due to the length of the legislative procedure for the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) extended the commitment period of the “Animal Welfare Restructuring Support”...

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Brexit could bring chaos in the dairy sector

The English dairy market has so far survived the coronavirus without any particular problems. There are signs that a pandemic will not change much there in the future either. Ian...

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The dairy sector has also been hit by the effects of the epidemic

The dairy sector was also hit by the coronavirus this week. These days, product councils and professional organizations in North America and the British Isles have called on farmers to...

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AM: the position of the dairy sector is stable

The situation in the dairy sector is stable, there is no surplus on the international dairy market, and the six-month average price of milk is also very high – Bognár...

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A tripartite cooperation agreement was reached to develop the data service for the dairy sector

A cooperation agreement was signed on 14 November, in Velence by the Agricultural Research Institute (AKI), the National Food Chain Security Agency (NÉBIH) and the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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55 billion forints for dairy farmers

The Rural Development Programme had earmarked HUF 36.5 billion in subsidies for the well-being of cows. Since applications for funding were sent in for a value of HUF 55.4 billion, the...

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The FM proposes a reasonable self-regulation in the dairy sector based on solidarity

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) proposes a reasonable self-regulation based on solidarity, in the dairy sector to all participants – Fazekas Sándor Minister said after a professional forum on the...

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The NAV concluded an agreement with the Dairy Product Council

The Milk Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board is working together with NAV in the monitoring of the Hungarian dairy trade market and in the making of the conditions in the...

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KAVOSZ: the enterprises of the milk and pig sector can also receive costless and interest-free loan

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) provides cost-free interest rate-free credits to the small and medium-sized enterprises dealing with dairy cow and pig breeding through the Agricultural Széchenyi Cards – the...

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Dairy Product Board: turning point in the dairy sector

Trend turning point occured in the dairy sector in recent times. The declining trend of prices has stopped and a price increase started in the market – the chairman of...

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The Hungarian dairy sector receives three billion HUF support from the EU

The European Union on Monday decided on the new support package of 500 billion euros for the milk sector. Hungary will be given 2.7 percent (9.5 million euros) of the...

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A comprehensive dairy sector strategy may help

In the European-level milk crisis government help alone isn’t enough: market players need to cooperate in the medium and long term if they want to solve the problems – participants...

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The V4 Chambers of Agriculture urging new measures in milk and pork case

The chambers of agriculture of the V4 countries – Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary – call for new measures to help the dairy and pig sectors – at their...

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Chamber of Agriculture: there is a need to extend the deadline for the submission of the single applications

There is a need to extend the submission deadline of the EU's agricultural support application, because compared to last year’s 132 a thousand applications, this year only 120 thousand applications...

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