Tag "Shell Café"

Serve breakfast like a king…

Most people think of breakfast as the healthiest main meal – even late risers share this view –and this is something that the food and hospitality industry should take into...

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Convenient and quick shopping and renewed seasonal offers at Shell service stations!

In 2024 Tesco mini shops at Shell service stations continue to offer customers a colourful selection of food, great prices and long opening hours at 63 locations across the country....

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StarStore – Év Kereskedője 2023: Átadtuk a díjakat

A Trade magazin idén már 9. alkalommal hívta versenyezni a Magyarországon bejegyzett székhellyel rendelkező értékesítési pontokat és üzletláncokat. A rangos verseny díjátadására a szakma legnagyobb konferenciájának, a Business Daysnek gálavacsoráján került...

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Az érzékekre hatnak a Shell Café új prémium saját márkás nassolnivalói

Édes élvezetekre csábító szeletes csokoládék és csokoládéval bevont magvak a bővülő kínálatban Vonzó külső és az ízlelőbimbókat kényeztető beltartalom egyesül a Shell Cafék új saját márkás édességeiben. A prémium minőséget képviselő...

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A Shell több hazai rendezvényen is saját food truckján kínálja a Shell Café ízeit

Rendezvények, sport- és kulturális fesztiválok látogatói számára hozza „házhoz” a Shell Cafék által nyújtott élményt a Shell újonnan útjára indított food truckja. A mozgó kávézóban a Shell Café közkedvelt prémium...

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Tankolás, teljes kényelemben

Az üzemanyagkártya-piacon egyre nagyobb hangsúlyt kap a digitalizáció, ezzel együtt nő a fogyasztók kényelmi funkciók iránti igénye is. Ennek köszönhetően fokozatosan bővül az üzemanyagkártya-forgalmazók által biztosított szolgáltatások köre, valamint az...

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The Shell Café Food Truck has started its journey

Shell Hungary zRt. launched the Shell Café Food Truck in July, which brings the premium products of Shell Cafés, including freshly made barista coffee specialties in both hot and iced...

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Tesco mini shops at more Shell service stations

Convenient shopping and refueling in one place – this is what Shell and Tesco’s joint innovative service has been providing to Shell’s domestic customers since 2019. An increasing number of...

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Shell shops add private label and gourmet foods to their product selection

Shell service stations are waiting for customers not only with premium quality motor fuels, but also excellent foods and drinks in Shell Cafés. Shoppers can now buy the silky smooth...

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The new favourites of conscious shoppers are now available in Shell shops

Since its launch in August 2021, many Hungarian shoppers have got to know and like the Shell Café brand. In addition to Shell Café coffees, sandwiches and bakery items, from...

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At the end of September, Hungary’s first Shell Café opened that isn’t located at a service station, in the building of the Budaörs Tesco. Shell and Tesco started their cooperation...

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New Tesco minishops are opening at Shell stations

Shell and Tesco have been working together in Hungary since 2009, and the partners recently announced that Shell will install electric car charging points in the parking lots of Tesco...

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Breakfast in the morning, midday and in the evening

Neither what we have for breakfast, nor our breakfast habits are the same as they used to be 10-20 years ago. Perhaps the biggest change is that the term “breakfast”...

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Shell Café: Sustainable refreshment on the go

In August 2021 Shell introduced its Shell Café barista coffee specialty brand to 14 European markets, including Hungary. Since the launch more than 1.5 million cups have been sold at...

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Atypical hospitality

These days the term ‘atypical’ is most frequently used in the domain of employment. In in the context of hospitality it describes not special restaurant concepts or extremities, but the...

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More than one and a half million people tasted the new coffees at Shell Café during the semester

Made in South America or Africa, for short or long periods, with or without milk, Shell customers are looking for Shell Café barista coffee specialties in many variations, which have...

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It also depends on the quality of the coffee, where we stop on the way

Hungarians are again spending more time on the road, and on the way to school and the office they are ready to return to their pre-restriction habits. During long trips,...

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Perfect start of the day at Shell service stations

Shell is thinking about those who have to leave their homes early in the morning: the Shell Café units at their service stations offer tasty food, fresh baked goods and...

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