Tag "sertéshús"

Meat consumption in Germany at an all-time low

Germans have not eaten so little meat for decades, at least according to the preliminary data of the Federal Centre for Agricultural Information (BZL). Per capita meat consumption of 52...

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The price of pork in the neighborhood can skyrocket

The price of pork in Slovakia is spectacularly high, and another price increase is expected in April. “Pork meat can become more expensive by 15-18 percent only in March, with...

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Pork may become more expensive in the coming months

In the case of meat, we can expect a 10 percent price increase after the introduction of the price cap, primarily in the price of pork, but it is also...

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The German and Hungarian agricultural economies are linked by a thousand threads

Germany is traditionally Hungary’s most important economic partner in the agricultural sector as well – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy, who received German Ambassador Julia Gross in his office...

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Tamás Tarpataki: pork consumption has increased in Hungary

In Hungary, pork consumption has increased recently, it has now reached 30 kilograms per person per year, and is in second place after the poultry sector – said Tamás Tarpataki,...

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Global food prices fell in January, according to the FAO

According to data published on the website of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on Friday, the overall price index was 131.2 points in January, which...

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Pork could soon be a luxury

Unfortunately, the year 2022 significantly weakened the pig sector, and they had to face several factors of price increases. Although he did not want to make predictions, he revealed this...

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There will be no shortage of Hungarian pork during the holiday season either

There will be no shortage of high-quality Hungarian pork during the festive season, and pig farmers can count on the support of the government even in the most difficult times...

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Meat continues to become more expensive: a Hungarian farmer loses HUF 50-100 for each kilogram of pork produced

The spread of African swine fever (ASP), the decrease in global production, the coronavirus epidemic, the drought, and then the wartime sanctions did not do the meat market any good...

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According to the KSH, agricultural producer prices increased by 40 percent in the first half of the year

Agricultural producer prices increased by 40 percent in the first half of 2022, the prices of plant products and animals and animal products also increased significantly, by 44 percent and...

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A kilo of pork could soon cost up to 4,000 HUF

The small producers of the pork sector are extremely disappointed, but the larger meat plants are not optimistic either. A significant increase in the current prices would be justified, as...

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We can see a strong price increase at the meat counters in the near future

The pork consumption of Hungarians has changed significantly in recent decades: although after the change of regime, the pork and meat products preferred by consumers were partially replaced by products...

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DSM predicts that consumers will switch from more expensive meats to poultry

From the Tuesday forecast of the Dutch chemical company DSM, it can be read that due to the constantly rising food prices, customers are increasingly choosing cheaper poultry meat instead...

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(HU) Hogyan válasszunk darálthúst az élelmiszerüzletben – A nap képe

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Microplastics have also been found in the meat, milk and blood of farm animals

For the first time, microplastic contamination was found in beef and pork, milk, and the blood of cows and pigs, The Guardian wrote on Friday based on Dutch research. In...

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A campaign is launched to promote summer pork consumption

The Ministry of Agriculture, the Agricultural Marketing Center and the Hungarian Meat Industry Association are promoting the consumption of pork in their summer barbecue campaign. The aim of the campaign,...

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Kaufland switches to 100 percent German pork

Demonstrating that Kaufland values sustainable German agriculture and supports long-term agreements with suppliers and subcontractors, the retailer switches to 100 percent German-origin pork in the future. Under its K-Wertschätze quality...

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A campaign is launched to promote pork consumption

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the National Association of Mangalica Breeders are promoting the consumption of pork for the tenth time this year in...

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Kurucz Agro Kft: from farmland to the table

Kurucz Agro Kft. Is a family-owned company group, which serves the customers by implementing the “farmland to table” philosophy – Kurucz Ferenc, the company’s managing director and owner said, writes...

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Pork can become more expensive

Consumers could prepare for a serious price explosion in the pork market, as the fluctuating year of 2021 has led to such an increase in producers’ costs that they will...

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Magazine: Highs and lows

In 2020 the combined output of meat processing and preserving companies was HUF 350 billion, while meat product makers manufactured in the value of HUF 210 billion. Tamás Éder, president...

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Kaufland To Switch Completely To German-Origin Fresh Pork Next Year

Kaufland has announced that it plans to switch its entire range of fresh pork to German-origin meat in the coming year. Currently, around 80% of all fresh pork and 100%...

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Kometa will not reduce the current purchase price of pork

Kometa 99 Zrt. will not reduce the basic purchase price of pigs per kilo below the current 1.2 euros in the event of a further decline in the market price,...

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Aldi is expanding the domestic meat offer in its stores in Hungary

Aldi’s Hungarian stores will produce only pork and beef from Hungarian suppliers from October, the store chain announced at a press conference in Budapest on Monday. The expansion of the...

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Pig farming is becoming more expensive, meat prices are stagnating

While a rapid rise in food prices has been observed recently, pork has been stagnating at low prices for a long time. This puts the sector in a very difficult...

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Magazine: Modern conservatives

Shoppers didn’t buy more salami or sausage last year, but they left more money in shops. According to Zoltán Nagygyörgy, product manager of Pick Szeged Zrt., people consumed more food...

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A campaign to encourage the consumption of pork is launched

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the Association of Hungarian Meat Industry (Meat Association) will continue their campaign to promote the consumption of pork and...

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Meat exports to Singapore can continue on exceptionally favorable terms

From now on, Hungary can supply pork and meat products to Singapore on more favorable terms than before, domestic producers do not have to meet any additional requirements for exports...

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There will be Easter and there will be ham too

Production continued The swine flu and COVID-19 had a big effect on the meat industry last year: the price of live pig dropped considerably, which put pig farmers in a...

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Innovative solutions for high quality pork

Bóly Zrt., part of the Bonafarm Group, the Kaposvár Campus of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and the consortium established by the University of Debrecen within the...

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