Magazine: Highs and lows

By: Budai Klára Date: 2021. 12. 14. 07:16
Éder Tamás, Magyar Húsiparosok Szövetsége

Tamás Éder
Hungarian Meat Industry Federation

In 2020 the combined output of meat processing and preserving companies was HUF 350 billion, while meat product makers manufactured in the value of HUF 210 billion. Tamás Éder, president of the Hungarian Meat Industry Federation told that in the first half of 2021 volume turnover was up more than 10 percent in both segments.

African swine flu caused problems in the sector in several waves, plus the COVID-19 pandemic changed the sales shares of various retail channels. The HoReCa sector and mass catering were out of business for months, and those meat companies that were mainly selling to these sectors found themselves in a difficult situation. On the contrary, those companies which had close ties with retail chains could realise massive sales during the pandemic too.

The sector’s main problem is the extreme volatility in prices on the short run

Hardships strengthen the cohesion

Mr Éder mentioned extreme price fluctuation as the biggest problem of the sector. He added that growing animal feed and energy prices, plus the rising salary costs are very difficult to compensate for by increasing end product prices. The president added that progress has been made in the last few years in the relationship with retailers. More and more chains sell only Hungarian fresh meat if it is possible. As environmental protection and animal welfare rules are going to be become stricter, production prices will rise and this will mean higher consumer prices too – resulting in further challenges for the sector.

Durable contact to retail chains ensured companies relatively stable turnover also during the pandemic



Premium quality pork: Good taste and essential components

Eating pork is a culinary experience and this meat variety also contributes to a balanced diet. The recommendation of the National Institute for Food and Nutrition Science (OÉTI) is to have 2-3 portions of meat a day – for instance one portion is 100g of lean pork, poultry or beef, 50g lean cold cut, 40g medium-fat cold cut.

Pork meat contains vitamins B1, B2, niacin, B6 and B12, There is just the right proportion of sodium (85mg/100g) and potassium (442mg/100g) in pork, which contribute to maintaining the water balance of the body. The calcium (16.9mg/100g) in pork is good for the bones and its zinc content (2.6mg/100g) strengthens the immune system. //

The above article has also been published in Issue 2021/12-01 of Trade magazin.