The Christmas pork consumption incentive campaign has started

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 11. 29. 12:00

In Hungary, pork is the second most popular type of meat after poultry, with an annual consumption of approximately 30 kilograms per person.

The vicissitudes of recent years have taken their toll on the sector, but the situation now seems to be stabilizing:

“Despite the adversity of the African swine fever and the coronavirus epidemic, the domestic pig industry was able to ensure the supply of the domestic population. The current period is also challenging, since in addition to the prices of raw materials, the prices of energy carriers are also increasing drastically, and the uncertainty of exports also poses significant challenges to the domestic production and processing enterprises”

– said Gergely Giczi, deputy managing director of the Agrármarketing Centrum, at the campaign launch press conference.


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