Tag "reklám"

New SPAR campaign. For Me. For You.

SPAR launches its latest communication campaign with cheerful, energetic, tight, clip-like commercials in a much more personal tone than before. The campaign was created by Spice Communication. Numerous research, consumer...

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NMHH: the share of advertisings promote domestic products and services is low

There is still very little television advertising to promote domestic products and services, but the accessibility of TV shows remains at 99.9 percent – the National Media and Communications Authority...

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Self-Regulatory Summit in Paris

The leaders of the self-regulatory organizations of 24 countries and the leaders of the European and world organizations of the advertising industry discussed in Paris for three days. On the...

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New leadership (new chapter) at ÖRT

The new president of ÖRT has become dr. Molnár Kálmán, Director of Legal and Corporate Relations at Unilever. Megyer Örs retired from the presidency after 21 years and continues to...

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Guest slogans promote restaurant

El Arroyo, a taco restaurant in Arlington, Texas is famous all over the USA for its funny roadside advertising signs. What makes the concept really professional is that the board...

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A new CBA advertising campaign starts with Icuka and the Hungarian card

CBA’s latest campaign starts in early April, with Icuka being the protagonist again, but now we can see her in a completely new role and environment – origo wrote. image:...

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The rule of advertising for nutritional supplements is changing

The law on specialty medical products will come into force on 22 February – according to which advertising must not contain any health claim. The ÖRT draws attention that the...

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We should also pay attention to the environment in advertisements! – the ÖRT has prepared a guide

The Self-Regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) takes great care of prevention within self-regulation. Now ÖRT has prepared a guide. Now, the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) has made recommendations in order to...

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Roger Federer is the world’s most expensive sports brand

Ever since social media has become an extremely important platform for ads, large companies pay huge amounts of money to those athletes who can reach as many people as possible....

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Fazekas Ildikó in EASA’s Top Management

The European Self-Regulatory Organization (EASA) is renewed every two years, and Ildikó Fazekas, the Secretary-General of the ÖRT, was re-elected. The EASA Bureau meeting was held in Helsinki under the...

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The advertising rules of the football world cup

The ÖRT draws attention to the rules of the upcoming football world cup and its trademarks. It is slowly becoming a tradition that ÖRT explains the advertising rules and trademarks...

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Free wifi makes the Hungarian smartphone user happy

More than half of the Hungarians would receive ads on their devices in exchange for high quality, free wifi services, according to a survey of PushAir. More than half of...

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The Hungarian goalkeeper of Liverpool has become the face of Pepsi

After 12 years, Pepsi is working with a Hungarian footballer again. Bogdán Ádám has become the face of Pepsi in connection with the introduction of the new calorie-free Pepsi Lime...

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Persuasion-free advertisements

The Self-regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) analysed 1,211 advertisements in the press and on television in the November period, in order to find out whether they contain ‘persuasion’: are children asked...

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An amazing idea from IKEA

The Swedish supermarket chain, Ikea has an astonishing marketing idea – origo wrote. The company has had its unusual pulls so far, but now the ideas invented together with a...

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European consumer complaint trends

Compared to the number of advertisements published in Europe, the number of complaints in connection with advertisements is low, but the 65,000 complaints give much work to the European Self-Regulatory...

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Self-regulation: going at full speed

The Self-regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) does a lot for successful self-regulation in advertising. In the first three quarters of 2017 nearly 600 cases ended up at ÖRT to ask for...

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The cooperation of self-regulatory organizations increases faith in advertising for 25 years

The EASA (European Advertising Standards Alliance) was founded twenty-five years ago. Today, 97 percent of the European citizens are able to quickly and efficiently handle complaints about advertising by self-regulation....

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Captain Frankó is back

In the new Arany Ászok ad campaign, those people can be the members of the Frankó Club who stand for themselves and their opinions. The campaign is implemented by the...

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FMCG and retail commercials from a neuromarketing perspective

Synetiq’s neuromarketing team measured more than 1,100 commercials in 2016 with their innovative method, and from these 500 were retail and FMCG ads. The company also kept market expectations and KPIs...

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MRSZ: the advertising market has three and a half years to adapt to the new rules on public advertising

From 28 May, only such advertising tools can be placed in a public space that corresponds to the LXXIV. law. The existing advertising tools that are not in compliance with...

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The NGM submitted the amendments to the law on advertising tax

The National Economy Ministry (NGM) submitted the amendments to the law on advertising tax to the parliament on Tuesday. Despite the decision of Brussels, the government will not ask for...

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Invitel: SMEs are open for Internet marketing applications

The Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are open for Internet marketing applications, most of them already have their own website and a significant number of them would use other...

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Hungarian Advertising Association: advertising surtax is causeless

The communication of the association points out that street advertising tools are in the focus once again, but this time, for tax purposes. The introduction of the street advertising tools...

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European Commission: the Hungarian advertising tax legislation infringes EU rules

The Hungarian advertising tax legislation infringes the EU rules on state support, since its progressive tax rate provides a selective advantage to certain companies – the European Commission announced on...

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Hungarian Advertising Association: the advertising tax is harmful to the entire economy

The Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) still believes that the advertising tax is not only harmful to the industry, but also to the whole economy – the association told MTI on...

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The GVH inspects advertisings appear in the social media as well

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) will examine the communication contents that appear in the social media because the consumer is often unable to find out that whether it is a...

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The Advertising Association stresses the importance of reconciliation in poster case

The Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) and the companies advertising in public places support the aim of the draft law, the reduction of advertising noise. However, they draw the legislator's attention...

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The METRO Cash & Carry won Silver Lion Award at the Cannes Festival in 2016

The METRO Cash & Carry won Silver Lion Award in the “Direct” category with its campaign called “Daily Catch”. The campaign competed with another 3096 campaigns for the award. The...

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Food TV ads reached the most viewers in May

Within the sectors, the TV ads of foods reached the most viewers among the 18-49 year-old viewers in May this year, just like in May 2015. Most recently, the Nielsen...

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