Tag "paradicsom"

Casalasco Offers The Highest Quality Sustainable Products

Casalasco’s supply chain for the cultivation and production of tomatoes is the first in Italy to be fully integrated and tracked, which means that the company knows its tomatoes from...

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DélKerTÉSZ is setting up a new logistics center in Szentes

Higher quantities of Hungarian peppers and tomatoes can reach Hungarian stores, thanks to the fact that the Southern Horticultural Cooperative (DélKERTÉSZ) will establish a new logistics center from 2.7 billion...

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More than 80,000 tons of tomatoes were processed this year by Univer Product

This year, the Kecskemét plant of Univer Product Zrt. processed more than 80,000 tons of tomatoes, the company told MTI. Of the quantity purchased, it produced 15,000 tons of concentrated...

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We love tomatoes and peppers

Tomatoes and peppers are top of the Hungarian vegetable consumption list with their 9 and 12 percent share. Compared to decades, the per capita consumption of vegetables and fruits has...

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The cultivation of a new variety of tomato began in Hungary

The cultivation of a new variety of tomato has started in Hungary, the special dark purple crop will be on the market in the coming months, Syngenta told MTI on...

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Magazine: Tomato’s conquest

Tomato is one of the most popular cooking ingredients, which isn’t only available fresh but also in canned, ketchup, sauce, condiment and cream formats. In general it can be said...

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(HU) Rangos elismerés az ÖMKi tájfajta paradicsompalántáinak!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Italy’s Mutti Launches Mobile Tomato Processing Factory

Italy’s Mutti Group has launched a revolutionary tomato processing plant that shortens the production chain to the bare minimum. The ‘Sul Campo‘ project involves the use of a technology that...

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Special tomatoes coming from gene banks get more and more attention

The gastronomic world is conquered in triumph by the landscape varieties of tomatoes with a special taste, released from the ÖMKi gene bank, which have also paved the way for...

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Russian cucumber and tomato crops have jumped

Nearly 30 percent more vegetables have been harvested in Russian orchards so far in 2020 than in the same period of 2019 – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The largest share comes from...

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Meghódítják a gasztrovilágot a génbankból kiszabadított ritka paradicsomok

Borbás Marcsi, Havas Dóra (Lila Füge) gasztroblogger, a Dining Guide Év Ifjú Séftehetsége díj tavalyi győztese, Farkas Richárd és Vajda József pék is kiáll az elfeledett tájfajták mellett. More informations:...

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Syngenta’s modern paradise demonstration center in the Netherlands has been completed

Syngenta’s new modern paradise showroom in the Netherlands has been built. The Tomato Vision intends to be an important research base, meeting point and knowledge center for partners thinking about...

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Demand toeard tomato-based products increased significantly

The global panic shopping fever has boosted the retail turnover of processed foods, including tomato products – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Tomato processors are watching demand trends with concern and are just...

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Tomato seeds that visited space

The Veresi Paradicsom Kft. cultivates cherry tomato specialties with a high natural value in a hydroculture greenhouse, with a clean natural method, biological plant protection, in a sustainable environmentally friendly...

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Expensive tomato

As of 1 January 2019 the VAT on UHT and ESL milk reduced from 18 to 5 percent. Data from the first 32 weeks of the year indicate that the...

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FruitVeB: Producers can harvest more tomatoes and cucumbers this year

From a smaller production area this year, the producers can harvest 5-10 percent more tomatoes and 5 percent more cucumbers from heated glass and foil houses – FruitVeB predicts. Ledó...

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Nagy István: greenhouse is a serious resource for domestic vegetable production

Greenhouse is a serious resource for domestic vegetable production, and through the Rural Development Program and other subsidies, nearly ninety-one hectares of greenhouses will be built by the end of...

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Lidl introduces new mark for tomatoes

Lidl introduces a new marking system in its stores from mid-July. The method is ranking tomatoes according to their sugar content, which makes it easy for customers to find a...

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It will be a real sensation to find the super-tomatoe

Scientists are working on cultivating tomatoes in an experimental plantation in Israel, which can produce high yield, with a 90 percent lower water consumption. Unusually drought-tolerant types of tomatoes are...

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Tomato Battle in Bunol

About 150,000 kilos of tomatoes were transported to Bunol, west of the Spanish city of Valencia,to the festival on Wednesday, when thousands of revellers will throw them at each other...

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Tomato battle with 160 tonnes of vegetables in Spain

Tens of thousands of festival-goers will battle with 160 tonnes of over-ripe tomatoes to celebrate the 71st anniversary of the massive food fight in the small town of Bunol in...

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Domestic tomato production area increased sevenfold

The domestic industrial tomato growing area increased almost sevenfold in recent years – magyaridok.hu wrote. In the early 2010s the sector was at the edge of extinction. Now tomato has...

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There will be enough Hungarian tomatoes and peppers on the market this year

Hungarian tomatoes and peppers are available for weeks. As it was said at the professional day of Syngenta and the Árpád Agrár Zrt. in Szentes: according to forecasts a sufficient...

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Industrial tomato is the big winner

Hungary’s vegetable output fell by nearly 100,000 tons last year, mainly because of the Russian embargo. However, industrial tomato production surged and there is demand for even more of it....

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Falling tomato prices

According to the recent data, fruit and vegetable imports from third countries significantly increased in the European Union in the last year. The biggest jump occured in South Africa and...

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Technological change is pulling the Hungarian tomato growing upwards

Although the growing area of the domestic greenhouse tomato was halved in the last ten years to 400 hectares, the crop yield has increased steadily: in the past year exceeded...

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Three tons of unmarked tomatoes were destroyed by the finance guards

The finance guards destroyed three tons of unmarked tomatoes: the product were found in a truck on the M1 motorway during a check – the Mid-Pannon Regional Criminal Investigation Directorate...

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